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Indian Response

Aaloo Tikki

Aug 17, 2019
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Guys, as we know since incident on LAC, India is looking for hard response to send message across. I did some R&D and found that we can not do anything substantital. Please respond on my findings.

1. China does not play Cricket.
2. Chinese Actors do not come India for Bollywood.
3. China does not import Tamatar from us.
4. No river flow across from India to China.

Very limited options for Modi Ji. Feeling cheated.

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Guys, as we know since Monday incident on LAC India is looking for hard response to send message across. I did some R&D and found that we can not do anything substantital. Please respond on my findings.

1. China does not play Cricket.
2. Chinese Actors do not come India for Bollywood.
3. China does not import Tamatar from us.
4. No river flow across from India to China.

Very limited options for Modi Ji. Feeling cheated.



So true. Its okay though...indians are not a people with high self-respect, thanks to consistent foreign conquests for last 1000 years.

Unlike other nations with warrior blood and self-respect, indian masses will just be satisfied by fake news of 50 Chinese dead. Just like poor indians were satisfied after PAF humiliated them worldwide and paraded their wing commander on national TV.

When iaf did air incursions....ISPR said that the strike failed and shared evidence of the failure. YET, Pakistanis were growling for revenge and were utterly unsatisfied with the Pak military unless india was given an actual answer. Pak military announced that they will be getting back at india on the same day, and within 24 hours....Pakistan Air Force bombed india in broad day light, shot down their jets, captured their wing commander, and caused so much panic that india shot their own helicopter killing 7 military officers of their own :lol:

THAT is how warrior nations with self-respect respond.

Now compare india's respond to Pak last year post 27th Feb or india's response to China. Nothing but talk like sissies and mythical fake news for coward masses to consume :coffee:

So true. Its okay though...indians are not a people with high self-respect, thanks to consistent foreign conquests for last 1000 years.

Unlike other nations with warrior blood and self-respect, indian masses will just be satisfied by fake news of 50 Chinese dead. Just like poor indians were satisfied after PAF humiliated them worldwide and paraded their wing commander on national TV.

When iaf did air incursions....ISPR said that the strike failed and shared evidence of the failure. YET, Pakistanis were growling for revenge and were utterly unsatisfied with the Pak military unless india was given an actual answer. Pak military announced that they will be getting back at india on the same day, and within 24 hours....Pakistan Air Force bombed india in broad day light, shot down their jets, captured their wing commander, and caused so much panic that india shot their own helicopter killing 7 military officers of their own :lol:

THAT is how warrior nations with self-respect respond.

Now compare india's respond to Pak last year post 27th Feb or india's response to China. Nothing but talk like sissies and mythical fake news for coward masses to consume :coffee:
Begging is against self-respect, no?
Guys, as we know since Monday incident on LAC India is looking for hard response to send message across. I did some R&D and found that we can not do anything substantital. Please respond on my findings.

1. China does not play Cricket.
2. Chinese Actors do not come India for Bollywood.
3. China does not import Tamatar from us.
4. No river flow across from India to China.

Very limited options for Modi Ji. Feeling cheated.

is there & how much land that was previously under indian control is now with china since june 15th? Do es indian public know this if true? Are news outlets reporting factual news?
India does not care about losses.

Pakistan shot down two Indian aircraft, India could buy 200 new aircraft from Russia or the United States
China killed 20 Indian soldiers. No problem. India can give birth to more than 20 million babies a year

Nothing is irreplaceable, Nobody is irreplaceable
Guys, as we know since Monday incident on LAC India is looking for hard response to send message across. I did some R&D and found that we can not do anything substantital. Please respond on my findings.

1. China does not play Cricket.
2. Chinese Actors do not come India for Bollywood.
3. China does not import Tamatar from us.
4. No river flow across from India to China.

Very limited options for Modi Ji. Feeling cheated.

Jokes aside, It really seems a tactical difficulty in dislodging Chinese from the occupied position, a border agreement seems the way but I have two questions
  1. Is the captured territory of strategic value?
  2. What will be the strategic consequences if we recognise the LAC as international border with giving up any claims on the occupied territory?
@Joe Shearer
Jokes aside, It really seems a tactical difficulty in dislodging Chinese from the occupied position, a border agreement seems the way but I have two questions
  1. Is the captured territory of strategic value?
  2. What will be the strategic consequences if we recognise the LAC as international border with giving up any claims on the occupied territory?

The real question is whether it is worth the effort, lives and resources to fight a major war over a few dozen square kilometers in the middle of the Himalayas. India is China's sixth largest trading partner, and will probably be top three in a decade. If not, then we're going to have these minor skirmishes every few years as a norm. I don't see either side making any major concessions.
Begging is against self-respect, no?

