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Indian soldier sentenced to death


Nov 28, 2006
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Indian soldier sentenced to death

Indian soldiers are said to be suffering high levels of stress
An Indian soldier has been sentenced to death for killing his superior in Indian-administered Kashmir last year.
Satyam Kumar was convicted by a court martial of shooting dead his guard commander, Havildar Padmarajan. Another soldier was injured in the incident.

A defence spokesman said sentence was passed on 18 May and approved by the Ministry of Defence. Kumar can appeal.

He is the second Indian soldier in three months to be sentenced to death for killing his officer in Kashmir.

Although India has capital punishment, death sentences are reasonably rare - and even more rarely carried out.

Shootings rising

Kumar opened fire with his rifle on Padmarajan on 26 October after a row, the army says. Another soldier Balwan Singh was injured in the incident.

The court martial said he had fired without provocation, killing his officer in cold blood. It described the case as "rarest of rare".

But five days later, on 31 October last year, another officer, Lt-Col Saket Saxena, was shot dead in a similar case in the Kashmir Valley.

One of his subordinates, SC Behra, was sentenced to death for murder in March.

Both soldiers have the right to appeal in civilian courts against their sentences.

Such shootings have risen in the state in recent years, blamed on fatigue and stress. In 2006, 32 soldiers were killed by comrades across India.

More than 100 took their own lives in the same year, the army says.

Observers say poor service conditions, inadequate home leave, low pay and a communication gap with superiors all contribute to low morale in the million-strong force.

Reports say troops in Indian-administered Kashmir, who have been fighting separatist militants since 1989, suffer high levels of psychological trauma.
It would be intresting to find out how many soldiers/police where given the death sentance for killing innocent kashmiris.
Has anybody got any figures?
It would be intresting to find out how many soldiers/police where given the death sentance for killing innocent kashmiris.
Has anybody got any figures?

^^ Good post!

The figures would have been in thousands if the soldiers/police were given the death sentence, but the problem is that IA doesn't care about the Kashmiries. :angry:
The worst thing is that this lack of care is not just in the armed forces it it throughout India.

Nobody protests for Kashmiri rights. Bollywood doesn't make any movies about the Kashmir cause.
Exactly... The army there treats them like animals and they live in fear of them constantly but no action is ever taken about the killings, torture and rape of innocent civilians there. The army often even deprives the kashmiri ppl of their belongings... its really appaling how they are treated... and that is why we shud always keep fighting for their right to have an independent country!

Infact i have a freind whose cousin was raped in kashmir. She says the family went to file a report against the soldier involved but the police did not want to write a report. However, since they knew an officer in the station they got through and the report was written. However no action was ever taken and no hearing took place. Infact she sed the soldier still sees her cousin in the streets and calls her stuff... (stuff that goes against the privacy policy of this site) She also told me that all criminal reports in kashmir go to new delhi 1st and then come back and New Delhi decides on the course of action to take.

She sed that the army treats the people in the villages the worst and thats where most people are confiscated of their property. The army often does that with poor farmers produce for example the army often keeps crates of fruits and vegetables being gathered to be moved to the cities to be sold and keeps some crates for themselves! It costs the farmers a lot.

The arrests are very common she says... any1n that writes anything about the ill-treatment of kashmiris is arrested, any1n who says anything bad abt indian rule is arrested and until recently Kashmiris were not allowed to entertain themselves and marriage celebrations with music were screwed by indian soldiers and many people were arrested in these celebrations.

The murder usually takes place wen sum1n argues too much with a soldier and the next day they are dead. However she told me about a case where 3 indian soldiers did rape, torture and murder. They kidnapped 2 kashmiri women raped them, tortured them for hours and killed them. However it did'nt even come in any paper although all of srinagar had learnt of it. Sum "militants" started sum makeshift newspapers and started circulating them talking about such abuses but a crackdown was done by the army and ppl involved in the publishing and circulating were jailed as the newspaper was seen as anti-indian and no action was taken against the 3 soldiers even though most ppl in the city knew about it. Sum influential people even put pressure on the government to take action but to no avail!

This is the reason why Kashmiris do not feel loyal to india and so is it with minorities in general in india. I am supposed to be half indian... but why do not like to be called that and why do i not feel loyal to india and feel love only for Pakistan? This freind of mine now hates india and went thru all the troubles to get a pakistani passport... Why? Why do many muslims in india take a pakistani passport? Even many sikhs moved from India to Pakistan in 1971-1974. Why? The reasons are that they could not take the constant bias, the suppression and ill-treatment that was meted by the majority and the governments that ruled them. The attitude of the majority towards minorities in india unfortunately still remains the same.

After reading this my brothers please, please, please fight for an independent Kashmir because we cannot let this inhuman treatment continue.(fight does'nt mean physically. in truth the words can set them free! Believe in the power of media!)

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