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GST statute Bill to face test in Rajya Sabha tomorrow

NEW DELHI: The crucial constitutional amendment Bill preparing the ground for the goods and services tax (GST) is set to be taken up for consideration and approval by the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, following parleys to cajole Congress and other parties to support the legislation.

Desperate BJP.

The Congress opposition related to three key points - legislative capping of the GST rate, abolition of 1% inter-state tax to favour manufacturing states and a legislated dispute-resolution mechanism. Prime Minister Modi sought to break the logjam by meeting Congress President Sonia Gandhi and former prime minister Manmohan Singh in November last year. However, the party withheld its assent alleging that the government had not followed up on these talks. The latest changes seek to address Congress concerns.

BJP got a face saving formula.

WTF! is this Hinduism?

Yeah its true. After Modi Gujarat was never the same under Anandiben Patel. Lots of negative news coming out of Gujarat these days plus the patidar aandolan was managed very poorly by the Guj. govt.

If you AAPtards think that BJP would get anything less than 100% seats in Gujarat ,as long as Modi is PM candidate, I could only pity you. You people have never grown out your daddy's shadow to know how Indian and its electorate works.
From present 123 to 100?

Means 23 more opponents to verify BJP misconduct.

Progress or retrogression?

Keep on keeping.

PS: BJPian morons losing their strength yet feel happy?

Rasi jal gayi per bal nahi gaya.
A bit old news that this thread missed -

Placed last in alphabetical order, West Bengal wants ‘West’ dropped
Prior to that, the previous Left Front government led by Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, had also raised the issue.
WRITTEN BY ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL | KOLKATA |Published On:July 26, 2016 4:04 Am


THE WEST Bengal government is once again planning to take up with the Centre the issue of changing the state’s name to resolve the problem being placed last “alphabetically”. The move, official sources said, comes after Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s chance to speak at the Inter-State Council meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi earlier this month, came at the very end.

Sources in Nabanna, the state secretariat at Howrah, claimed that Mamata wants the word “West dropped from the state’s name”. She wants the state to be called either ‘Bangla’ or ‘Banga’, while Bengal could remain as the English name.

The demand for changing the state’s name due to alphabetical reasons is not new. In 2011, a consensus to rename West Bengal as Paschimbanga was reached at an all-party meeting and a decision was taken in the assembly “to raise the state’s position alphabetically”. Apart from the Trinamool Congressgovernment, the Opposition parties, led by the CPM, at the time had also supported the move.

Prior to that, the previous Left Front government led by Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, had also raised the issue.

The reason, officials explained, was that at every state-level conclave, speakers from West Bengal were inevitably the last. “The speakers at the end tend to get less time to present their views. By the time our speakers actually get the opportunity to talk, every one is tired and the event gets wrapped up. quickly. This has been an issue faced by us for a long time,” said a state government official.

After the 2011 decision, the then joint secretary (Centre-State) in Ministry of Home Affairs, Suresh Kumar, had informed the state government that a Bill — West Bengal (Alteration of Name) Act, 2014 —would be tabled in Parliament, said officials. “However no action has been taken on this and the bill was never tabled in the House,” the official said.

In the recent Inter-State Council meeting, which began early in the morning and lasted till almost 7pm, Mamata was the last speaker. While other chief ministers got the opportunity to speak for considerable periods of time, officials said that Mamata got only around 10 minutes and was highly dissatisfied with the meeting. “The chief minister had wanted to communicate a number of issues to the Prime Minister. But this wasn’t the case. By the time, she got to speak every one was tired and no one was interested. By virtue of being the last state alphabetically, we have been continually discriminated against,” added the official.

Now, Mamata wants the state to be either called ‘Bangla’ or ‘Banga’. “This would allow the state to be one of the early speakers. The power to change the name of the state lies with the Centre. Previously other states such as Odisha have changed their name. We have been given instructions to pursue the matter immediately with the Centre,” added the official.
GST Bill amendments circulated, RS to take it up tomorrow

(Congress amendments)


So on BJP/Modi (GST) I would say the following:

Ab aya unth pahad ke niche

Modi had to accept the opponents demands & compromise, for not having enough RS members of its own. Congress has more RS members than the BJP. Even then this democratic dictator Modi wanted to be intransigent, without realising that he can not afford this posture or such attitude.

Its democracy Modi dude!

Undue privileges to daughter sullied Guj CM's image

And no arrest like Delhi MLAs?

