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Indian police tortured 21 Muslims: HRW


Nov 3, 2008
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United States
United States
There are onlu 5% hindus living in pakistan and bangladesh. Paitence may run out soon if indian authority are not step up and treat muslim with dignity and respect. After all they are indian citizen. We have crazy people in our country too.

[/B]Posted on November 18, 2008. Filed under: Top Stories | Tags: indian police, muslims |

NEW DELHI: Police officers allegedly tortured 21 Muslim men during an investigation into a series of bombings in southern India, an international rights group said Tuesday, calling for the officers to be prosecuted.

New York-based Human Rights Watch said that while most were released, at least 21 were held for long periods and allegedly tortured while under detention.

“The detainees were stripped, hung upside down, severely beaten, subjected to electric shocks, and otherwise ill-treated,” the group said in a statement. “They were also threatened with the torture of their relatives, particularly female relatives.”

The rights group said evidence of the torture was gathered from the testimony of the men and the findings of the state Minorities Commission that concluded that several of them sustained injuries while in custody. So far no action has been taken against the officers.

Human Rights Watch said it was not an isolated incident. “Over and over again, the police response to terrible bombings has been to round up people, simply because they happen to be Muslim, and to torture them in the hope of securing information or confessions,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, of the group’s South Asian office.
this only one news ohhhh its a long history of indian torture on muslims some one can write 500 boks on it from junah ghardh headerabad to kashmir and jugrat whats we write

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