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Indian research scholar at Oxford: Pakistan Army not involved in Bangladesh

Yaara Manekshaw was talking about one out of the various scenarios he had been told to prepare for. Trust us when we say that Honb. P.M. Indira Gandhi had zilch interest in actual intervention till much later. The MB were just suppose to harass the PA and aid in building up a local movement towards independence. It was only when we found ourselves capable of securing the NE that we decided to take up the idea of intervening directly.

Other than that..hey we love our Bengali brothers...as long as they don't try to waltz in into our lands. :D

But seriously you guys should have lynched ZAB and Niazi immediately. And what was up with the whole.."defence of East Pakistan lay in West Pakistan"? Did Yahya seriously believe that we'd let ourselves be pulled into some glorious fist fight if he pricked us in the west...haven't you ever wondered why we left a skeleton presence on the western front even when hostilities officially commenced?

Indian troops were regularly engaging the Pakistan army in the Eastern theater before any of this even happened whilst the MB were being supported directly and actively . The plan , sooner or later , was to attack Pakistan to meet the objectives as Manekshaw puts it out , it wasn't a scenario if there were daily clashes on the border and even small areas switched hands . The problem of course was International opposition and the ' Monsoon thing ' which delayed the attack until Indians could make sure that Chinese weren't coming to interfere and USSR was ready to help India out here . The war began well before any of this , it just happens that the formal declaration was done on 3 Dec , 1971 otherwise IA was all ready to invade Pakistan .

I know the brotherly love :D Just read the Chittagong port news in the BD section .

Mr.Bhutto despite being considered as a hero of ' democracy ' today was worst during the whole thing @FaujHistorian add more on his role during '71 war , mate . There's no dispute about that and Niazi was inefficient and worst not ready for what he had to face there . The East Pakistan was undefendable , that was known well before , the only hope was to capture lands in the Western theatre to be used as bargaining chips later , nothing else .
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Indian troops were regularly engaging the Pakistan army in the Eastern theater before any of this even happened whilst the MB were being supported directly and actively . The plan , sooner or later , was to attack Pakistan to meet the objectives as Manekshaw puts it out , it wasn't a scenario if there were daily clashes on the border and even small areas switched hands . The problem of course was International opposition and the ' Monsoon thing ' which delayed the attack until Indians could make sure that Chinese weren't coming to interfere and USSR was ready to help India out here . The war began well before any of this , it just happens that the formal declaration was done on 3 Dec , 1971 otherwise IA was all ready to invade Pakistan .

I know the brotherly love :D Just read the Chittagong port news in the BD section .

Mr.Bhutto despite being considered as a hero of ' democracy ' today was worst during the whole thing @FaujHistorian add more on his role during '71 war , mate . There's no dispute about that and Niazi was inefficient and worst not ready for what he had to face there . The East Pakistan was undefendable , that was known well before , the only hope was to capture lands in the Western theatre to be used as bargaining chips later , nothing else .

Ignore ze Jamaatis. Hasina bibi loves us and specially @arp2041, that's all that matters. Besides don't you fret we've already moved away from the GATT framework to WTO framework for our transit deal..and the govt there is moving at break neck speed to make it happen. :D Other than that small things causing minor tensions do occur.

He just assumed that he's be able to take enough land in the western front to begin with? Not a wise move at all. And Niazi would have served you guys better if you had tied him to one of your ships and used him to troll for tiger sharks.:sick:
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Wrong .

In the first line , the war doesn't need to be declared to begin .

The war had already begun well before .

nop... more info actual war took place july- August that time because before that Mukti bahini was taking training
nop... more info actual war took place july- August that time because before that Mukti bahini was taking training

Come again , mate . The war began in July ?


I will surely have a look at the link but what would you say for the exaggerated claims and the limited time frame during which the Pakistan army was both fighting Indians at the border , trying to contain the civil war and yet committing atrocities against Bengalis ?
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Come again , mate .

nothing will happen if someone becomes ignorant, do you have any proof of your claim ?

Come again , mate . The war began in July ?


I will surely have a look at the link but what would you say for the exaggerated claims and the limited time frame during which the Pakistan army was both fighting Indians at the border , trying to contain the civil war and yet committing atrocities against Bengalis ?

whole nation was not mukti bahini and you engaged with india directly on late November.
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do you have any proof of your claim ?

You said something about the war beginning in July-August right ?

I only said that the war had begun well before the surprise attack by PAF on 3 Dec , 1971 .
You said something about the war beginning in July-August right ?

