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Indian threat moves to space


Sep 29, 2011
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The changing nature of Pakistan’s external threats

As the saga of Prime Minister Gilani’s contempt case continued, some other crucial developments were taking place in the region. The first ever Bangladesh-US security dialogue was initiated on April 19th in Dhaka, the same day thecountry bowed out of its cricket tour to Pakistan even after assurances. Coincidentally, Indialunched its Agni-V long-range ballistic missile, which it claims to be an Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), on April 19th as well. While the domesticpolitical scene of Pakistan is moving excruciatingly slow, the nature of its external security environment remains as dynamic as ever and is shifting from the realms of land, sea andair, to the final frontier, the space.

After the April 19th Agni-V test, India launched the RISAT-1 radar imaging satellite on April 26. RISAT-1 usefulness will be in disaster prediction and for agriculture, forestry and defence purposes. However, Chinese media has called it a spysatellite. Not long ago, in 2009 India had acquired Israeli manufactured RISAT-2 that has night scanning capability. The capabilities of these satellites make them instrumental in monitoring the moves of unfriendly neighbours such as Pakistan and China 24/7. Reportedly, India has the world’s highest number of remote sensing satellites (11) in orbit and is a leader in the remote sensing data market.

These recent moves are part of Indian focus to modernise its military based on cutting edge warfare strategies and tactics, such as the Network Centric Warfare (NCW). This ambition was reflected in the comments made by Indian Army Spokesman Colonel Jagdeep Dahiya, as he talked about the large-scale military exercise Shoorveer (Brave Warrior) that is presently ongoing,

"Battlefield transparency and operational plans based on real-time situational awareness will be enhanced using intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) inputs from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones), radars and satellites," he stated.

Space based assets have become an integral part of a strategy to maintain a control and dominance over land, sea and air. All leading world powers are in the process of developing technologies for its surveillance, through Space Situational Awareness (SSA) andAnti Satellite (ASAT) capabilities.Mainly because the geospatial intelligence, missile defense systems, global positioning and targeting mechanisms used by ground and air forces, are dependent on these satellites.

India has also shown interest in developing Anti Satellite (ASAT) weapons. According to the Indian media, this focus developed after China's 2007 use of an ASAT weapon to destroy an old satellite. The Director General of Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) VK Saraswat had stated in 2010,

"India is putting together building blocks of technology that could be used to neutralise enemy satellites. We are working to ensure space security and protect our satellites. At the same time we are also working on how to deny the enemy access to its space assets."

Moreover, India performed its latest test for Anti Ballistic Missile System in February. The nation successfully tested the interceptor defence shield, which detects and destroys incoming ballistic missiles. DRDOjointly developed the system’s tracking and fire control radar with Israel and France. India is the fifth state to achieve this missile defence technology.

While India conducted its Agni-Vtest and launched RISAT-1 satellite, Pakistan successfully tested a nuclear capable-intermediate range ballistic missile Hatf IV (Shaheen-1A) on April 25th. The exact range of the missile was not announced. A few unconfirmed media reports have claimed the range to be around 4,500 km. On April 26th, Pakistan had also commissioned its first fast attack craft, PNS Azmat, built in cooperation with China.

“Its immense firepower coupledwith stealthy features makes it a real versatile platform which would not only prove vital for ensuring effective presence in our area of operations, but would bring a new dimension of operation of stealthy platform of this tonnage,” Admiral Muhammad Sandila of Pakistan Navy stated at the commissioning ceremony.

The key word in Pakistan’s strategy to counter Indian spaceadvancements is ‘stealth’. While Pakistan’s space program (SPARCO) and capabilities have remained highly secretive and limited, the country has focusedon developing stealth missiles and technologies to avoid detection by Indian missile defence system. This, in addition to concerns of Chinese getting access, were perhaps the reasons US was emphatic about the return of its stealth Black Hawk helicopter that wentdown in Abbottabad during the Osama operation.

In October last year, Pakistan tested a stealth cruise missile, Hatf VII (Babur). The Hatf VII is speculated to be a copy of American Tomahawk cruise missile. A few of these missiles had crashed in Pakistani territory in 1998 when US targeted militant camps in Afghanistan, in retaliation for attack on its embassies in Kenyaand Tanzania. Hatf VII has a range of about 700 km and is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead with multiple tube missile launch vehicle (MLV). MLVconsiderably increases the targeting and deployment options. The country is also reportedly working on a stealth version of its fighter jet J17 Thunder.

Pakistan has adopted a strategysimilar to Russia, to counter the controversial American missile defence system being deployed in Europe, and other regions of the world. Russian ICBMs are equipped with Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles (MIRV), which makes the Anti Ballistic Missile Systems (ABMs) ineffective. Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces Lieutenant General Sergey Karakayev stated in May 2011 that the new Russian RS-24 ICBMs will become ‘invincible’ asthey will be capable of overcoming any missile defence system for the next 15 or 20 years.

In short, the scope of Pakistan-India rivalry that was once limited to land, sea and air, have now clearly entered the domain of space. Although major world powers are againstmilitarisation of space, they are nonetheless not reticent in outdoing each other in space, the final frontier. It is not a matter of choice but survival.
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I think pakistan should not compete with india atleast in space technology:P
Still discussing about India Pakistan rivalry...Dont u think its over stated?
India is trying to become a key player in the region.....
i think we should weaponise space. future lies ther.

There are treaties which forbid the use of space and heavenly bodies for weapons.

Get some knowledge before spouting nonsense about " shining " India
There are treaties which forbid the use of space and heavenly bodies for weapons.