India Has 12 Million Married Children Under Age Ten

This is the entire population of Rwanda.


Sonia Gandhi

BJP/Modi lies debunked.
If you AAPtards think that BJP would get anything less than 100% seats in Gujarat ,as long as Modi is PM candidate, I could only pity you. You people have never grown out your daddy's shadow to know how Indian and its electorate works.
Gujarat was ruled by other political groups before BJP and the current regime is not here to stay forever. Only a fool with no acquaintance of Indian electoral history would make such comments.
When it comes to politics nothing is eternal.
Folks, elections in UP are round the corner !

Ray Bradbury, the famous American novelist, once said “I was not predicting the future, I was trying to prevent it”. Closer to home in India, driven by the hate for the man who broke Delhi’s Omerta code, media shops have taken this Bradbury maxim quite literally.

Traumatized with Modi’s astounding victory in the 2014 general elections and wounded further by the assembly results in Maharashtra and Haryana, where BJP tasted unprecedented success propelled by Modi Tsunami, media shops learned a key lesson nonetheless. The lesson was that if BJP was allowed to set the agenda (usually a potent mix of development and cultural nationalism) with the main opposition merely either trying to catch up or negate it, BJP will be unassailable. The media shops quickly recognised that an agenda like this transcends all socio-economic barriers, appealing to a much wider voter base. More importantly, it transforms the profile of a voter. A caste conscious voter becomes an aspirational voter. Such a change causes a wide disruption on a predictable political canvass since pressure groups, nurtured for years by establishment forces to control social bases, cannot deliver anymore. They do not have the answers sought by this new voter base looking beyond their immediate identity. A simple idea when associated with a doer like Narendra Modi could yield rich dividends.

Having decoded the success of BJP, the media shops along with their masters and sympathisers converged to devise strategies to arrest this growing tide of BJP. Consequently, they concluded that the following must be done a) find ways to dismember the BJP´s new avatar as a development party, pinning it back as a Hindu party b) instead of viewing BJP´s victory as one big behemoth event, break it down to the incremental voters it added in the 2014 election in each state and try to wean them away c) change the political narrative for egs. development, clean government, etc where the BJP has somewhat good track record to showcase and replace it with a narrative where the BJP could be targeted much more easily d) strike like a guerrilla i.e. swoop down from all sides and then disappear quickly, leaving the BJP puzzled whom to respond.

The benefits of this strategy were obvious; if implemented correctly, this could arrest the tectonic but so far only temporal shift of voters from identity based to development based politics, sap the BJP’s positive momentum generated by victory in 2014 and help escape the wrath of government in any one particular direction enabling them to live to fight another day (read election).

First it started with Delhi, petty news of theft in Churches were given wide coverage, creating a perception that Christians are under siege in the National capital. In no time, a non issue became a matter of life and death in the TV studios of media shops for every secularist worth his/her salt – in a classical case of agenda setting. Overnight, BJP was bracketed as a communal party for no rhyme or reason. A political “hawa” was created by journalists, some of whom who were recently exposed, by fanning fires over Ghar Wapsi which involved a bunch of fanatics who had nothing to do with the BJP whatsoever. Result? A strong consolidation of minorities, particularly Muslims and Sikhsbehind AAP. The entire narrative was shifted largely from development to secularism and somewhat to AAP´s freebies, whose morality in a free economy and need basis in a reasonably wealthy state like Delhi escaped any scrutiny. Moreover, media shopscompletely suppressed the massive infighting going in AAP (which came to fore almost immediately after the Delhi elections) in order to not weaken the crusader of their choice i.e Kejriwal.

The strategy succeeded with AAP getting a massive mandate and media shops, their sweet revenge. The liberal troops were ordered back to barracks and no one heard a whimper over attacks on Christians thereafter. Suddenly, everyone was safe under the same dispensation and same police.

