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Indian Space Capabilities

I just appreciate space exploration regardless whether it comes from Kafiristan or Islamistan.

But we don't appreciate certain kinds of people 'appreciating' us. In the priesthood of science, you are not welcome, you are a kaafir that needs to be kept out of all bounds, everywhere. We don't want you.
I was trying to find how ISRO is going to track MOM; now that it has gone into heliocentric trajectory.

ISTRAC won't be able to track MOM continuously, as it'll have smaller and smaller window period when it can see the MOM.

Searching online, I found that NASA's Deep Space Network (more specifically it's Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex- CDSCC) has two of it's 34 m antennas scheduled to track MOM in next week. Further schedule is not displayed on website (link below).

MOM is not tracked by Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex- MDSCC (link below), and I can't find schedule of Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex (GDSCC).

One thing I noticed is that MOM tracking by CDSCC is intermittent. (only 4 days of 01 to 08 December), and never with bigger 70 m antenna.

If you compare it with Maven tracking schedule, which is daily and with bigger antenna, MOM tracking by CDSCC is very sporadic.

So, now the questions arise--

1) Is CDSCC working in collaboration with ISTRAC? Or is it for NASA's own interest?
2) Will having intermittent tracking decrease the probability of MOM's successful Mars orbit insertion?

Insights, expert views from anyone?

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex - NASA's Deep Space Network
MDSCC Seguimiento Online
^^^ ISRO Deep Space Network is in Bayalalu in Karnataka. Others may be to track it when India is facing off Mars.
^^^ ISRO Deep Space Network is in Bayalalu in Karnataka. Others may be to track it when India is facing off Mars.

By others you mean to say NASA's DSN, which I reviewed in previous post. But somehow it doesn't look sufficient...
CHENNAI/BANGALORE: Crossing a major milestone in the country's space history, ISRO's Mars Orbiter mission today ventured out of Earth's sphere of influence for the first time in an attempt to reach the red planet's orbit.

The critical manoeuvre to place the Mars Orbiter Spacecraft in the Mars Transfer Trajectory was successfully carried out almost an hour past midnight.

During this manoeuvre, which began at 00:49 hours, the spacecraft's 440 Newton liquid engine was fired for about 22 minutes providing a velocity increment of 648 metres/second to the spacecraft.

"Following the completion of this manoeuvre, the Earth orbiting phase of the spacecraft ended. The spacecraft is now on a course to encounter Mars after a journey of about 10 months around the Sun," the Bangalore-headquartered Indian Space Research Organization said in a statement.

ISRO performed the trans-Mars injection, a "crucial event" intended for hurling its Mars Orbiter spacecraft into the planned orbit around the Sun, marking the first step towards the 300 day voyage to reach the orbit of the red planet after crossing roughly 680 million kilometer.

"The Trans Mars Injection (TMI) operations, which began at 00.49 hours (IST) completed," ISRO said.

ISRO has planned four mid-course corrections in case of any deviation along its path to the Martian orbit.

The space agency is scheduled to make four corrections in the course of the spacecraft's voyage to Mars before it is expected to reach the orbit of the red planet in September 2014.

It had performed five orbit-raising manoeuvres on its Mars Orbiter, raising the apogee (farthest point from Earth) of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh kilometers, before it performed the "mother of all slingshots."

The spacecraft is being continuously monitored from the Spacecraft Control Centre at ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bangalore with support from Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) antennae at Byalalu here, the space agency added.

ISRO's PSLV C 25 successfully injected the 1,350-kg 'Mangalyaan' Orbiter (Mars craft) into the orbit around the earth some 44 minutes after a text book launch at 2.38 PM from the Satish Dhawan Space
Centre at Sriharikota on November 5, marking the successful completion of the first stage of the Rs 450 crore mission.

Can we track the current location of MOM Vs. its planned trajectory somewhere?
But we don't appreciate certain kinds of people 'appreciating' us. In the priesthood of science, you are not welcome, you are a kaafir that needs to be kept out of all bounds, everywhere. We don't want you.

Bro, chill...an appreciation is good i guess..
^^^ ISRO Deep Space Network is in Bayalalu in Karnataka. Others may be to track it when India is facing off Mars.
Bro, chill...an appreciation is good i guess..

Context of conversation is different here

The command and control of Trans-Mars Injection will be done from this Mission Operations Complex of ISTRAC, at Bangalore.

New Delhi, Dec. 1: Fisherman Nubin Roy felt a surge of pride when he heard about India’s Mars mission that some activists have criticised as a project that prioritises esoteric science over basic needs in an unequal society.

But blind nationalism wasn’t driving his pride.

Twice a week, Roy sails into the North Andaman Sea on his 12-metre-long motorised boat to haul in groupers, mackerel, red and white snappers, and tuna for dinner tables on the islands, elsewhere in India or in foreign lands.

