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Indian soldier killed as Pakistan shells forward areas in Jammu and Kashmir


Jun 2, 2020
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Jammu, Jun 4 (PTI) An Army soldier was killed when Pakistan troops resorted to firing and shelling along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir''s Rajouri district on Thursday night, official sources said.

The Pakistan army targeted the forwards areas in Sunderbani sector, they added.

A soldier was killed in the ceasefire violation, the sources said.

Indian troops guarding the border mounted a befitting retaliation and cross-border firing was underway when last reports came in, they added. PTI AB IJT

Pakistan shelling forwards areas? Good going. Keep the pressure on while india gradually losses 50 sq km of strategic land to China.

Sino-Pak consolidating their grip of GB/Azad Kashmir, cutting down any potential routes for Indian incursion into GB (PLA action in ladakh is part of this strategy), and making sure CPEC becomes untouchable Inshallah.

Kasam se, God bless Modi man :lol:

Indian military has been rendered utterly irrelevant under him. 27th Feb humiliating defeat at the hands of Pakistan, Chinese openly taking over Indian territory....while india sits with its tail tucked behind its arsehole...with no options to counter Sino-Pak military grip on the region (add Pakistan's victory in Afghanistan into the mix as well :D)

Can modi be elected third time , I believe this man single handedly disintegrate Hindustan

No doubt about it Modi will definitely be elected third term but even if he is not his next in line AmitShah is even a bigger racist scumbag than Modi. Doesnt matter which one is elected bcz in next 10 year they will turn india to poverty stricken hell hole with various extremist organisations in a extremely polarized society. India is doomed to fail at the hands of Modi and Amit Shah.
No doubt about it Modi will definitely be elected third term but even if he is not his next in line AmitShah is even a bigger racist scumbag than Modi. Doesnt matter which one is elected bcz in next 10 year they will turn india to poverty stricken hell hole with various extremist organisations in a extremely polarized society. India is doomed to fail at the hands of Modi and Amit Shah.

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