Offcourse it is. Your point being? Please don't come back and tell me that modern debt is 'begging' because then the largest, richest, most powerful businesses, countries, and corporates are all "beggars with no self-respect" :lol:

What I wrote is above factual. You can feel humiliated because its true----but please lets not deflect by mudslinging and false attacks. Ps, take a look at debt-to-GDP ratio of india and Pakistan before going further. You aren't free of massive foreign debt either :azn:
Jokes aside, It really seems a tactical difficulty in dislodging Chinese from the occupied position, a border agreement seems the way but I have two questions
  1. Is the captured territory of strategic value?
  2. What will be the strategic consequences if we recognise the LAC as international border with giving up any claims on the occupied territory?
@Joe Shearer
  • Is the captured territory of strategic value?
    1. Near Daulat Beg Oldie - yes, if we want to hold on to DBO, that is essentially important only as an airstrip; not otherwise;
    2. The Galwan Valley - yes, emphatically;
    3. Some intermediate points on the border - no;
    4. The approach ravines to the western beaches of Pangong Tso - yes, if we want to keep control of Pangong Tso;
  • What will be the strategic consequences if we recognise the LAC as an international border with giving up any claims on the occupied territory?
    • The original occupied territory - no consequences whatsoever, except that we should take the opportunity to align the boundaries to geographically defensible lines;
    • The current expanded occupied territory - there are risks to our routes, specifically the road north via Shyok to Daulat Beg Oldie, since our roads were built without taking the expanded Chinese presence into account; other than this, no.
  • Is the captured territory of strategic value?
    1. Near Daulat Beg Oldie - yes, if we want to hold on to DBO, that is essentially important only as an airstrip; not otherwise;
    2. The Galwan Valley - yes, emphatically;
    3. Some intermediate points on the border - no;
    4. The approach ravines to the western beaches of Pangong Tso - yes, if we want to keep control of Pangong Tso;
  • What will be the strategic consequences if we recognise the LAC as an international border with giving up any claims on the occupied territory?
    • The original occupied territory - no consequences whatsoever, except that we should take the opportunity to align the boundaries to geographically defensible lines;
    • The current expanded occupied territory - there are risks to our routes, specifically the road north via Shyok to Daulat Beg Oldie, since our roads were built without taking the expanded Chinese presence into account; other than this, no.

Why so? I mean---whats so 'emphatically' strategic about Galwan valley for india? Also, is Galwan Valley under PLA control right now? Officially, india denies it.
Why so? I mean---whats so 'emphatically' strategic about Galwan valley for india? Also, is Galwan Valley under PLA control right now? Officially, india denies it.

After I found that I was hurting the feelings and wounding some members personally I decided not to engage a class of Pakistani members and allow them to be provoked.

If you want information, I would be glad to oblige. If you are looking for a peg on which to hang your hat, perhaps you should ask someone else. I don't want the kind of emotional outburst I encountered earlier today.

Your call.

As i know, some tributaries of the Ganges originates in China, can we Chinese build some dams on these rivers?

Of the Brahmaputra. Yes, you can. More water is generated within India than flows in from Tibet. But if you have surplus cement and surplus engineers, nobody stops anybody from building whatever they want whereever they want.
After I found that I was hurting the feelings and wounding some members personally I decided not to engage a class of Pakistani members and allow them to be provoked.

If you want information, I would be glad to oblige. If you are looking for a peg on which to hang your hat, perhaps you should ask someone else. I don't want the kind of emotional outburst I encountered earlier today.

Your call.

Obviously my intent was to genuinely ask for information.....did you see any flamebaiting in my post? The posts where I mock indians or flamebait them are obvious. I dont hide my stinging rhetoric to put down india. But if none of that was in the post, and I asked a simple question....obviously I'm interested as to why Galwan Valley is of such strategic value for india that you put 'emphatically' at the end.
Obviously my intent was to genuinely ask for information.....did you see any flamebaiting in my post? The posts where I mock indians or flamebait them are obvious. I dont hide my stinging rhetoric to put down india. But if none of that was in the post, and I asked a simple question....obviously I'm interested as to why Galwan Valley is of such strategic value for india that you put 'emphatically' at the end.

I accept self-certification from Pakistani members such as you; it is obvious there will be no other kind available, so let me take your declaration at face value.

If you looked at maps of the Chinese locations on the Galwan region, especially at maps of the location where the riot took place, you will find that they have located themselves on the heights, where there was no presence before. That is why they have tents today, not semi-permanent structures.

The reason for that specific importance that my note mentioned was that they could, if minded on mischief, create the same kind of pressure as was exerted on our critical roads by another, different neighbour. It is not comfortable to have our roads within gunshot range. So it is not a good place to find a potentially hostile neighbour.

I hope that answers your question.
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