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true...it could still be speculation. Some channels are suggesting that she may get defence.. which again is going to be a bad choice. My choice would be Ravi Shankar Prasad for External Affairs... & someone like Arun Jaitly or Dr Swamy for defence!

I actually want Arun Jaitly as foreign minister. He is well spoken and articulate. Sushma aunty would be a very bad choice. Ravi Shankar is ok.
I actually want Arun Jaitly as foreign minister. He is well spoken and articulate. Sushma aunty would be a very bad choice. Ravi Shankar is ok.
In fact Arun Jaitly is someone who would fit in any ministries. be it home, finance, defence or foreign. But I think he is likely to take up finance, with Arun Shouri as deputy head of planning commission. I would rather give something like women & child welfare ministry to Sushma Swaraj.. she can enjoy the company there!
In fact Arun Jaitly is someone who would fit in any ministries. be it home, finance, defence or foreign. But I think he is likely to take up finance, with Arun Shouri as deputy head of planning commission. I would rather give something like women & child welfare ministry to Sushma Swaraj.. she can enjoy the company there!

A real technocrat is better suited for the finance role. You don't need a well spoken person as the finance minister, you need someone who understands economics, especially macroeconomics. I am not sure about Jaitley's expertise in the field.
true...it could still be speculation. Some channels are suggesting that she may get defence.. which again is going to be a bad choice. My choice would be Ravi Shankar Prasad for External Affairs... & someone like Arun Jaitly or Dr Swamy for defence!
I would say MJ akbar or hardeep puri for foriegn :|
Finance should be modi close aide ,Jaitley is ok too
A real technocrat is better suited for the finance role. You don't need a well spoken person as the finance minister, you need someone who understands economics, especially macroeconomics. I am not sure about Jaitley's expertise in the field.
Maybe Jaitly is just the face while all the real work will be done by Modi's hand-picked technocrats. In Vajpayee's govt too they had people like Jaswant Singh & Yashwant Sinha as finance ministers. Not really sure about Jaswant Singh's credentials in economy & finance... but he was a good foreign minister though & brilliant communicator with that royal accent.

I would say MJ akbar or hardeep puri for foriegn :|
Finance should be modi close aide ,Jaitley is ok too
MJ Akbar is OK.. but Hardeep Puri seems to be in bit of a hurry. He might get a berth as minister of state for foreign affairs.. but cabinet post will go to a seasoned politician.
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Narendra Modi's press release

The Prime Minister-designate Shri Narendra Modi has made a historic change in the formation of Ministries. For the first time, he adopted guiding principle of “Minimum Government and Maximum Governance” and also rationalization with a commitment to bring a change in the work culture and style of governance.

• It is a good beginning in transforming entity of assembled ministries to Organic Ministries. It will bring more coordination between different departments, will be more effective and bring a speed in process.

• The focus is on convergence in the activities of various Ministries where one cabinet Minister will be heading a cluster of Ministries who are working in complimentary sectors.

• Mr. Modi is eventually aiming at Smart Governance where the top layers of Government will be downsized and there would be expansion at the grass root level.

Shri Narendra Modi is aware of the high expectations of the people. For whole four days, he was busy with the formation of Ministry and discussing various alternatives to effective governance, convergence and coordination between various ministries.

• Earlier, there was political instability and multi-party governments, the ministry formation was almost done in a bifurcated manner.

• Shri Narendra Modi tried in a rational manner to club like-minded departments in the ministry formation in such way to convert entity of assembled ministry to organic entity.

• He formed ministry using as an instrument to deal with challenges and expectation of people.

• Integrated and inter-connected nature of Governance is being focused in this positive change.

• He emphasized that the ministry can deliver , can govern and can a bring change in style of functioning .

• In the ministry formation, the process of development will be more inclusive than it has been.
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