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Indian Terror: Hindu Media Target Muslims


Jun 14, 2010
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Indian Terror: Hindu Media Target Muslims​

26 August 2012

Fanaticism and terrorism have survived in India despite several regimes ruling the nation primarily because the media have stayed hard core fanatic, cold towards Muslims.

Obviously, it is extremely difficult for the right wing hard line Hindu terrorist organizations and their allies to survive in Indian politics without using hatred against Islam and Pakistan. Communal political outs like RSS, VHP, Sivasena, and BJP etc, are the major culprits in spreading hate and anger amongst Indians against Islam and Pakistan and after the ghastly destruction of Babri Mosque in Uttar Pradesh in order to gain political mileage in polls now they want to escape punishment for their crimes and the ruling Congress and allies try to protect the Hindutuva crimes because that is their agenda too.

The anti-Isla and anti-Pakistan and similar hate sites in India are fuelling Hindu hatred towards Muslims only to promote fanatic Hinduva vote bank for the Hindu communal parties. Indian Hindutva agencies produce doctored images and videos against Muslims and they are placed all over the social media Internet, such as Face book and in other blogs owned by these organizations. These images and videos are obviously then used for blame game against false allegations of atrocities against Muslims to earn cheap popularity in the country. The fanatic idea behind such mischief is to make Hindutva look a victim of colonialism and a suffering religion.

Hindu organization perpetrate terrorism in many parts of India and place the blame on Muslims whch the regime and intelligences and even courts readily endorse to protect common Hinduva interests. A recent input from Bangalore about three women planning to bomb a train turned out to be a red herring. Later, the input was traced to an activist of Bajrang Dal.

When Hindu majority murdered so many Muslims in Assam, the communal Hindu organizations and their media tried to find fault with the so-called migrant Muslims against local Assam Hindus. The anti-Muslim images by the Hindu internet network showing fake atrocities of Muslims against Bodos tribals are to support the Congress regime in Assam. The images are captioned with provocative remarks to fan tensions on communal basis. Obviously, the target is minorities, especially the Muslim community in India.

For anything and everything Hindus blame Muslims. That has become a sheer habit and Muslims have been at the receiving ends. Hindu organizations have successfully used the Assam conflict and crimes against Muslims for their own parochial and political gains. So is the Congress party. Anonymous SMS to hundreds of thousands of Indians across India is also found the work of these Hindu fundamentalist organizations but they know that the regime and its media nuts quickly blame Pakistan or Bangladesh. And India did that as well to "promote” the Hindutva national interests. India media generated plenty of panic that led to a mass exodus of people from the north-east from several cities, including Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Chennai..

Both soft communal Congress and hardcore BJP led communal wings have been able diver the popular attention by "instigating" terror attacks and joint cricketism exercises. They think they can survive as long as these fake operations are promoted and protected secretly.

The BJP led Hindu communal parties and organizations trying every possible method to expand its mass base to come back to power. Unless the judiciary come forward to punish the Hindu criminals who killed Muslims in the country and destroyed the Babri Mosque Indian will remain a hard core communal country with a biased juridical, based intelligence, biased military, biased police and biased dirty media.

That is undoubtedly devastating for Muslims. But will that be good for the nation which loudly clams to be the largest secular democracy?

The Canadian National Newspaper: Indian Terror: Hindu Media Target Muslims
When same newspaper from Canada or anyother western country talks about Pakistan, you call it western propaganda.

These westerners don't know a zilch about India and I may even say about Pakistan. They come on executive flights, stay at five star hotels and go for a ride in AC car, visit some, slums, talk to few people and then write a article about a population of 1.2 billion, leave aside 18 million of yours, generalizing everything.

So next time you quote a Canadian newspaper article, do think that Indians may come up against Pakistan too. Rest I leave upto you, coz truth my friend is stranger than fiction which you can see as Pakistan is not a failed state as claimed by these same newspapers.

Read the article and see that they are saying same thing that has been said multiple times but with no proofs.

When same newspaper from Canada or anyother western country talks about Pakistan, you call it western propaganda.

These westerners don't know a zilch about India and I may even say about Pakistan. They come on executive flights, stay at five star hotels and go for a ride in AC car, visit some, slums, talk to few people and then write a article about a population of 1.2 billion, leave aside 18 million of yours, generalizing everything.

So next time you quote a Canadian newspaper article, do think that Indians may come up against Pakistan too. Rest I leave upto you, coz truth my friend is stranger than fiction which you can see as Pakistan is not a failed state as claimed by these same newspapers.

