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Indian Rupee patla ho gaya. A new theory of economist Modi on failing Indian economy.

india is a poor country wahan chai may paani thook keh aur doodh rukh keh chalta hai hence the patli chai.
Modi the chai wala has some techniques for thick (ghari) chai. He perhaps uses his special “cream” to thicken the tea.
Gap between import and export is increasing. Poor people are becoming more poor and rich people are becoming more rich. Indian people should demand resignation from Finance minister and replace with better economist.
Wow, my economist, so much economic Gyan without any reality?

Do you know the reality of 222.2 billion dollar short term debt? Do you? Lemme help you by putting forth the data :


View attachment 493929

You can see 222.2 billion debt here right?

1. 89.1 billion dollar are in NRI deposits reaching maturity. NRI Deposits in India are GROWING year over year.
Do you know why they are accounted in 'debt' btw?
Do you think these are actually a problem?
I will give you a hint :
My family has quite a few NRI deposits of worth 5-6 million USD in India and we are planning to double them in 3-4 years.

2. Soverign Debt, payable by Government is just 5 billion dollars.

3. Short term debt of 102 billion dollar majorly consist of Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI): corporate bonds held by foreigners and are payable by the corporates.
Do you really think corporates cannot manage their payments and currency pressure?
There is a position in each company called Treasurer and his or her full time job is to manage money of the company. One of our subsidiary in India had a USD payment of 400K, you know what my treasurer did? He bought options of INR vs USD. Even though INR fell, we were still able to pay USD payment at 54.46 INR per USD. Why? That was the strike price of option. And thats just one trick. There is a whole discipline called hedging in corporate finance. Ask someone who has done CFA charter.

There is a reason why armchair economists are considered stupid, just like armchair generals who look things in isolation. Reality is WAY more complicated than what you see in news papers and random reports. The reality is that in 2019 there is election so astro-turfing for votes has already started. The reality is that like of economics times of india have to publish spicy news out of mundane details of economy to sell their paper.

Still this is not bringing change in the lives of Indians. They are still struggling for rights and basic needs in many places. The Naxal movement is a hurdle in your country if you look at states like Jharkhand, Orisa, Chattisgarh the level of HDI is so low similar the life one enjoys in west is not available to Indians.
I remember his early days in office with ajit doval was on drive to malaign pakistan ploting terrorist in pak now all hikdi gobe to flush nothing achieve noe he is looting indian money in trillions so indian rupee patla ho raha ha bhya
I remember his early days in office with ajit doval was on drive to malaign pakistan ploting terrorist in pak now all hikdi gobe to flush nothing achieve noe he is looting indian money in trillions so indian rupee patla ho raha ha bhya

You cannot loot trillions

India forex is only 400 billion
Pakistan's isv only 15 billion

There is nothing to loot especially in Pakistan
No they don't print their dollars. They do earn their dollars. Like TCS gets a number of their payments done in dollars. Many of them have dollars outside the country as well, in different subsidiaries.

And then their treasurers use hedging techniques like using dollar Futures and options to ensure currency pressure does not disrrupt their business.

And lastly many of these corporates hold assets which are linked to dollars. Like IP registered in USA, land and property in USA etc. And in many cases many companies in india are subsidiaries or acquisitions of companies with headquarters in USA.

with the exception of few big corporations most companies run on debt
Still this is not bringing change in the lives of Indians. They are still struggling for rights and basic needs in many places. The Naxal movement is a hurdle in your country if you look at states like Jharkhand, Orisa, Chattisgarh the level of HDI is so low similar the life one enjoys in west is not available to Indians.

As for as what i remember on this forum, earlier it was nearly half of Indian states were Naxal affected but now reduced to only 3 that's a huge change, isn't it ?
As for as what i remember on this forum, earlier it was nearly half of Indian states were Naxal affected but now reduced to only 3 that's a huge change, isn't it ?

Indians are counted in highest immigrants numbers. If everything is so fine in India and all is wonderful then why people are leaving their beautiful beloved country?

I have never seen any one from US or Europe or even China leaving their country to get Indian citizenship , except for Africans from 4th world countries.

The europeans came to India to rule :)

You are may be some one who has loted the government and hid the tax or living on pension or some rich brat. Otherwise there are many I know who will not even a second would want to live in that frustrated whole of tensions and hotch potch land.
Indians are counted in highest immigrants numbers. If everything is so fine in India and all is wonderful then why people are leaving their beautiful beloved country?

I have never seen any one from US or Europe or even China leaving their country to get Indian citizenship , except for Africans from 4th world countries.

The europeans came to India to rule :)

You are may be some one who has loted the government and hid the tax or living on pension or some rich brat. Otherwise there are many I know who will not even a second would want to live in that frustrated whole of tensions and hotch potch land.
Well, some pakistanis were very much interested in leaving their own country to get an indian citizenship. Hint: He is a singer.
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