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Indian space program more advanced than Chinese: Scientist

I just dont get why Indians can't keep their gobs shut? Why do they have to brag all the time?

Breaking News: Indian PM just broke wind. First PM in the world to do so live on TV.
RSS Fascists: Masterstroke.


They have to brag because these ignorant Sanghis have to feed their fragile egos.

I say ignorant because you can have five IT coolie tech degrees, yet no real understanding where the world is compared to India or where it is going.

It is one thing to keep quiet and show in deeds instead of words.

Screaming "I'm world's best!" when you are not, will only make you a butt of jokes. A feeble attempt to convince voters at home.

For Allah's sake, most of the modern tech used in India nowadays, is supplied by China. Cellphones are just the start.

Most of these cow belt Sanghis are village dehati idiots and they are dragging India's name through the mud.

Indian media has been hijacked by these idiots.

No one in India can speak against Modi or his stupid nationalist propaganda, otherwise they won't have a job or livelihood.

The more nationalist/propagandist one is in India, the better their job and promotion prospects nowadays.
Shouldn't measures be taken to improve the depth of your pockets instead of using it as an excuse?

Their hunger level and GDP per capita are both worse than Bangladesh. There's your scenario.

Screwing their own poor people (which we don't do in Bangladesh) didn't help either.

For example, they could easily improve their education system and school retention rates by just imposing minimal tariff on gold imports but won't do it.

Brahmin upper class needs their cheap gold as asset.

Sanghis are firm believers in denigrating every minority group (Muslims, women, lower class Hindus).

Pattern will not change unless Sanghis are voted out and there is scarce chance this will happen soon.

Most of the newly educated idiot people (esp. IT Coolies) are rabid Sanghi believers even though they are non-upper class themselves. Go Figure.
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A donkey cart can drop you off to the same place too. You now gonna claim they're equal in tech as well? :crazy:

Yes off course if the question is genuinely asked about TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY..... only lacking thing will be speed and comfort but it will serve purpose for sure.....
stupid author say Indians don't rely on others - yes yes like their pathetic useless mars probe don't rely on NASA deep space network for control

their cryogenic engine of pathetic rocket is bought from russia

Indians = fake news = garbage = bullshit with open mouth
same as LCA in indigenous
Yes off course if the question is genuinely asked about TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY..... only lacking thing will be speed and comfort but it will serve purpose for sure.....

indians like to argue, defend stupidity with stupidity

did you get there? Did you land Rover on Mars and moon? Did you collect sample from moon? Did you build space station and have astronauts living there for half year ?

come back after u did this , then u can argue the same transportation technology, though yours is smaller and primitive

don’t give me we are dirt poor excuse, Somali can make the same argument
By the moment I'm writing the thread, China has:
- a rover on the Mars
View attachment 793282

- a rover on the far side of the moon
View attachment 793283

- three taikonauts working and living in China's own space station;
View attachment 793286

Since supa India is a "flee media" country, these news must have been reported there.

collect moon sample and return also
You are misunderstanding my post.... We too have such technology like building space station etc but budget stops us.... For china budget is no issue.....

Off course if question is about "transportation technology"..... Auto rickshaw can drop me at the location where BMW can......
Absolutely nonsense, just an excuse to mask your inferiority. Everything shitty thing blame on budget? So in your case, india has zero fault. What an pathetic mentality. But I am happy , u can keep delude yourself so that Indian will never work hard. Just keep deceive themselves.
Absolutely nonsense, just an excuse to mask your inferiority. Everything shitty thing blame on budget? So in your case, india has zero fault. What an pathetic mentality. But I am happy , u can keep delude yourself so that Indian will never work hard. Just keep deceive themselves.

not everything can be blamed on no money

like sub Sahara Africa countries are poor as well, I don’t see them open shit on streets
They don’t have habit of throwing garbages on streets or dump into their holy river

massive rape problems in Indian society as well
We too have such technology like building space station etc but budget stops us.... For china budget is no issue.....
You know what? I can play soccer as good as Cristiano Ronaldo. But budget stops me, because I cannot afford the expensive soccer shoes as him. For Cristiano Ronaldo budget is no issue...


I can play soccer as good as Cristiano Ronaldo. But budget stops me, because I cannot afford the expensive soccer shoes as him.
yeah... and I could be flying a Boing 747 or a B52 bomber as a hobby instead of my paper origami airplane but the damned budget won't allow it otherwise I am as good as any pilot of a bomber or a passenger jet.

God darn this budget, amen!


Another so called indian scientist. Can't believe these fool can be scientist for indian agency head.

you are lucky that you do not understand their Language, our bad luck that we do and when we listen to their so called experts on their national TVs giving their expert opinion about their comparison with Chinese economy, military and technology.....and in so many ways they are far ahead of you. Running over Pakistan army is like a walk in the park for them and the only reason they have not destroyed Pakistan is because then they will have to deal with few smaller Pakistan.

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