I have doubts India will ever change, the fact that the so called ELITE Indians don't give a shit about the poor, the caste system is still everywhere in India, the poor are basically treated as dirt and slaves, women and children trafficked, and the corruption is ingrained into Indian DNA.
Yes India can change, but when you have 600 million people below the poverty line and basically treated as slaves change is hard to see. The reason I am so critical of India and Indian men is because i witnessed first hand how my wife and daughters were treated in India. Everywhere we went, men would surround them, and try and take sneaky photos, making comments in their Indian language and laughing, it was pretty obvious what they were saying even if we didn't understand the language.
Bumping into my wife on purpose and grabbing her, or feeling her up, I feel sorry for Indian women who have to deal with this every day. It's disgusting that a country that keeps telling the world how they are a democracy and have rule of law, can let rapist, etc get away with it.
To me although India is a great and beautiful country, with a lot of people who are kind, gentle and beautiful, the vast majority of Indians couldn't care less about women and womens rights. Indians always are so patriotic, beating their chest every where you look, but the sad thing is they do not even respect their own country, dumping their rubbish all over the place etc.