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Featured Indian Parliament attack was an Inside Job

indian gov documents declared fake by indian gov officials exposes india as the banana republic as it is. Even more reason for Pakistan to disregard whatever india says & ignore it. If we take what india says seriously after this then even zimbabwe & tanzania would want us to take them seriously. run along now.

Kalbhushan was also a Patel.
not official acceptance of attack...but acceptance that attackers originated from inside Pakistan

he was indian as per your own government domicile. the fakery of making yet another domicile & all that verbal gymnastics is irrelevant since you indians, being the do numberi people that you are, are expected to make fake documents here, there everywhere. ab poora desh hindustan hi do numberion say bhara hua tau hum kia karain bhui? let's hope his bhagwan gives him shumma like he asked. ;)
Pakistan has officially admitted the 2008 attackers originated inside Pakistan...and has not retracted those statements since...so is Imran Khan also part of the conspiracy along with Zardari and Sharif?

what do you even mean the attackers originated inside Pakistan? Do you mean they were Pakistani by nationality? There were reports that the main accused, the only alleged attacker caught alive, had been kidnapped in Nepal by RAW. Who is to say that the entire drama, a false flag operation, wasn't conducted by Indian Security Forces to obtain their desired results.
No doubt India succeeded in blaming Pakistan with all the media blitz within minutes of the Mumbai and Parliament attacks, this media bombardment is a part of the falsehood of false flag operation...

No denying the fact that India succeeded in her plan.

With a huge, huge flip side to it.
You can continue to dwell in the conspiracy theories. But, certain facts like corroborative evidence from the arrested culprits in the US cannot be faked can they? Or, it must be an international conspiracy to defame beloved Pakistan.
Now that you have found out this was an inside job, what next??
I hope this message is not deleted by 26/11 was an attack on Diamond lobby.
Who is the beneficiary of Mumbai attacks and the earlier Parliament attacks, certainly it is India.

India has planned all these false flags with multiple benefits, not just the sole idea of blaming Pakistan, but that blaming Pakistan Indian game plan was at the heart of it.

Blaming Pakistan is directly proportional to uniting the divisive forces in India.

India enacted the draconian UAPA and even more biased POTA laws after the Mumbai, used against mostly Muslims and Kashmir people.
what do you even mean the attackers originated inside Pakistan? Do you mean they were Pakistani by nationality? There were reports that the main accused, the only alleged attacker caught alive, had been kidnapped in Nepal by RAW. Who is to say that the entire drama, a false flag operation, wasn't conducted by Indian Security Forces to obtain their desired results.
A Pakistani news agency tracked down Kasabs family on the day he was arrested. A Pakistani official even admitted he is a Pakistani. The RAW picking up Kasab from Nepal is the conspiracy theory here.
The book betrayal of India by the German investigative journalist talked about a nexus between radicalized groups like RSS, bajrang dal, VHP others and the Indian agencies ...

Hemant Karkare was close to unearthing that nexus of powerful RSS and Indian agency people, he was doing the malegaon investigation too

Assemanand the radical anti Muslim leader was arrested and put on trial...the reason the honest CBI police officer Hemant Karkare was killed in the Mumbai attacks...

A Delhi-based publisher, Pharos Media, has just published the first comprehensive and critical study of the 26/11 terror attacks on Mumbai. Written by a Germany-based author, the 905-page book, The Betrayal of India – Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence, covers all episodes of this event, the responses of the police and the NSG, alleged intelligence failures, the mystery surrounding Ajmal Kasab, court proceedings, and an assessment of the motives of various actors. The methodology employed draws from the fields of criminology, law and political science. In the end, this voluminous book offers three conclusions that the author designates as definite, namely:

1. That India’s major institutions are suppressing the truth on 26/11;

2. That India’s judiciary has betrayed its duty to seek truth and render justice; and

3. That business, political and military circles in India and the United States profited from the mass-murder of 26/11.

Born in Palestine in 1941 to German-Jewish parents, the author, Elias Davidsson, was sensibilized early on to questions of justice, particularly in the light of the persecutions experienced by Jews in Europe. Opposition to injustice and its variants, such as racism, war and mass deception, constitutes a red thread leading through all his life.

In 2002, Davidsson discovered to his dismay that public has been grossly deceived regarding the events of 9/11. He spent more than 10 years investigating this mass murder.

This research culminated with the publication in New York in 2013 of his book, Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11. That book demonstrates, beyond reasonable doubt, that the official legend of 9/11 is pure fiction in the sense of attributing it to Islamic fanatics. There is no shred of evidence for this legend.

His findings regarding 9/11 prompted him to investigate other terrorist events carried out outside conflict zones, which were attributed by Western governments and media to Al Qaeda or to other allegedly Muslim entities. He wanted to know whether 9/11 was an exception or rather a model for more recent terrorist attacks.

Having investigated a series of such events, including the attacks on Djerba (Tunisia), Istanbul (Turkey), Amman (Jordan) and the London bombings of 2005, he decided to examine the Mumbai attacks of November 2008. He has heavily relied on official and eyewitness reports, monographs, books and court judgments regarding 26/11 which are available in English language. The result is the most comprehensive study yet to appear of the 26/11 terror attacks. All factual claims of the book are accompanied by readily accessible sources.

Book: The Betrayal of India – Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence
Author: Elias Davidsson.

@The Eagle @Taimoor Khan

@SecularNationalist @GumNaam

@PanzerKiel @masterchief_mirza

@maverick1977 @Mav3rick
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A Pakistani news agency tracked down Kasabs family on the day he was arrested. A Pakistani official even admitted he is a Pakistani. The RAW picking up Kasab from Nepal is the conspiracy theory here.
Nope, Kasab is a Nepali ,

Its afterall a joint Nepali-Indian Hindu-Hindu Chanakyan conspiracy to malign the Land of Pure

This has happened in the past
Just like this Nepali guy who presented to whole world as a Pak diplomat found with explosives
2008 attack is just like a dead horse for Pakistan. Pakistan will not be able to change the history now.

Might Pakistani can believes that Pakistan-based banned militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba was not behind but does any other country supports to pakistan on this?

Just list down any important country in the world. I will try to provide the source of that country, " What do they believe on about 26/11 and who was behind the attack". If you ask then even I can provide from chinese Sources (Your all weather friend).

There are many countries which support Pakistani stance on the matter including Iran, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan etc., and then there are scores of neutral countries. Basically, only those countries are with India with whom India has steep financial interests. Most countries are neutral and don't even know India exists except for things which are best not mentioned on decent forums.
There are many countries which support Pakistani stance on the matter including Iran, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan etc., and then there are scores of neutral countries. Basically, only those countries are with India with whom India has steep financial interests. Most countries are neutral and don't even know India exists except for things which are best not mentioned on decent forums.

Most countries are neutral and don't even know India exists except for things which are best not mentioned on decent forums.

Sorry If you could say about Pakistan then might I agree but India... No ways! Yes, before 1980s.... your statement could be correct.

Do you mean by Azerbaijan, I just listen to Active president of Azerbaijan?

Also, 1st time I heard about Azerbaijan because My general knowledge is very weak about countries. I know about only important countries in the world.
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