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Indian RAW terrorist Sarabjit Singh Dead.

Its not a funny thread at all. Don't make fun of someone's death specially a Terrorist.

Sharing this yet again :

While the Pakistani authorities claim that Sarabjit was awarded death sentence by a trial court in accordance with the law of the land and by following due procedure, his family has repeatedly defended him on grounds that it was simply a case of mistaken identity; he was not the person for whom the hunt was carried out. Sarabjit claims being a victim of mistaken identity, who strayed into Pakistan from his village located on the border, three months after the 1990 bombings. Sarabjit’s lawyer, Awais Sheikh, claims that his confession, on the basis of which he was convicted, was extracted forcefully by police.

He also reminds that on April 26, 2008, Shaukat Salim, the key witness against Sarabjit, whose father and other relatives had been killed in the 1990 bombing, had retracted his earlier testimony that Sarabjit was the one who had planted the bomb that killed them. Salim had conceded in his 2008 on camera retraction that he had testified against Singh under pressure from the police.

Yes innocent Indian if caught should be hanged. That's the way things roll in Pakistan.

he was convicted by our courts. its cool when your courts do it but when our courts do it the guilty guy is innocent. If you had such a problem then your govt should have pursued the matter strongly and heck should have even international courts. after all if proof of his innocence was given then no courts could have convicted him without making it look bias.

I hope this time the authorities leave the internal organs in his body than taking it for what ever purposes......

either you people are sick or just bias. your hate can be seen a mile away.

Salim had conceded in his 2008 on camera retraction that he had testified against Singh under pressure from the police.

why didnt he reopen the case. why didnt eh say that he was forced into the testimony after all military rule was gone and he could have restarted the case and could have made the statement in courts. these five years why didnt he file a plea saying he was innocent.

Let me tell you something testimonies and confession outside the courts are very weak and infact minuscule evidence however testimony and confession in courts is a very very strong evidence if not the only evidence needed.

and dont say ISI after all he would have been in no more danger then he is in now by revealing this information.
i agree... jus bcoz he is an indian, he is innocent.. :D

Or maybe because the pakistani saleem shaukat on whose testimony he was convicted later retracted from his statement. What do you have to say on that
Lets say if he has not done the crime as alleged... then i wonder who will pay the price given by Allah ( I am sure if anyone knows the full truth 1 is sarabjit himself and the other being Allah. Swt)

he admitted his crime, he was also convicted by court. rest is your stupid mind !
he was convicted by our courts. its cool when your courts do it but when our courts do it the guilty guy is innocent. If you had such a problem then your govt should have pursued the matter strongly and heck should have even international courts. after all if proof of his innocence was given then no courts could have convicted him without making it look bias.

either you people are sick or just bias.

why didnt he reopen the case. why didnt eh say that he was forced into the testimony after all military rule was gone and he could have restarted the case and could have made the statement in courts. these five years why didnt he file a plea saying he was innocent.

Let me tell you something testimonies and confession outside the courts are very weak and infact minuscule evidence however testimony and confession in courts is a very very strong evidence if not the only evidence needed.

Who is he to re-open the case. It's the authorities who should have done that. He clearly said that he was under pressure to give false testimony. Its not uncommon to give false testimonies under pressure.

Why would he retract later from his statement? There was no pressure on him to do so.
either you people are sick or just bias. your hate can be seen a mile away.

Pakistan removes Indian prisoner
Pakistan removes Indian prisoner’s organs before handing over body | Rajneeti. Indian News and Political Videos
Pakistan removes Indian prisoner's organs before handing over body - YouTube

I hope this will make you understand the reason for that statement. If you are not satisfied with the sources you are free to use any search engines to find the truth for urself.

he admitted his crime, he was also convicted by court. rest is your stupid mind !

Yes I agree he was convicted and convicted based on one testimony which was retracted later..... As i said before the truth only known by sarabjit himself and the Allah SWT. As you said if he done the crime as alleged allah will punish him.. If he has not and if he has been framed then the people who framed will be answerable to same allah swt.
Yes I agree he was convicted and convicted based on one testimony which was retracted later..... As i said before the truth only known by sarabjit himself and the Allah SWT. As you said if he done the crime as alleged allah will punish him.. If he has not and if he has been framed then the people who framed will be answerable to same allah swt.

by your mind's logic even hitler and indra are innocent too :lol:
Who is he to re-open the case. It's the authorities who should have done that. He clearly said that he was under pressure to give false testimony. Its not uncommon to give false testimonies under pressure.

Why would he retract later from his statement? There was no pressure on him to do so.

He has every right as he is part of the evidence of the case. infact he could have done it very easily if he had tried as our govt was in noo mood to allow his hanging.

why did he retract it? didnt he knew that if he was forced by police or ISI then he could have been killed by them and why didnt he reopen it. like i said testimonies and retraction outside courts is not string evidence. the proper method is you go to your lawyer or judge and say that i want to retract my statement and then an entire proceeding takes place over it. he had every right to reopen the case.

he didnt so it didnt make a difference. outside courts i have seen loads of people retract their statements but it doesn't make any difference do you know why testimonies, confessions and retractions outside courts is weak evidence.
by your mind's logic even hitler and indra are innocent too :lol:

I dono who is Indra.....but If you have comprehension issue then i cant help it... and i am out of it :cheers:

Note : If sarabjit really committed the crime as alleged then he should have been hanged.... But then there are doubts raised by people in your country itself on the trial... Thats the reason for my posts.
If you are not satisfied with the sources you are free to use any search engines to find the truth for urself

unknown and non-credible sources., post something concrete.
unknown and non-credible sources., post something concrete.

Use search engine to find yourself. I just took some top 3 came in my search but then when you go down you find somany. But then what is credible is a relative term.
I dono who is Indra.....but If you have comprehension issue then i cant help it... and i am out of it :cheers:

was that your best ?? ..... get a life terrorist apologist !! :lol:
Use search engine to find yourself. I just took some top 3 came in my search but then when you go down you find somany. But then what is credible is a relative term.

i did. top 5 came and all unknown sources and going lower it was about organ trading in asia.
was that your best ?? ..... get a life terrorist apologist !! :lol:

Yes i admit that i am not good in arguments and thats the best i can come up with ....

I would be the last person in the world to be a aplologist towards a terrorist. Now to clarify your point read post # 294. If he has committed the crime as alleged then he should have been hanged.....
We could have let him go on humanitarian grounds. But he was responsible for terrorism against Pakistan and only God knows how many more RAW terrorists are in Pakistan wreaking havoc. RAW actively frames innocent Pakistanis on false charges of terrorism. RAW is a very strong intelligence agency.

Contradictions. strong intelligence agency will not frame innocents. Either RAW is weak and will frame innocents or mostly it is able to target the guilty.
Well I agree there have been cases in India were innocents are framed but mostly RAW has evaded attention most people don't even know about RAW in India.
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