Predictably, the Delhi results emboldened the media shops and the next stage was set in Bihar. Earlier during the general elections, the BJP had made big strides in Bihar owing to the incremental vote from a large section of EBC as well Yadav voters i.e traditional voters of Nitish and Lalu. If Bihar was to be redeemed, then this vote base must be snatched back from the BJP. Therefore, as the Bihar elections approached besides usual secular rhetoric over Dadri beef tragedy and Award Wapsi, a narrative was spun portraying the BJP as anti-poor and anti-reservation. Media shops cleverly primed the voters by fronting Lalu as a champion of the downtrodden while projecting Nitish as the face of development pandering to the urban voters. One obscure statement after the other from Lalu and people close to him about how BJP was planning to get rid of reservation was pitched systematically as the election campaign proceeded, lending a sense of credibility to this utter falsehood. BJP was found licking its wound and by the time it could get itelf sorted out, the narrative has already changed from Vikaaswaadto Jaatiwaad. It was left defending reservation on one hand and disowning Dadri incident on the other. Consequence? Incremental voters that came with NDA forces during 2014 deserted it and along with Muslims, consolidated behind Lalu and Nitish, who were effectively projected as their messiahs.

The world has neither heard a whisper ever since about BJP´s plan to get rid of reservation nor about the Award Wapsi gang, who seem to be happy again with how things are in India, that is until the next elections. Perception won, reality lost.

Two out of two, media shops have now trained their eyes now on Uttar Pradesh. The strategy has been activated; scare away the incremental voters i.e. Dalits, change the narrative and frustrate BJP´s plans to build a grand coalition of castes and ability to set UP´s election agenda. When the time is ripe, other forces will be unleashed too. We should just get prepared for a huge propaganda onslaught.

Indeed, when every report becomes report worthy just because media shops can bring in the Dalit identity, then make no mistake that elections in UP are just round the corner!

Gujarat was ruled by other political groups before BJP and the current regime is not here to stay forever. Only a fool with no acquaintance of Indian electoral history would make such comments.
When it comes to politics nothing is eternal.

Thank you mr. AAPtard for proving me correct. You have as much understanding of Indian politics as a 4 year old has of female anatomy.

Modi is a Gujarati ,and unlike cow-belt people, Gujaratis rarely get chance to become PM, and as long as he is BJP supremo and a PM candidate, Gujarat would always vote BJP. They may cry or complain; Some Congress supporters and braindead aaptards would even try their favorite shitstirring antics, but when it comes to vote, they would vote for BJP, come hell. Similar is the case with Assamiya, Tamil, Telegus, Kannada ,and Marathis (all ethno-centric states of India). It would be BJP 100% in central election ,even if it fields a flagpole for Lok Sabha election, and a comfortable majority in Vidhan Sabha election. A single rally of Modi would destroy decades of hard work of any other party in Gujarat.

After him, Gujarat would be fair game for any party. Till then No one has any chance in Gujarat. This must have been pretty clear when Patels/Patidars dropped Hardik Patel as if he is a leaper ,once he praised Kejariwal and Nitish. They were/are agitating for Quota and want reservation, not against Modi, and supporting Modi's enemy in his home state is best way to destroy your nascent political career.

As I stated (something which I know due to living in Delhi), most of AAPtards ,barring Muslims, are either bitter of successful people (autorickshaw crowd) or have not grown out of their father's shadow (stupid college students going of some degree mill).I have utter contempt for AAPtards (never had it for congress as there is nothing fundamentally wrong with congress EXCEPT that their Yuvraj is an imbecile) because they want to turn state into their second father- a massive populist handout state- exactly like Venezuela but without Oil.

Folks, elections in UP are round the corner !

Ray Bradbury, the famous American novelist, once said “I was not predicting the future, I was trying to prevent it”. Closer to home in India, driven by the hate for the man who broke Delhi’s Omerta code, media shops have taken this Bradbury maxim quite literally.

Traumatized with Modi’s astounding victory in the 2014 general elections and wounded further by the assembly results in Maharashtra and Haryana, where BJP tasted unprecedented success propelled by Modi Tsunami, media shops learned a key lesson nonetheless. The lesson was that if BJP was allowed to set the agenda (usually a potent mix of development and cultural nationalism) with the main opposition merely either trying to catch up or negate it, BJP will be unassailable. The media shops quickly recognised that an agenda like this transcends all socio-economic barriers, appealing to a much wider voter base. More importantly, it transforms the profile of a voter. A caste conscious voter becomes an aspirational voter. Such a change causes a wide disruption on a predictable political canvass since pressure groups, nurtured for years by establishment forces to control social bases, cannot deliver anymore. They do not have the answers sought by this new voter base looking beyond their immediate identity. A simple idea when associated with a doer like Narendra Modi could yield rich dividends.