Roy knows exactly where to anchor, guided by a strip of paper with latitude and longitude readings generated by scientists in Hyderabad who use India’s Oceansat-2 satellite to pinpoint marine zones abundant in fish.

Since Roy began to rely on satellite-based potential fishing zone (PFZ) advisories three years ago, his boat has been returning with 400kg to 500kg fish from each trip, against the typical 200kg catch earlier. He’s bought a refrigerator, a TV and a cellphone.

“I don’t waste fuel, I sell more fish, and life is better,” said Roy, 29, who grew up in Port Blair but has spent the past 10 years as a fisherman-sailor in Shibpur, a village on the east coast of the island of North Andaman.

The Indian Space Research Organisation’s (Isro’s) Mars orbiter spacecraft, launched on November 5, was nudged out of Earth orbit early today to begin its 10-month journey towards Mars.

The Mars mission has led some activists to question the wisdom of a planetary exploration mission by a nation struggling with poverty, inadequate drinking water, and health care.

“This mission is symbolic of misplaced policy and scientific priorities in an unequal society,” said Harsh Mander, a social worker and director of the Centre for Equity Studies, New Delhi. “This mission will not help India’s poor in the short or medium term.”

But senior Isro officials point out that the Mars mission has cost only about Rs 450 crore over three years, less than a tenth of the Rs 4,880 crore Isro spent during fiscal 2012-13 alone.

Besides, they say, the space programme has helped millions of people across India in ways that are not always, or widely, appreciated. Its projects have helped put fish on the table, ensure bank ATM machines reliably roll out cash, save lives through search-and-rescue operations and early cyclone warnings, and arm many domestic industries with superior quality-control mechanisms.

Some economic gains from the space programme — such as the amount of boat fuel saved or extra fish sold — are relatively easy to quantify. A study by the National Council for Applied Economic Research, New Delhi, suggests the annual economic benefits from satellite-based identification of PFZs is over Rs 34,000 crore, a sum close to what India’s space agency has spent over the past 10 years.

“You just can’t put a value on some impacts,” said Satheesh Shenoi, director of the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (Incois), Hyderabad, the institution that sends PFZ advisories thrice a week to 225 fishing harbours along India’s coastline.

PFZ advisories are forecasts of fish abundance based on parameters such as ocean temperature, currents and plankton concentrations.

Isro’s satellite-aided search-and-rescue system, responding to seven mid-sea distress calls, helped save 61 people last year. The success rate of finding hidden groundwater reservoirs has risen to 80 per cent with the use of satellite imagery, from the earlier 50 per cent when conventional methods were employed, Isro scientists say.

Satellites allowed the Forest Survey of India to quickly detect several thousand forest fires in northern India last year.

Isro officials say the space agency will continue to promote space technology for economic and social development, as envisioned by its earliest architects including the late Vikram Sarabhai and evident through the nationwide reach of space applications.

“The Indian programme was developed under the conviction that space capabilities should be used to uplift the lives of people,” Bhupendra Jasani, a professor and space policy expert at King’s College London, told The Telegraph.

“To a large extent, these ideals have been fulfilled and it would be natural to move forward and use the technology for exploration. The Mars mission should be viewed in this light.”

Isro officials point out that 90 per cent of the space budget goes into the development of telecommunications, weather, and Earth-observation satellites and launch vehicles.

Since its early years, the space programme has been encouraging Indian industry to develop components and subsystems for its satellites and launch vehicles. Isro officials estimate that some 500 companies are now contributing to the programme.

The rigorous demands placed by the space agency has helped industries improve manufacturing processes and quality control.

These gains have enabled many private companies to bid for outsourcing contracts for the global aerospace industry,” said V. Siddhartha, a former space department official who has also had nearly two decades of experience in the department of research and development organisation.

“The technological experience that HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) gained from its work with Isro has been a significant factor in HAL’s ability to forward-engineer into the stringent reliability and quality-control requirements of the fighter aircraft Tejas.”

Last year, India’s finance ministry and a consortium of public-sector banks contracted nine service providers to install and manage 63,000 bank ATMs across urban and rural India, many operating through satellite-based services.

Hughes Communications India, a company contracted for 27,000 offsite ATMs, said in a media release last year that the secure satellite connectivity would provide uptimes (the durations for which the ATMs are operational) higher than 99.9 per cent.

Outside the strategic or economic domains, satellite imagery is also used to predict yields of crops such as rice, wheat, potato and sugarcane.

In less than four weeks, we can get a reliable estimate of the area under potato (cultivation) across the Indo-Gangetic plains,” said Islam Ahmed, a mathematician at the Central Potato Research Institute, Meerut. “Without satellites, reliable estimates aren’t available.”

A satellite-based telemedicine network connects 60 speciality hospitals to over 300 remote rural, district or mobile clinics. Doctors who have assessed one of these telemedicine hubs in Karnataka, however, say technical and non-technical factors are hampering the efficient use of the telemedicine services.

