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Indian Railways vs. Chinese Railways...

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India vs China is a hugely popular topic in India. There are many Indian forum members who like this kind of thread.
I agree your point .There are many Indians who like this kind of thread.As a chinese, i don't know why!
China has Improved a Lot. It has outpaced it rivals in the last two decades. We Indians need to work hard, Chinese had/have the will develop their society.
Great work guys, chineese systems are leap and frogs ahead of us. Your government made it happen, wheras our's is struggling to maintain funds for supporting existing infrastructure. I would definitely visit China someday, they sound really cool people.
there are a lot of such rooms for IR too.

No, there aren't.

Indian railways have woefully under-invested in the areas of dispatching information systems. Most display walls are still analog. Companies such as Jupiter Systems have few sales in India, and whatever they sell, they don't sell to IR.

However, the international trend is moving away from display walls to personal work stations exclusively.
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I think the best solution will be to privatize the railways. It will take the pressure off from the Govt and inject more cash into railways by private sectors.
Chinese learned hard from Japan and Germany and we are trying to surpass them.

The Chinese can certainly learn from the Japanese in terms of operational safety and efficiency.

I know the overall safety record of Chinese railways is among the very best, already better than European and American operators, but Japan is in the league of her own, with Shinkansen having a spotless safety record in more than 50 years of operation.

I have no doubt that China has the will and the persistence to achieve the very best.
The Chinese can certainly learn from the Japanese in terms of operational safety and efficiency.

I know the overall safety record of Chinese railways is among the very best, already better than European and American operators, but Japan is in the league of her own, with Shinkansen having a spotless safety record in more than 50 years of operation.

I have no doubt that China has the will and the persistence to achieve the very best.
Japanese HSR suffer a major crashed in 70s that killed hundreds of people.
Great work guys, chineese systems are leap and frogs ahead of us. Your government made it happen, wheras our's is struggling to maintain funds for supporting existing infrastructure. I would definitely visit China someday, they sound really cool people.

Did you mean leaps and bounds?
In fact Chinese HSR too.
China one never killed so much people than the Japanese. If I am not wrong, there shall be 3 accident throughout the history of Japan HSR. Japan HSR record is not as perfect as many people though. It is a myth. But still it is a very impressive safety record that span a history of 50years operation.

China HSR safety relatively is at infant stage but China mileage is more bigger than Japanese per day and the amount we clock can easily surpass Japanese one in just another few years time. So we are not far off.
There are some crucial public infrastructure which should never be privatized. Railways is one of them.

Yeah for sure, after all Indian railways is doing so well under the sarkari babus. Indian railways look world-class under government control.
Privatization in gradual steps is the only solution for Indian railways disease.
Privatization of railway is nothing but blasphemy ! govt even with need 3/4th majority will not be able to do it.
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