Having decoded the success of BJP, the media shops along with their masters and sympathisers converged to devise strategies to arrest this growing tide of BJP. Consequently, they concluded that the following must be done a) find ways to dismember the BJP´s new avatar as a development party, pinning it back as a Hindu party b) instead of viewing BJP´s victory as one big behemoth event, break it down to the incremental voters it added in the 2014 election in each state and try to wean them away c) change the political narrative for egs. development, clean government, etc where the BJP has somewhat good track record to showcase and replace it with a narrative where the BJP could be targeted much more easily d) strike like a guerrilla i.e. swoop down from all sides and then disappear quickly, leaving the BJP puzzled whom to respond.

The benefits of this strategy were obvious; if implemented correctly, this could arrest the tectonic but so far only temporal shift of voters from identity based to development based politics, sap the BJP’s positive momentum generated by victory in 2014 and help escape the wrath of government in any one particular direction enabling them to live to fight another day (read election).

First it started with Delhi, petty news of theft in Churches were given wide coverage, creating a perception that Christians are under siege in the National capital. In no time, a non issue became a matter of life and death in the TV studios of media shops for every secularist worth his/her salt – in a classical case of agenda setting. Overnight, BJP was bracketed as a communal party for no rhyme or reason. A political “hawa” was created by journalists, some of whom who were recently exposed, by fanning fires over Ghar Wapsi which involved a bunch of fanatics who had nothing to do with the BJP whatsoever. Result? A strong consolidation of minorities, particularly Muslims and Sikhsbehind AAP. The entire narrative was shifted largely from development to secularism and somewhat to AAP´s freebies, whose morality in a free economy and need basis in a reasonably wealthy state like Delhi escaped any scrutiny. Moreover, media shopscompletely suppressed the massive infighting going in AAP (which came to fore almost immediately after the Delhi elections) in order to not weaken the crusader of their choice i.e Kejriwal.

The strategy succeeded with AAP getting a massive mandate and media shops, their sweet revenge. The liberal troops were ordered back to barracks and no one heard a whimper over attacks on Christians thereafter. Suddenly, everyone was safe under the same dispensation and same police.

Predictably, the Delhi results emboldened the media shops and the next stage was set in Bihar. Earlier during the general elections, the BJP had made big strides in Bihar owing to the incremental vote from a large section of EBC as well Yadav voters i.e traditional voters of Nitish and Lalu. If Bihar was to be redeemed, then this vote base must be snatched back from the BJP. Therefore, as the Bihar elections approached besides usual secular rhetoric over Dadri beef tragedy and Award Wapsi, a narrative was spun portraying the BJP as anti-poor and anti-reservation. Media shops cleverly primed the voters by fronting Lalu as a champion of the downtrodden while projecting Nitish as the face of development pandering to the urban voters. One obscure statement after the other from Lalu and people close to him about how BJP was planning to get rid of reservation was pitched systematically as the election campaign proceeded, lending a sense of credibility to this utter falsehood. BJP was found licking its wound and by the time it could get itelf sorted out, the narrative has already changed from Vikaaswaadto Jaatiwaad. It was left defending reservation on one hand and disowning Dadri incident on the other. Consequence? Incremental voters that came with NDA forces during 2014 deserted it and along with Muslims, consolidated behind Lalu and Nitish, who were effectively projected as their messiahs.

The world has neither heard a whisper ever since about BJP´s plan to get rid of reservation nor about the Award Wapsi gang, who seem to be happy again with how things are in India, that is until the next elections. Perception won, reality lost.

Two out of two, media shops have now trained their eyes now on Uttar Pradesh. The strategy has been activated; scare away the incremental voters i.e. Dalits, change the narrative and frustrate BJP´s plans to build a grand coalition of castes and ability to set UP´s election agenda. When the time is ripe, other forces will be unleashed too. We should just get prepared for a huge propaganda onslaught.

Indeed, when every report becomes report worthy just because media shops can bring in the Dalit identity, then make no mistake that elections in UP are just round the corner!


And What is BJP doing to stop this?

I think that a BJP victory in 2019 is out of realm of possibility ,if they do not tame this deluge of propaganda against them. BJP being painted as anti-Muslim anti-Christian does not hurt BJP's chances even a single bit. Neither Muslims nor Christians vote for BJP, and would never vote for it in future, so BJP does not face any threat from "award wapsi" or "intolerance" crowd; but this anti-Dalit card has a potential to hit BJP hard as Dalits are second largest supporters of BJP, after forward castes.
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