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Indian tomatoes flooding Pakistan, pushing up domestic prices.

tomato terrorism
tomatoes as read as blood

Sir Jee- you clearly exporting terrorism (read tomatoes) to Pakistan-

---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 PM ----------

thanks mate for the new cocktail recipe.. john asad gave me the recipe for tomato pipe.. lol..this place is going to turn me into a junkie soon..:lol:

Aww- i thought you were my stoned to the bone" bro man-
Both countries should take concrete steps to ensure that trade does not create shortages of the product in ones own country...
last year too much onion was exported to india pushing up prices in pakistan

No need, free trade is self balancing and drives towards an equilibrium. That is whole essence of a free trade economy.
No need, free trade is self balancing and drives towards an equilibrium. That is whole essence of a free trade economy.

Our trade with China and Iran needs to be developed, we don't need trade with india.
Our trade with China and Iran needs to be developed, we don't need trade with india.

Thats exactly my sentiment ...No need to trade with Pakistan...But some bleeding hearts just wont listen...
Thats exactly my sentiment ...No need to trade with Pakistan...But some bleeding hearts just wont listen...

We are in total agreement, here. :pakistan:
Everyone is stocking tomatoes rite now ... only 8 days remaining for 3 big days ...... Keep Stocking :cheers:
i love indian tomatoes,, they are very fresh and full of juice and seed unlike local synthetic type tomatoes,

You fools are they cooked? No they are RAW tomatoes.

Three Days ago the price was 40 Rs/kg and yeasterday when i was buying i bought it 100 Rs/kg

Actually the price is high bcoz of the demand.Coz after a week we got Eid ul azah. i guess thats the reason

is tomatoes is being used in chicken and meat dishes in Pakistan as it is used in Middle east countries.

---------- Post added at 10:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

Our trade with China and Iran needs to be developed, we don't need trade with india.

why? is trade with China more Iran generates more forex reserve than India.
Exports should be regulated so that domestic consumption should not take the hit. If the domestic prices are shooting up then it is obvious that the Govt is doing wrong. There should be a fixed quota for export of perishable items & food products. The export prices should be regulated keeping in view the domestic consumptions. If the govt is careless like this, food inflation cant be controlled. The end conumers are ending up paying high prices and the traders are taking the advantage of extended market with choice & price differenciation. This calls Tomato Tricks..
Exports should be regulated so that domestic consumption should not take the hit. If the domestic prices are shooting up then it is obvious that the Govt is doing wrong. There should be a fixed quota for export of perishable items & food products. The export prices should be regulated keeping in view the domestic consumptions. If the govt is careless like this, food inflation cant be controlled. The end conumers are ending up paying high prices and the traders are taking the advantage of extended market with choice & price differenciation. This calls Tomato Tricks..
They should try to regulate less and let the price stabilize by market forces. They should intervene only if we have a large scale crop failure.
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