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Indian space program more advanced than Chinese: Scientist


Another so called indian scientist. Can't believe these fool can be scientist for indian agency head.

india is the most advanced nation on the planet.
lol, how can this people be so shameless?

Space Launch 2021:

View attachment 793092

China has 44 launches (so far, could be 50 by year's end) vs India's 2 (one of which failed) and India is better in space than China?

Are these people really that delusional? How could Indians even make that statement when they can't even launch more than a handful compared to the dozens that China does year after year?

This is like a team losing 44-2 and then telling everyone watching that they are better than the team beating the absolute crap out of them.

I'm sorry but this is epic mental retardation at the national level. LOL
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I wont say we are ahead in space but we are equal in space technology..... However China have a deep pockets so the outcome seen from their space program is faster than India's.....
I wont say we are ahead in space but we are equal in space technology..... However China have a deep pockets so the outcome seen from their space program is faster than India's.....

You have nothing to show that you anywhere near equal in technology.

There are no Indian equivalent to the Chinese Space Station, the rover on Mars or the rovers on the Moon.

44 launches to 2 tells me that the technology level is not even close. For China, space is now routine. India? Maybe a step above UAE (who also had a Mars orbiter) but not much more.
I take it that being so advanced, they’ve completed three Lunar soft landings, launched their own space station, and are readying a rover for Mars?
The Indian already think they landed an Indian(Idiot) on Mars. :enjoy:
China has 44 launches (so far, could be 50 by year's end) vs India's 2 (one of which failed) and India is better in space than China?

Are these people really that delusional? How could Indians even make that statement when they can't even launch more than a handful compared to the dozens that China does year after year?

This is like a team losing 44-2 and then telling everyone watching that they are better than the team beating the absolute crap out of them.

I'm sorry but this is epic mental retardation at the national level. LOL
They will claim covid-19 delay. If not covid-19 , they would have make 1000 launch for that years.

They will also claim their ISRO technology advancement is delay by low budget, if you give them USD 1 trillion. They would have already capture the sun and bring aliens on earth... :rofl:

Its Indian culture, they will blame any wrong on others. They can never be wrong. Indian is perfect. :enjoy:
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Space Launch 2021
Orbital launch has become too common in China these days, it's just a walk in the park for CNSA! Even many private startup companies are joining the game. Nowadays people talk about progress of orbital infrastructure, deep space.
China has 44 launches (so far, could be 50 by year's end) vs India's 2 (one of which failed) and India is better in space than China?

Are these people really that delusional? How could Indians even make that statement when they can't even launch more than a handful compared to the dozens that China does year after year?

This is like a team losing 44-2 and then telling everyone watching that they are better than the team beating the absolute crap out of them.

I'm sorry but this is epic mental retardation at the national level. LOL
2 failed launches this year were made by a Beijing-based private startup doing their trials, the company has done two rounds of VC financing, still early stage, wish them do better next time. The rest 42 launches by state-run CNSA are 100% successful, impeccable maturity and top notch China quality.

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but but but if we had the new plane we would have beaten pakistan instead of teja samosa.
but but but we would have been ahead all the world if we wont ruled by Muslims for 1000s years.
but but but Pakistanis are originally Hindus, but they deny it.
but but but india economy is bigger than pakistans
but but but india invented vedic planes before europeans they stole it from us.
but but but they are doing love jihad
but but but taj mahal is bharat mata not muslim.
but but but they are trafficking cow to make it into beef burger
but but but its the muslims fault we are low on resources because they using up the coal to make kebabs.
but but but we are more advanced than china
but but but we sappart you siirrr
but but but bob vegene
but but but she was wearing short skirt that why i raped her its her fault i got tempted.
I wont say we are ahead in space but we are equal in space technology..... However China have a deep pockets so the outcome seen from their space program is faster than India's.....
Equal what equal? You mean your crash turtle on Moon can compare to our Intact Yutu 2 on far side of the moon?

and how about space station? Can you build a space core module? Can you know how to dock? Then our Beidou 3 is worldwide service and can provide better accuracy than US GPS and signal can penetrate underground.

You are talking nonsense. Tell me one you think India space is equal with China.. China and India space are not on the same level.
China is space power while India is just trying to be a rising space fairing nation and south asia regional lead.
Out of major space technologies:

Heavy lift vehicles - China has lead in and much more experience and years more developing, building and using than India.

Manned space flight - China has lead in and much more experience and decades more doing than India which hasn't even done it once yet so maybe not just decades but possibly will be centuries or millennia etc more experience than India assuming India ever passes this.

EVA - China has lead in and much more experience and years more developing, improving and doing than India.

Docking tech - China has lead in and much more experience and years more doing than India.

Rocket engines - China has lead in and heavier thrust, more types, both solid and liquid fuel technologies (cryogenic which India brags a lot about even though it's so basic and common) compared to India's very low tech engines and only a few types.

Testing facilities - China has lead in and much more investment over decades longer than India.

Orbiting and satellite warfare technologies - China has relay types and movable types which India lacks still. Take a look at this link.
For a long time China has been improving satellite warfare tech and they can all take advantage of extremely difficult lagrangian orbits which Indian ones are not yet capable of. Again years more experience in doing. Decades more experience in development and testing. American and Chinese satellites have been at war maneuvers in space for years now. Indian satellites don't even work well while ours are performing maneuvers only two nations on earth can do currently.

Lander technology - China has performed 3 major and difficult soft landings with success. India has yet to perform one successfully.

Rover technology - China has successfully operated 3 rovers with two on the moon and one on Mars. India has zero.

Space station technology - China operated space lab Tiangong 1 for nearly 7 years before deorbiting that trial station and starting the current space station program which has many modules already and several missions. India has not yet deployed even a space lab with one small module.

Launch facilities - China has much more launch facilities than India and building more than India at a faster rate than India. It also is developing several ship launchers with already many built and used for years while India has yet to develop a single ship launcher.

Spacecraft - China has Shenzhou spacecraft developed from Soyuz, since 1999. India has yet to develop a single spacecraft. It is already more than 20 years behind China just on this. Shenzhou is much larger and more modern and advanced than Soyuz despite being developed using Soyuz technology purchased from Russia. But this is 22 years old as a launched spacecraft but over 30 years old as a piece of technology that was developed back then. China now has flown the Next Generation Spacecraft (one of the world's most modern and advanced multi crew spacecraft) two times successfully once in 2016 and once in 2020 with unmanned trials and landing them back safely inside China. India only has powerpoint spacecraft programs.

Deep Space Network - China has it's own since 1980s and India to this day still requires US and European assistance with deep space network and borrow others to perform any space mission that requires DSN.

All of these are the main components of space technologies and China is ahead of India in development, building, testing, and using. India offers few launch services and no one is buying Indian space launch services these days, only one customer every few years. Not even Indian government buys many Indian space launch services.

Private or non-national space sector, China has over 10 organizations involved and have been launching and developing multiple techs on their own for years now. Some affiliated with government have access to national space technologies and suppliers but many are doing it all themselves. It is young but it is far ahead of India's in developing and doing.

Oh and Beidou/Compass is many times more advanced than the Indian failed project GNS which is not even functioning properly while our coverage for Asia region is superior to even GPS of US with even more accuracy and allows for active multiway direct communication with even ground commercial user level which GPS still does not yet offer.

India has not even been able to develop something similar to Longmarch 3 level, it will need decades more to get to Longmarch 7 and Longmarch 5 level.
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