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Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama

The Eagle

Oct 15, 2015
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Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama
27 Mar, 2019


NEW DELHI - Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama which he revealed today.

An Indian opposition leader, Mamata Banerjee, said she was lodging a complaint against Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his announcement of an anti-satellite test on Wednesday, saying he had done it to “reap political benefits” before an election.*

Pakistan Foreign Office clarifies PM Khan remarks over Afghanistan
“Today’s announcement is yet another limitless drama and publicity mongering by Modi desperately trying to reap political benefits at the time of election,” Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state and a potential prime ministerial candidate, said on Twitter.

She said it was a gross violation of an electoral code of conduct.

Federal cabinet takes multiple key decisions including new Aviation Policy
“We are lodging a complaint with the Election Commission.”

An Election Commission spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a text message seeking comment.

Pakistan Army Chief makes an important address at Pakistan UK Stabilization Conference at NDU
In a television address to the nation, Modi said an Indian missile had shot down an Indian satellite in space.

“Some time ago, our scientists, shot down a live satellite 300 kilometers away in space, in low-earth orbit,” Modi said, calling it a historic feat.

India has had a space programme for years, making earth imaging satellites and launch capabilities as a cheaper alternative to Western programmes.

India’s staggered general election begins on April 11.
More Bollywood drama, Pakistanis are praying for Modi's victory. This tea seller will turn Indian into a religiously divided and a delusional ''super power'' and a laughing stock of the world.
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Why everyone is crying ?

PM did a right thing .
Anyway this development will going ti cause serious resonance in World .So its better the leader himself declaring this one ,So we can be sure nnone dares to criticise him.
Political gimmick let them do .
No problem
Why everyone is crying ?

PM did a right thing .
Anyway this development will going ti cause serious resonance in World .So its better the leader himself declaring this one ,So we can be sure nnone dares to criticise him.
Political gimmick let them do .
No problem

There are thousands of logic to prove a claim .... A round of applause for India, though...

“Today’s announcement is yet another limitless drama and publicity mongering by Modi desperately trying to reap political benefits at the time of election,” Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state and a potential prime ministerial candidate.
I haven't seen any proof of this test yet. Where is it? Can you share it with us all.
There are thousands of logic to prove a claim .... A round of applause for India, though...

“Today’s announcement is yet another limitless drama and publicity mongering by Modi desperately trying to reap political benefits at the time of election,” Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state and a potential prime ministerial candidate.

So be it .
Then again who is talking ?
Mamata Banerjee. :lol:
That lady is a total nut case .
Tomorrow she will say lets nuke Pakistsn .
So can you agree ?

Everyone knows possibly project was already sanctioned after Chinese test in 2007 .
But we have to concede Modi's seasoned political experience . He want these headless opposition leaders to insult him.
And they just did that .

P.S: This govt alloted a lots of money for defence technology .
That is also a reason.
Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama
27 Mar, 2019


NEW DELHI - Indian PM Modi comes under fire in India over anti satellite missile test drama which he revealed today.

An Indian opposition leader, Mamata Banerjee, said she was lodging a complaint against Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his announcement of an anti-satellite test on Wednesday, saying he had done it to “reap political benefits” before an election.*

Pakistan Foreign Office clarifies PM Khan remarks over Afghanistan
“Today’s announcement is yet another limitless drama and publicity mongering by Modi desperately trying to reap political benefits at the time of election,” Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state and a potential prime ministerial candidate, said on Twitter.

She said it was a gross violation of an electoral code of conduct.

Federal cabinet takes multiple key decisions including new Aviation Policy
“We are lodging a complaint with the Election Commission.”

An Election Commission spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a text message seeking comment.

Pakistan Army Chief makes an important address at Pakistan UK Stabilization Conference at NDU
In a television address to the nation, Modi said an Indian missile had shot down an Indian satellite in space.

“Some time ago, our scientists, shot down a live satellite 300 kilometers away in space, in low-earth orbit,” Modi said, calling it a historic feat.

India has had a space programme for years, making earth imaging satellites and launch capabilities as a cheaper alternative to Western programmes.

India’s staggered general election begins on April 11.
Sir moderator is there a way to contact you about an issue I am facing on the forum?
So be it .
Then again who is talking ?
Mamata Banerjee. :lol:
That lady is a total nut case .
Tomorrow she will say lets nuke Pakistsn .
So can you agree ?

Everyone knows possibly project was already sanctioned after Chinese test in 2007 .
But we have to concede Modi's seasoned political experience . He want these headless opposition leaders to insult him.
And they just did that .

P.S: This govt alloted a lots of money for defence technology .
That is also a reason.

We wouldn't discount if even she threatened Pakistan with nukes. No selective judgment. The so-called test timing is more of political as compare to any achievement. Speaking of India under Modi; a farseeing scenario will actually convince me to have Modi in power again which will ultimately directs Indian state to somewhere which can't be expressed before time. Even though, he is indeed a danger for the whole region. No power as of yet could claim a white wash victory in-case of war and there are always the effects which will resize the one who instigates.
India has declared ICBM capability so what is the surprise there?
We wouldn't discount if even she threatened Pakistan with nukes. No selective judgment. The so-called test timing is more of political as compare to any achievement. Speaking of India under Modi; a farseeing scenario will actually convince me to have Modi in power again which will ultimately directs Indian state to somewhere which can't be expressed before time. Even though, he is indeed a danger for the whole region. No power as of yet could claim a white wash victory in-case of war and there are always the effects which will resize the one who instigates.

From outside , your picture would always be in grey nature .
But Modi is a real democratic leader ,unlike your favourite ,our former PM Indira Gandhi .
So everyone can insult him.
But those who criticise him will agree on one thing .He is really an acvomplished administrator and hard worker of this nation.
From outside , your picture would always be in grey nature .
But Modi is a real democratic leader ,unlike your favourite ,our former PM Indira Gandhi .
So everyone can insult him.
But those who criticise him will agree on one thing .He is really an acvomplished administrator and hard worker of this nation.

From outside , your picture would always be in grey nature .
But Modi is a real democratic leader ,unlike your favourite ,our former PM Indira Gandhi .
So everyone can insult him.
But those who criticise him will agree on one thing .He is really an acvomplished administrator and hard worker of this nation.

This is the issue with Indian mindset that always creates a favourable grey picture of rivals contrary to the facts having no relations with the outside world. Had it been the case; last couple of episodes have already explained how India has been viewed by the outside world except that continuous Indian Media Propaganda caps populace. As said, Modi is indeed an achievement and fruits will come soon.

lol on the bold part. I don't understand the intention behind testing it at this point of time but opposition in India sees everything from political angle and Pakistanis consider it as the gospel truth.

If you may read into details; its been India that sees Pakistan as a requirement for its political gains before voters in India. None of Pakistani political leaders even the most corrupt lot ever emphasis on India for domestic politics. This particular gospel truth is available in history as who believed as such.
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