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Indian RAW's Kulbhushan S Jadhav sentenced to death for espionage & sabotage against Pakistan

And kulbushan was a retired navy officer!!
We'll weed out and execute all isi operatives! You have set a precedent...we'll finish it!

Why a retired Indian Naval Officer requires a passport with Muslim name on it? Ok, so the passport was fake, but why he got his visa on the same name from Iran?

By the way, Iran confirmed the visa details with Pakistan, he used the same passport to get the visa with a Muslim name..
Very confident move on the part of state, strong message in particular to India and in general to others, who are involved in terrorism and subversive activities in Pakistan or operating intelligence networks in Pakistan.
And kulbushan was a retired navy officer!!
We'll weed out and execute all isi operatives! You have set a precedent...we'll finish it!

DGs of R&AW behind keyboards can execute everyone, without any doubt but how about if ever had a chance, put a question before a professional regarding rules of the game as well as who's operatives are most vulnerable at the moment, hint the bazaar in Afghanistan.

What is the proof? Video evidence provided was doctored! Why didn't Pakistan diplomatically engage Indian establishment on this matter?

See, this is the reason that people who don't know the rules of such matters, must not comment. The proof is only worth considering for those who are aware and professional in matters and the rest is all a dish for civilian consumption. His handlers are well aware what really happened out there and also, such people are in knowledge of fate one caught. Why should we engage though we caught an Indian Spy, message sent as "we got your monkey" now it was up-to Indian Establishment to engage Pakistan if wanted to save him but in this case, clearly as India could but didn't hence, India is responsible for all this firstly by sending him in and then left him on his own while playing a bluff against Pakistan through different misleading and so-called campaigns in the name of international fake friends so Pakistan will step-back yet the guy is going to be executed. I see, GoI senses coming back that Pakistan wasn't bluffing w.r.t. his execution. Rest about the same line of him being innocent, fake abduction and what not, are the reasons that Indian Public believed as such and GoI did nothing yet Kulbashan is going to be executed. For a saner mind, it can be seen who is responsible for his end like this.
Congratulation finally state showed its presence. Politicians cant do $hit about if State decided to initiate.
Dead body sudnt go to india till indian Gov accepted that he was a spy.
Good.. finally Pakistan does not have that needle to Poke India anymore... You caught a spy.. you killed a spy.. game over.
game will on after execution, looking forward to it. A soldier is better off shaheed rather spending rest of the life on enemy lands.
here is a question

You asked so many questions. Here are the answers.

why is his only ship missing from the dockyard.

Ask Iran where is the ship.

why would he go into Pakistan with a Iranian passport

Not Iranian passport, he was on Indian passport with Iranian visa. Both passport and visa had the same fake Muslim name on them.

its clear as daylight that he was kidnapped from international water.

If he got his visa on a fake passport, we can't trust any other story about him..

i'm guessing he got too close and the Pakistani navy caught him on petrol

Guesses? Come on..
He was sentenced by Army and before anything happen he would be sent to gallows but my sixth sense is telling me army announce his sentenced to bargain India with Kidnapped Colonel.
Now India would act horridly to make his return safe for swap of kidnapped retire officer,
Kulbushan is worthless now his cover was blown even his entire network destroyed and may have face serious debriefing in case of his release, Bro his life is more painful than his death.

I have thought this too. The execution was announced to quickly swap our Col. before Indians can torture him.
Sensible decision. This case mirrors the incident of Kashmir Singh. After many years of claiming his innocence by successive Indian governments, upon his release he finally bragged about his assignment as a spy in Pakistan. India will most likely celebrate Kalbushan Yadav as a great hero once he's executed.

I hope Pakistan ultimately releases an official book or documentary on his capture. No doubt one of the greatest busts in modern intelligence anywhere in the world.
DGs of R&AW behind keyboards can execute everyone, without any doubt but how about if ever had a chance, put a question before a professional regarding rules of the game as well as who's operatives are most vulnerable at the moment, hint the bazaar in Afghanistan.

See, this is the reason that people who don't know the rules of such matters, must not comment. The proof is only worth considering for those who are aware and professional in matters and the rest is all a dish for civilian consumption. His handlers are well aware what really happened out there and also, such people are in knowledge of fate one caught. Why should we engage though we caught an Indian Spy, message sent as "we got your monkey" now it was up-to Indian Establishment to engage Pakistan if wanted to save him but in this case, clearly as India could but didn't hence, India is responsible for all this firstly by sending him in and then left him on his own while playing a bluff against Pakistan through different misleading and so-called campaigns in the name of international fake friends so Pakistan will step-back yet the guy is going to be executed. I see, GoI senses coming back that Pakistan wasn't bluffing w.r.t. his execution. Rest about the same line of him being innocent, fake abduction and what not, are the reasons that Indian Public believed as such and GoI did nothing yet Kulbashan is going to be executed. For a saner mind, it can be seen who is responsible for his end like this.
Firstly with all due respect you overestimate and exaggerate ISI influence in Afghanistan.
Secondly assuming he is a raw operative just because he is an ex military officer will give India chance to do the same!!
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