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Indian RAW terrorist Sarabjit Singh Dead.

We could have let him go on humanitarian grounds. But he was responsible for terrorism against Pakistan and only God knows how many more RAW terrorists are in Pakistan wreaking havoc. RAW actively frames innocent Pakistanis on false charges of terrorism. RAW is a very strong intelligence agency.
1. Nobody here supported attack on him.

Well, no one has been punished for what was done to him . what does that show ?

2. We are generous enough to allow family of a terrorist to meet him.

3. He was a terrorist and he must have been hanged. We did not wish his death this way but by hanging as per court order

4. The Indians did not show any vision to get him released by asking for mercy from the victim family

His family was allowed to see him ( not meet him ) after he was put to death & kept alive artificially . In any case it was ensured that he was not in a state to communicate with his kin before they were allowed . His sister had gone to Pak before too, why was she not permitted to meet him then ?

Why should India seek mercy when the President of Pak has not yet decided on his mercy appeal, why did it take him so long to say yes or no ?
I hope GoI provides security to pakistanis in indian jails. Hope there's no reaction on them. Otherwise there would be no difference between pakisani and India.
Sarabjit's lawyer highlights flaws in his trial

The lawyer of Indian death row prisoner Sarabjit Singh has highlighted flaws in his trial for alleged involvement in a string of bombings in 1990 and demanded that the Pakistan government commute his death sentence to life imprisonment.

Lawyer Awais Sheikh said there were many mistakes committed by the courts during Sarabjit's trial and while deciding his appeals against his death sentence.

"In the presence of many flaws in Sarabjit's trial, he was not given the benefit of doubt, which local accused are mostly given by the courts," Sheikh told reporters here.

"Firstly the case of Sarabjit Singh is of mistaken identity as he was presented by the intelligence agencies before the court with the name Manjeet Singh, who was the actual person responsible for committing acts of terrorism in Pakistan," he said.

Sheikh said the Lahore High Court, while deciding Sarabjit's appeal against his death sentence, ruled that the "name makes no difference and it is enough that he has made confession of his crime".

Presenting a statement recorded by a special judge, Sheikh said Sarabjit had never confessed to his crime before any court of law or any investigation agency.

He was made to confess his crime before a TV camera, which has no legal value.

Giving details of Sarabjit's questioning by the judge, Sheikh said he totally denied the charges levelled against him by the prosecution.

According to Sarabjit's statement, it was "incorrect that

he was prepared and trained by RAW for terrorist activities in

Pakistan. I was neither given training to pose as a Muslim nor

to prepare bombs."

Sarabjit denied the prosecution's allegations that he had a Pakistani national identity card in the name of Khushi Muhammad, son of Allah Bakhsh.

He said the card had been prepared by one Major Abbas, a prosecution witness in the case.

In the statement, Sarabjit further said he crossed the border into Pakistan on August 29, 1990 in connection with smuggling of liquor but not with the intention of committing

acts of terrorism.

Sarabjit denied the allegation that he had placed a bag with explosives in a bus at the railway station in Lahore on July 28, 1990. When the bus reached Nizamabad Chowk, an explosion occurred that killed a child and injured 11 others.

"I was in India at that time," he said in the statement.

Sheikh said not only Sarabjit but many other Indian and Pakistani prisoners were languishing in jails in both countries but the civil society, NGOs and rights activists of both sides were silent on the issue.

He said the governments of both countries were under pressure not to release each other's prisoners.

Sarabjit was at the centre of a controversy recently when reports emerged that the Pakistan government was set to free him. However, the presidential spokesman later clarified that another prisoner named Surjeet Singh was being freed.

Sheikh pointed out that the Pakistan government had clarified the matter five hours after the reports emerged for reasons best known to it.

He appealed to the President to release Sarabjit on August 14, the Independence Day of Pakistan, as a goodwill gesture to India.

Sarabjit's lawyer highlights flaws in his trial - Indian Express
A terrorist reached to his destiny

Shaukat Salim, the key witness against Sarabjit, whose father and other relatives had been killed in the 1990 bombing, had retracted his earlier testimony that Sarabjit was the one who had planted the bomb that killed them.

The conviction and imprisonment of Sarabjit Singh, an Indian on death row in a Pakistani jail for alleged involvement in a string of bomb attacks, was ‘an extraordinary miscarriage of justice’, his lawyer has said in a new book.
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Sarabjit was sentenced to death in 1990 after being convicted of alleged involvement in bombing in Lahore [ Images ] and Faisalabad that killed 14 people.

Awais Sheikh's book Sarabjit Singh: A Case of Mistaken Identity will be launched at the Lahore Press Club on Friday, explaining why he believes Singh's conviction and imprisonment is "an extraordinary miscarriage of justice".

In his 199-page book, Sheikh states that his client accidentally crossed the border into Pakistan and was then set up to take the fall for the bombings, The Express Tribune reported on Thursday.

The book details several flaws in the investigation, trial and appeals in Sarabjit's case.

The book also includes letters written by Sarabjit to his family in India [ Images ] and to the Indian and Pakistani governments seeking his release.

Sheikh writes that Singh did not get due process, that fundamental legal issues were not addressed, and that the investigation agency introduced false witnesses.

"Sarabjit has certainly been a victim of unfair conviction that has caused him to be in prison for his entire adult life," he writes.

The FIR in the case, registered on the complaint of then Lahore Commissioner Shahid Rafi, names Manjit Singh, son of Mehanga Singh, as the bomber.

Sheikh points out that his client is Sarabjit Singh, son of Salakhan Singh. Sarabjit was produced in a magistrate's court by a Military Intelligence officer on September 8, 1990.