Get some knowledge before spouting nonsense about " shining " India

Who Obeys the treaty during the war.... and India does not need Space weapon for you.... If you hear the news of Agni II moved to launch site some of your general will **** in their pants.... If we do some War Games in our western border you take up the issue with US and deploy more force, Alert your Airforce, cancel leaves etc....
What is the point here ?? I mean India started Its space programme in 70s era while Pakistan is yet to launch a nano satellite by its own.No Offence, But India is light year ahead in this respective fireld too.Suparco is so secreative ,so damn secretive that they don't even know by themselves that they even exist . :lol:

Also Shaheen 1 A is just a midgut missile of typical 700-1000km range missile ,it's no an IRBM but an ISBM(Inter state ballastic missile).:coffee:
China just launched a rocket so it's a huge slap & a punch to the Indians already & if Pakistan wants a satellite up there its going to be through China. There is no need for the Indians to cry on our Shaheen Missile test it was a great achievement because the Missile has be upgraded. I don't understand why Indians always cry when ever Pakistan tests a Missile for Pakistan its a great achievement & for India it's always a loss when ever Pakistan is successful simple as that. INSHAALLAH Pakistan will test it's ICBM when it's needed right now it's not needed.

I can already see so many Indians are crying' why do you cry why can't you all be normal for once & come to the real world?
important info from article

After the April 19th Agni-V test, India launched the RISAT-1 radar imaging satellite on April 26. RISAT-1 usefulness will be in disaster prediction and for agriculture, forestry and defence purposes. However, Chinese media has called it a spysatellite. Not long ago, in 2009 India had acquired Israeli manufactured RISAT-2 that has night scanning capability. The capabilities of these satellites make them instrumental in monitoring the moves of unfriendly neighbours such as Pakistan and China 24/7. Reportedly, India has the world’s highest number of remote sensing satellites (11) in orbit and is a leader in the remote sensing data market.

These recent moves are part of Indian focus to modernise its military based on cutting edge warfare strategies and tactics, such as the Network Centric Warfare (NCW). This ambition was reflected in the comments made by Indian Army Spokesman Colonel Jagdeep Dahiya, as he talked about the large-scale military exercise Shoorveer (Brave Warrior) that is presently ongoing,
i think we should weaponise space. future lies ther.

There are treaties against the militarisation of space:

Outer Space Treaty
  • The Outer Space Treaty, considered by the Legal Subcommittee in 1966. Later that year, agreementwas reached in the General Assembly. The treaty included the following principles:
  • The exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind;
  • Outer space shall be free for exploration and use by all States;
  • Outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means;
  • States shall not place nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction in orbit or on celestial bodies or station them in outer space in any other manner;
  • The Moon and other celestial bodies shall be used exclusively for peaceful purposes;
  • Astronauts shall be regarded as the envoys of mankind;
  • States shall be responsible for national space activities whether carried out by governmental or non-governmental activities;
  • States shall be liable for damage caused by their space objects; and
  • States shall avoid harmful contamination of space and celestial bodies.
  • In summary, the treaty initiated the banning of signatories' placing of nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in orbit of Earth, installing them on the moon or any other celestial body, or to otherwise station them in outer space. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union signed the treaty and it entered into effect on October 10, 1967. As of January 1, 2005, 98 States have ratified, and an additional 27 have signed the Outer Space Treaty.

But then again...

Note that this treaty does not ban the placement of weapons in space in general, only nuclear weapons and WMD.

China just launched a rocket so it's a huge slap & a punch to the Indians already & if Pakistan wants a satellite up there its going to be through China. There is no need for the Indians to cry on our Shaheen Missile test it was a great achievement because the Missile has be upgraded. I don't understand why Indians always cry when ever Pakistan tests a Missile for Pakistan its a great achievement & for India it's always a loss when ever Pakistan is successful simple as that. INSHAALLAH Pakistan will test it's ICBM when it's needed right now it's not needed.

I can already see so many Indians are crying' why do you cry why can't you all be normal for once & come to the real world?

how it is? :coffee:
China just launched a rocket so it's a huge slap & a punch to the Indians already & if Pakistan wants a satellite up there its going to be through China. There is no need for the Indians to cry on our Shaheen Missile test it was a great achievement because the Missile has be upgraded. I don't understand why Indians always cry when ever Pakistan tests a Missile for Pakistan its a great achievement & for India it's always a loss when ever Pakistan is successful simple as that. INSHAALLAH Pakistan will test it's ICBM when it's needed right now it's not needed.

I can already see so many Indians are crying' why do you cry why can't you all be normal for once & come to the real world?

Why do we Asians see everything as a ' slap' ? This is a remark I see often here and other Asian forums.

Each nations goes about itself and it policies based on its perceptions, requirements and budget.

If China has launched a rocket..Great, If pak test fires another missile..good luck.

To each his own.
China just launched a rocket so it's a huge slap & a punch to the Indians already & if Pakistan wants a satellite up there its going to be through China. There is no need for the Indians to cry on our Shaheen Missile test it was a great achievement because the Missile has be upgraded. I don't understand why Indians always cry when ever Pakistan tests a Missile for Pakistan its a great achievement & for India it's always a loss when ever Pakistan is successful simple as that. INSHAALLAH Pakistan will test it's ICBM when it's needed right now it's not needed.

I can already see so many Indians are crying' why do you cry why can't you all be normal for once & come to the real world?

We had placed 19th PSLV in orbit without any failure consecutively and another one in August. I just want to see your face now. 4 Years old member and this was the best you could driven?

On topic:

It should not be consider as as threat but a counter measure as China first carried out its ASAT test.

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