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Indian student in induced coma after 'cowardly' attack

What is OUR blacks excuse, then ?

Honestly, idk. Maybe it's a genetics thing. After all, non-blacks have 4% neanderthal in them, which were superior to humans in every way except they couldn't reproduce as fast. Maybe it's due to slavery? I really don't know. What I do know is that blacks are universally more violent than any other ethnicity, and that by orders of magnitudes.

Please watch the attached video and tell me why non-blacks are the problem

I know how you feel. Our blacks get to riot (and 'shop') all the time but not once have us Caucasian had a chance to do the same. I want my rights !!!!:taz:

What is OUR blacks excuse, then ?

Everyone should have atleast one good riot under their belt :3
Melbourne is full of Somali refugees.

Only way is to get street smart, get buff, learn self defence, and fight back if need be!
could happen to anyone in any country of the world. Something like this is reported in Australia because it doesn't happen that much. Scumbags are opportunistic and use to attack Chinese and Vietnamese in the 80s/90s however they fought back especially in large groups carrying machetes and bats.
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