The magistrate proceeded with the case of Manjit Singh and "did not listen to Sarabjit, who repeatedly said that he was not Manjit Singh. He did not bother to confirm and verify the name of the accused produced in his court," the book states.

Having failed to resolve the question of identity, Sheikh writes: "All subsequent proceedings in this case are illegal and against the facts of the case."

During his trial, Sarabjit had no access to counsel and was unable to contact his family in India and tell them of his arrest.

The Pakistan government failed to pass on news of his arrest to his family, which was a violation of international law.

Sheikh writes that Sarabjit's supposed confession, the basis for his conviction, did not have his signature or thumb print.

In his statement to the judge, Sarabjit denied the charges and said Manjit Singh had been arrested and subsequently let off, and he had been presented as a "substitute".

The sole witness in the case, Shaukat Ali, stated that he had been forced to testify against Sarabjit, Sheikh writes.

In a letter, Sarabjit wrote that after he was arrested, he was produced before a Major Ghulam Abbas.

"He said abruptly, 'You are Manjit Singh.' I said no. He nodded to the soldier. The soldiers started beating me… My cries and laments fell on deaf ears. At last I was turned into Manjit Singh and, though I was not an accused, was convicted of the bomb blasts."

Sarabjit criticised the judge in another letter.

"All the evidence recorded and the cross-questioning carried out were in my favour. The judge of the terrorism court, Aslam Shami, nullified the cross-questions."

In another letter, Sarabjit writes: "The judges in Pakistan only see that such and such a person has been accused by the police and rule, therefore, that he must be the culprit. They don’t go into the statements of the witnesses nor see the exploitation of the police.

"The judges, I have seen, bow easily to any political pressure. Instead of giving justice they end up being part of the game…in their hearts they are afraid of the power of the police. The police and judiciary often work in the same way.

"If there happens to be a government case against a person, then only Allah, 'Bhagwan, Wahe guru' can save the person."

In yet another letter, Sarabjit complains about his treatment in jail.

"I was mentally tortured in 2006-07. My pen and paper and other things were snatched. Even now they turn to old tricks. The man in the cell next to me, Karpal Singh, is a total nuisance. He gives false information about me to the jailors."

Citing a Supreme Court judgement, Sheikh writes that as Singh has spent 22 years in solitary confinement in jail, his sentence should be commuted to life imprisonment.

"I am hopeful that the President will consider the clemency appeals filed," he writes.


I think absolute miscarriage of Justice. Though hard to believe that pak members understand it.
Lakh lanat on Indian members for saying RIP for a terrorist. Shows again a non-muslim terrorist isn't equal to a muslim terrorist for you guys.

For those people who are saying that some Pakistani prisoner would have to pay the price. Please keep in mind that according to a news around 20+ Indian prisoners are imprisoned in Kot Lakhpat jail alone. And many others in other jails of Adyala, Multan, Mianwali, Karachi etc etc. Keep those prisoners in mind before you kill an innocent to avenge the death of a terrorist. Not that I support such idiocy but you got to be dirty when you are dealing with a dirt called Indians. So be sane and accept his death instead of glorifying the loser.

If he was a terrorist , Your judiciary would have punished him, not some hired killer...
well although he was an agent..but he was still someone's son,brother and maybe father --R.I.P to Sarbajeet...this out of the law attack was condemned by Pakistan and the authorities responsible for jail were suspended by judge....
my condolences for him.:closed:

If he was a terrorist , Your judiciary would have punished him, not some hired killer...

so you think that we hired some prisoners to kill him? wow another wild conspiracy theory:woot:
If he was a terrorist , Your judiciary would have punished him, not some hired killer...

The judiciary ordered to hang him. It is the corrupt govt who didn't had balls to do so.

well although he was an agent..but he was still someone's son,brother and maybe father --R.I.P to Sarbajeet...this out of the law attack was condemned by Pakistan and the authorities responsible for jail were suspended by judge....
my condolences for him.:closed:

so you think that we hired some prisoners to kill him? wow another wild conspiracy theory:woot:

Shame on you for saying RIP for someone who killed 14 Pakistanis.

Ghairat hi mar gayi hai Pakistanion ki. :disagree:
INDIANS have poured 27 crore rupees in the security of kasab ?????
and Pakistanis cant defend a single SARABJIT, this shows why whole world is concerned about NUCLEAR WEAPONS of Pakistan...

The judiciary ordered to hang him. It is the corrupt govt who didn't had balls to do so.

Shame on you for saying RIP for someone who killed 14 Pakistanis.

Ghairat hi mar gayi hai Pakistanion ki. :disagree:

ghairat mar gayi hai teri, tere ko padhne me taklif hai kya ???
abe saare Indians keh to rahe hai that if he was a terrorist ,he must be hanged till death , now what you want . But by your judiciary not by these prisionors .
If he was a terrorist , Your judiciary would have punished him, not some hired killer...

Where's the proof that they were hired killers? They were also prisoners on death row.
The judiciary ordered to hang him. It is the corrupt govt who didn't had balls to do so.

Shame on you for saying RIP for someone who killed 14 Pakistanis.

Ghairat hi mar gayi hai Pakistanion ki. :disagree:

areesh as a Muslim i am not told by Allah to be happy on someones death...and this is the main difference b/w us and them...we don't disrespect dead ones like them :angry:and what the hell do you know about my personality..it is easy for u to sit on your computer and comment on someone's personality without knowing him/her....?
INDIANS have poured 27 crore rupees in the security of kasab ?????
and Pakistanis cant defend a single SARABJIT, this shows why whole world is concerned about NUCLEAR WEAPONS of Pakistan

Either you are completely dumb or deliberately trolling.
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