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Indian Supreme Court criminalises Homosexuality.

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Assault Rifle

Jul 17, 2013
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Reuters & BBC Breaking News reporting that Indian Supreme Court has criminalised Homosexuality & turned down Delhi High Court order by terming Gay Sex illegal.
Looks like many gays here are disappointed!:cheesy:

But on a serious note, WTF!! How do such people become Supreme Court judges?? Upholding a 150 year old law which has been repealed by the original creators themselves is still spit-polished today by our judiciary. Sad development.
Looks like with the anticipated arrival of Maharaj Modi , dark clouds loom over the lifestyle and welfare of the " CHUKKAS of INDIA ".
Looks like with the anticipated arrival of Maharaj Modi , dark clouds loom over the lifestyle and welfare of the " CHUKKAS of INDIA ".

Don't pull things out of you rear . How is Supreme court decision related even by an iota to Modi or are you implying that everyone who will be impacted by arrival of Maharaja Modi is a "CHUKKA" ??
Not really this is just a temporary set back. they are going to protest and something will happen very soon!!

My post applies the same either way, whether they make it legal or illegal, it's still their country their rules.

What gay people do amongst themselves doesn't really concern me at all.

Though gayism is great for joke material in comedy movies. :P
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