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Sorry this thread is about Modi and BJP.

What ur take on BJP's flop rally????

Do u agree there is no pro bjp wave just some anti incumbency.

Where are all Feku fans??? hiding in hole???? :D :taz:

Where are u guys who says bjp will win 300 seats or 400 seats in this elections :woot::woot::woot:

Its pro BJP wave all over India :woot: :blah::blah:

What's ur take on :

Flop show at BJP rally in Ramlila Maidan, Delhi

Bhai , you can draw as much solace from this event as you want.But then before doing that you must understand few points.

1. It was not a political rally .

2. As the name is giveaway ,this event was mainly for sportsperson and you know , how we Indians don't take interest in any sports other than Cricket.

3.Me even being in Noida never knew that something like Khel Sansad is being held and even if I would have known then I wouldn't have taken much interest in it.Point is there were no advance notices put up about this event.

4. Last but most important point. Modi was not taking part in this event and even you also know that in this LS poll it's all about NaMo. It 's bad but true that NAMO has overshadowed BJP. Today he is bigger than the party itself.
1.) Its because the local govt. police don't register rape and crime cases on the instruction of Modi.

I smell bull! I am from Gujarat. I have family there, my cousins can come back at 2 in the morning from their friends on their own without my uncle and aunty getting worried. Trust me, it is one of the safest states for ladies if not THE safest.
If I don't get a chance to serve the people in this life he will do so after a rebirth.

BJP's prime ministerial nominee Narendra Modi today made an emotional pitch to voters, saying if he doesn't get a chance to serve the people in this life he will do so after a rebirth. Addressing a huge youth rally in the city, the Gujarat chief minister said, "If I speak the truth, all the ministers of the Delhi government get unhappy, they feel bad and get dejected."

"There is a reason for it. Nobody has challenged them for the last 60 years. They are feeling how can a tea-seller challenge such a big sultanate which has ruled the country uninterrupted for many years," he said. "They are flabbergasted and remain in search of opportunities to hit Modi... My Congress strongmen, what more can you do, you can throw muck, you can let CBI try to nail me, you can take me to courts...," Modi said. "But I am here to serve this nation births after births, If I don't get chance in this birth, I will come again in the next birth to serve the people of the country."

"I have not left my house for any post or fame. To acquire, to be something is not my goal...," he said. Modi also quoted a few poems in his speech, which centred around the theme that he was ready to sacrifice himself for the country. Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram had recently accused Modi of having a self-centred "I, me, and mine" attitude. Modi said it was the responsibility of those in power to think about the youth, give them skill development training, jobs, and turn the demographic dividend into advantage, or else the large population of the youth will turn out to be a disadvantage.

"In the last year's budget, the central government had claimed it will give skill training to 10 lakh youths and had made a provision of Rs 1,000 crore. In reality they have given training to just 18,352 youths in the last year," he claimed. "This is five per cent work done. At this rate the Congress government will be able to complete the target in the next 20 years," he said. "These elections are different from all the earlier elections, as this time people have decided the result in advance," Modi said.
Kerala's VS Achuthanandan rejects Arvind Kejriwal's invite to join AAP, says cannot encourage Anarchy

Former Kerala Chief Minister and CPM leader VS Achuthanandan today rebuffed Aam Aadmi Party founder Arvind Kejriwal's attempt to lure him to his party fold.

"Mr Kejriwal doesn't know my political history of 75 years, that's why he invited me to join AAP. When I began working for CPM, he was a school boy. I have always worked for and supported CPM,'' Mr Achuthanandan, 90, said.

Mr Kejriwal, 45, had extented an invitation to the CPM veteran through a regional news channel, Asianet, to join his anarchy party, which confounded political pundits by making a stunning debut in electoral politics in December. It bagged 28 seats in the Delhi assembly, but, more important, prevented the BJP from securing a clear majority in the 70-member house.

The AAP has now spread its net wider, and has set its sight at the Lok Sabha polls, due by May. It has announced its plans to contest 300 to 350 seats, and is now scouting around for credible faces in various parts of the country to keep the party banner aloft.

"I would like to appeal to Mr Achuthanandan to please join our party... The key enemies of the moment are not individuals, but corruption and communalism, and it is an opportune time to make a difference to the future of the country,'' Mr Kejriwal said yesterday, while extending the invite to the CPM leader.

Mr Achuthanandan, who is presently the leader of opposition in Kerala assembly, has turned into a dissident of late, and has come out openly against the CPM's official stand on critical issues. He had recently embarrassed the party leadership by raking up the TP Chandrashekharan's murder case.

The former Kerala chief minister described Chandrashekharan as a "true Marxist", while CPI(M) state secretary Pinnarayi Vijayan had slammed him as a 'renegade.'


To all the AAPCong trolls, please dont tag me in your posts.

I will not reply.

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Congress not able to digest that a tea-seller is challenging them: Modi

Hitting out at Congress, Narendra Modi today said its leaders may throw muck and let loose CBI at him but that would not be able to stop him from serving the country.

As Mr Modi made an emotional pitch to reach out to the youth, the Gujarat Chief Minister and the BJP Prime Ministerial candidate also said he had not "left his house" for any post or for fame.

Addressing a huge youth rally in the city, Mr Modi said, "If I speak the truth, all the ministers of the UPA government get unhappy, they feel bad and get dejected.

"There is a reason for it. Nobody has challenged them for the last sixty years. They feel how can a tea-seller challenge such a big sultanate which has ruled the country uninterrupted for many years."


"My Congress strongmen, what more can you do, you can throw muck, you can let CBI try to nail me, you can take me to courts...," he said.

"But I am here to serve this nation birth after birth, If I don't get chance in this birth, I will come again in the next birth to serve the people of the country."

"I have not left my house for any post or fame. To acquire, to be something is not my goal...," he said.

Taking on the UPA government's policy for the youth of the country, Mr Modi said it was the responsibility of those in power to think about them, provide skill development training, jobs, and turn the demographic dividend into advantage, or else the large population of the youth will turn out to be a disadvantage.

"In the last year's budget, the central government had claimed it will give skill training to 10 lakh youths and had made a provision of Rs. 1,000 crore," he said, and claimed, "In reality they have given training to just 18,352 youths in the last year."

"This is five percent work done. At this rate the Congress government will be able to complete the target in the next 20 years," he said.
Under your rule Asaram created a Rs. 30,000 crore empire & committed crimes. If you are so committed against black money, why didn't you stop him?

Is Income Tax department work under Modi? It works Under gandu. And gandu is very soft to black money and Black mailer.

There is a Modi wave still BJP needs 400 Crore for Poll promotion??

BJP needs only 400 cr for election. Congress need 600 Crore for gandu's Image Make over.
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