I only said that the war had begun well before the surprise attack by PAF on 3 Dec , 1971 .

Mukti bahini vs Pak army war started July-August time, India-Pak war started 3rd December by PAF surprise attack as you said.
Mass grave of 1971 unearthed in Meherpur | Bangladesh | bdnews24.com
Panoramio - Photo of Independence War (1971) Mass grave at Lalmonirhat
Mass graves lying uncared for in Kishoreganj
Bangladesh: Mass grave found in Netrakona
Independence Day Special @Secur here, all info not available in internet , i will take you all mass graves (which is hardly possible because it will take more than a month to visit all graves)

and many mores ...

mass graves. Sad story. Isn't it.

Tell you what?

Let's for a moment ask ourselves "What would we do if something similar is going on now".

Talib@stards are killing murdering for Islmaist rule.

And BDeshi Islamists are protesting for "Hifajat Islam"

What do you all think.

Should BDeshi police and Army give up the country to Islamists?

Should Pakistani army/ police and Army give up the country to Islamists?

Mukti bahini vs Pak army war started July-August time, India-Pak war started 3rd December by PAF surprise attack as you said.

Sorry mate.

Hostilities started in April.

And not July August.

Manekshaw is the best and most honest reporter for all that
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mass graves. Sad story. Isn't it.

Tell you what?

Let's for a moment ask ourselves "What would we do if something similar is going on now".

Talib@stards are killing murdering for Islmaist rule.

And BDeshi Islamists are protesting for "Hifajat Islam"

What do you all think.

Should BDeshi police and Army give up the country to Islamists?

Should Pakistani army/ police and Army give up the country to Islamists?

1. They are not Islamist , true Islamist are not violent and of course should not give up.
2. Some of Pakistani PDF members say Taliban are not killing Pakistani People (I was really shocked when i heard it)

Sorry mate.

Hostilities started in April.

And not July August.

Manekshaw is the best and most honest reporter for all that

I forgot the actual month , thanks for reminding me, yes it was April month (Late).
nothing will happen if someone becomes ignorant, do you have any proof of your claim ?

Brother, truth is the first victim in an insurgency. So let's not even go there.

All our troops were POW for 12 months in Indian Jails.

India tried its best to drum up the cases. But they could not. In fact they were afraid, their own army and insurgents might get implicated.

So India had to ultimately let them go.

Ask youself a simple question.

Sh. Mujib could have asked to setup uremberg Trials

These were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allied forces of World War II, most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany


Allied army had all the data about mass graves, gas chambers, and concentration camps.

Tell me if Gen. Aurora found 100,000 dead bodies in one site?

Any concentration camp uncovered by indian army where "Bengalsi" were kept

Any gas chamber that were discovered by Gen. Aurora.

Thank you
Brother, truth is the first victim in an insurgency. So let's not even go there.

All our troops were POW for 12 months in Indian Jails.

India tried its best to drum up the cases. But they could not. In fact they were afraid, their own army and insurgents might get implicated.

So India had to ultimately let them go.

Ask youself a simple question.

Sh. Mujib could have asked to setup uremberg Trials

These were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allied forces of World War II, most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, and economic leadership of Nazi Germany


Allied army had all the data about mass graves, gas chambers, and concentration camps.

Tell me if Gen. Aurora found 100,000 dead bodies in one site?

Any concentration camp uncovered by indian army where "Bengalsi" were kept

Any gas chamber that were discovered by Gen. Aurora.

Thank you

bro do you know what was the condition given by Pak Army for surrender ?

Answer: safe return of all Pak Army Soldiers to West Pakistan (modern Pakistan). We could not do anything
1. They are not Islamist , true Islamist are not violent and of course should not give up.
2. Some of Pakistani PDF members say Taliban are not killing Pakistani People (I was really shocked when i heard it)

Doesn't matter.

I want to know your opinion.

Should BDeshi police given into Islamist goons? Did Haseena gov did wrong or right by forcefully crushing them?

Should Pakistani army give into Talib@stard control over Swat and other areas? Or they should crush the TTP?


1. ..
I forgot the actual month , thanks for reminding me, yes it was April month (Late).

March 26th was the start.

However I said April just to round it off.
bro do you know what was the condition given by Pak Army for surrender ?

Answer: safe return of all Pak Army Soldiers to West Pakistan (modern Pakistan). We could not do anything
@FaujHistorian He's right about this bit. We had promised Niazi that him and his fellow soldiers would be given safe conduct to Pakistan after their surrender.
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