The doctors from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, observed that fluctuating satellite bandwidth had led to breakdowns in tele-pathology and tele-radiology services.

Their study, published last month in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, also found that some doctors in remote clinics are at times reluctant to consult experienced doctors in the specialty hospitals.

Mangalyaan crosses Moon's orbit; travelling 10 lakh km a day

ISRO's Mars Orbiter, which was placed in inter-Mars trajectory in the early hours yesterday, has crossed Moon's orbit and is travelling beyond Earth's natural satellite.

"The Mars Orbiter spacecraft has crossed the Moon orbit. So technically after crossing our Chandrayaan's orbit, it is now travelling beyond the Moon. It is crossing around 10,00,000 km per day," ISRO sources told PTI.

This is the first time an Indian-made object is being sent into deep space, they said.

ISRO's Mars Orbiter mission had ventured out of Earth's sphere of influence yesterday, beginning its 300-day journey to the Red planet, marking a major milestone in India's space history.

ISRO performed the trans-Mars injection, a "crucial event" intended to hurl its Mars Orbiter spacecraft into the planned orbit around the sun at around 00.49 hours on Sunday.

It has planned four mid-course corrections in case of any deviation along its path to the Martian orbit before its expected arrival in the orbit of the Red planet in September 2014.

It had performed five orbit-raising manoeuvres on its Mars Orbiter, raising the Apogee (farthest point from Earth) of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh km before it performed the "mother of all slingshots."

The spacecraft is being continuously monitored from the Spacecraft Control Centre at ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bangalore with support from Indian Deep Space Network ( IDSN) antennae at Byalalu here.

ISRO's PSLV C 25 injected the 1,350-kg 'Mangalyaan' Orbiter into the orbit around Earth about 44 minutes after launch at 2.38 PM from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on November 5, marking the successful completion of the first stage of the Rs 450-cro ..

Read more at:
Mangalyaan crosses Moon's orbit; travelling 10 lakh km a day - The Economic Times

MOM’s Navigation Challenge

If you go outside (in Bangalore) and hit a golf ball towards Los Angeles, the golf ball has to come straight into the cup, exactly to the hole, that’s how accurate you have to come in. And to make it a little bit more challenging; the hole is moving.

Dr. Charles Elachi, Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA

Mars is moving and so is the Earth !
After 680 million kilometers of travel, the target is to arrive within a tiny circle of less than two kilometers, at the right epoch.

source-- FB


The objective of tracking MOM & maneuvering it accordingly in the 4 expected course-corrections while en-route to Mars is an extraordinary effort. Congratulations to all concerned!

MOM’s Navigation Challenge

If you go outside (in Bangalore) and hit a golf ball towards Los Angeles, the golf ball has to come straight into the cup, exactly to the hole, that’s how accurate you have to come in. And to make it a little bit more challenging; the hole is moving.

Dr. Charles Elachi, Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA

Mars is moving and so is the Earth !
After 680 million kilometers of travel, the target is to arrive within a tiny circle of less than two kilometers, at the right epoch.

source-- FB


The objective of tracking MOM & maneuvering it accordingly in the 4 expected course-corrections while en-route to Mars is an extraordinary effort. Congratulations to all concerned!

Such a laymans explanation.

Poor guy has to dumb it down for the masses.

What he has described is the easy part.
ISRO's Mars Orbiter, which was placed in inter-Mars trajectory in the early hours yesterday, has crossed Moon's orbit and is travelling beyond Earth's natural satellite.

"The Mars Orbiter spacecraft has crossed the Moon orbit. So technically after crossing our Chandrayaan's orbit, it is now travelling beyond the Moon. It is crossing around 10,00,000 km per day," ISRO sources told PTI.

This is the first time an Indian-made object is being sent into deep space, they said.

ISRO's Mars Orbiter mission had ventured out of Earth's sphere of influence yesterday, beginning its 300-day journey to the Red planet, marking a major milestone in India's space history.

ISRO performed the trans-Mars injection, a "crucial event" intended to hurl its Mars Orbiter spacecraft into the planned orbit around the sun at around 00.49 hours on Sunday.

It has planned four mid-course corrections in case of any deviation along its path to the Martian orbit before its expected arrival in the orbit of the Red planet in September 2014.

It had performed five orbit-raising manoeuvres on its Mars Orbiter, raising the Apogee (farthest point from Earth) of the spacecraft to over 1.92 lakh km before it performed the "mother of all slingshots."

The spacecraft is being continuously monitored from the Spacecraft Control Centre at ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network (ISTRAC) in Bangalore with support from Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) antennae at Byalalu here.

ISRO's PSLV C 25 injected the 1,350-kg 'Mangalyaan' Orbiter into the orbit around Earth about 44 minutes after launch at 2.38 PM from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota on November 5, marking the successful completion of the first stage of the Rs 450-crore mission.
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