Read the article and see that they are saying same thing that has been said multiple times but with no proofs.


I agree. There is more to India than slums, poverty, and gender discrimination
If anything, the media in India reports more in favour of minorities. There has been regular reporting precedence on religious sensitive issues which can be quoted. Just see NDTV and CNNIBN for these past days to know the actual tilt. However, even in this case, as one can see, it is not at all about a religious tussle. It is purely an immigrant issue. And that how some media is deservedly calling it.

Fight is between Indians, illegal immigrants: Bodo leader - Hindustan Times

In a rare interview, the usually reticent chief of the Bodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD) has said that the conflict in the area in west Assam is one between foreigners and Indians, and not a Hindu-Muslim or a Bodo-Muslim one. "The present clash in BTAD is an issue between Indian citizens and illegal immigrants from Bangladesh who have come in droves and taken our lands," Hagrama Mohilary, BTAD chief, told HT.

"And after building up their numbers, they are eyeing political rights which will pose grave danger to local ethnic communities."

"This is a problem not only for Bodoland or the Northeast but the entire country. This is a crucial time for us to stand united," Mohilary said.

Mohilary, former leader of the militant Bodo Liberation Tigers that fought for a separate Bodo homeland, heads the BTAD which came into existence after the government signed the Bodo Accord in 2003.

Blaming the media for the state of affairs, he said, "The national media has been one-sided in its reportage, blaming just Bodos for the violence. The current exodus of northeasterners back to their home states is a result of this misreporting."

"The propaganda is being deliberately and systematically spread by Maulana Badruddin Ajmal. Our indigenous Muslims have already warned him not to indulge in communal politics in the state," he said.

Now a Lok Sabha MP from Dhubri district in west Assam, Ajmal, a perfume baron, started his business in Dubai and came back to Assam about six years back to join politics. He heads the All India United Democratic Front, which is the largest opposition party in the state legislature.

Following incidents of violence in Assam, thousands fled mainly from Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune and Chennai back to their home states in the Northeast after reported MMSes and SMSes threatened violence against them. Violence has also been reported from the trains they were travelling in.

Demanding that action be taken against Ajmal, the Bodo leader said: "This is a discriminatory attitude on part of the authorities. While one of our MLAs has been arrested on alleged charges of instigating violence, no one was arrested when four of our boys were snatched from the hands of police and killed on the spot. Nor has any action been taken against Ajmal."
When same newspaper from Canada or anyother western country talks about Pakistan, you call it western propaganda.

These westerners don't know a zilch about India and I may even say about Pakistan. They come on executive flights, stay at five star hotels and go for a ride in AC car, visit some, slums, talk to few people and then write a article about a population of 1.2 billion, leave aside 18 million of yours, generalizing everything.

So next time you quote a Canadian newspaper article, do think that Indians may come up against Pakistan too. Rest I leave upto you, coz truth my friend is stranger than fiction which you can see as Pakistan is not a failed state as claimed by these same newspapers.

Read the article and see that they are saying same thing that has been said multiple times but with no proofs.


canadian media is very accurate in reporting.
So what is the problem with that... Muslims live in India dosent mean we have to proof that we love Islam. The Hinduism is in the practice of every organization in India since this is way of our life? I don't know what this article trying to prove?

We are secular in the sense that minorities are free to practice their religion. We have 80%+ hindu population and all our organizations will practice that. What problem do the Pakistanis have?? In any case we are not going to love Islam. Hope I am clear to every pakistani
So what is the problem with that... Muslims live in India dosent mean we have to proof that we love Islam. The Hinduism is in the practice of every organization in India since this is way of our life? I don't know what this article trying to prove?

We are secular in the sense that minorities are free to practice their religion. We have 80%+ hindu population and all our organizations will practice that. What problem do the Pakistanis have?? In any case we are not going to love Islam. Hope I am clear to every pakistani

I have great respect for india and some of the indian members but...........
I think u r one of the raciest members of PDF and u should be banned just like the stupid party u represent.

i think u r just another kid who has not seen a battle, "I have seen big men shake to there bones on the sight of blood and death" and yes few of them were Indian's

spread peace coz you wont like to look death in the face

There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer...........

"Don't draw fire; it irritates the people around you."

Hope I am clear to everyone.
^ Totally agree with you. Such posts inflame and make hostile environment on the forum.
Go to the website, most of their "headlines" are about aliens...some weirdos got together and made a site...not at all a real news org. I wouldn't doubt a certain favorite poster is one of their "journalist". S_O_C_O_M musta really dug for that one.:what:
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