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'Indian-origin jihadis' fighting in Syria against Assad regime


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
'Indian-origin jihadis' fighting in Syria against Assad regime

NEW DELHI: Indian-origin ****** fighters have been found fighting along with the rebels in the raging civil war in Syria. "This is one of the reasons why we think India should play a more pro-active role, because this expanding conflict will not leave anyone untouched," said Bouthaini Shabaan, political adviser to Syrian President Bashar-al-Assad, in a conversation with TOI. She quoted UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi as saying that there were almost 38 nationalities of fighters in war-torn Syria.

Shabaan is in India as a special envoy of Assad, to convey a message from him to PM Manmohan Singh. Syria wants India to take a lead role at the forthcoming BRICS summit, and "support" Russia and China in their stand on the conflict. Both P-5 countries have vetoed UN Security Council resolutions against Syrian regime. Shabaan met foreign minister Salman Khurshid and national security adviser (NSA) Shivshankar Menon.

MEA spokesperson said, "India reiterated deep concern on the security situation in Syria and the continued escalation in violence. We also expressed our concern about the plight of the people of Syria arising out of intense fighting and conflict. India urged the need for peaceful resolution of the crisis with participation of all parties taking into account the legitimate aspirations of all Syrians for which the Geneva Communique which includes the 6-Point Plan of Kofi Annan provides a good basis."

Many of the Indian fighters found in Syria are coming in from the UK, she said. Shabaan said the western narrative on the Syrian conflict was incorrect, and the war within Syria was actually being fuelled by Turkey and Qatar, with some help from Saudi Arabia.

"Turkey wants to spread the Muslim Brotherhood all over the region," she alleged. The US, she argued, wanted to break up the region by fomenting conflicts along sectarian and ethnic lines, which could destabilize West Asia for long time to come.

"We don't want this to become a sectarian conflict," she added. She said she had told foreign minister Salman Khurshid that India should be wary of countries funding mosques here since Damascus was living with the consequences of such action.

'Indian-origin jihadis' fighting in Syria against Assad regime - The Times of India
I doubt this report and if some brain washed low lives are found in Syria who are of Indian origin, Syria should deal with them as any fighters, India has no objection what ever happens there.

India backs Syrian regime which is a secular one.
Ahem....cough cough .....
India financed problems for Pak in Afghanistan, says US defence secretary nominee Chuck Hagel - Times Of India

And before that the Muktis were no doubt the holy cow of the Indian psyche.

Read the whole statement and his explanation before crying a river and beating your chest .

When U.S. says something against Pakistan words like New world Order , Anti Islam and what not conspiracy theories comes up from you guys and when it says something against India its holy grail .

Epitome of Pakistani thinking ( majority of it )
If they indeed are from Indian origin, I for one would have no issue if Assad blows them off. They chose to do this idiocy and they must pay for this.
Read the whole statement and his explanation before crying a river and beating your chest .

When U.S. says something against Pakistan words like New world Order , Anti Islam and what not conspiracy theories comes up from you guys and when it says something against India its holy grail .

Epitome of Pakistani thinking ( majority of it )

We support Syrian Regime and India has no dual citizenship , end of topic .

And before fancying your self as the spokesperson for GOI, utilise yourself and comprehend what the Syrian envoy is asking.
If your rant was anything to go by, the envoy wouldn't be making any demands.
Shabaan is in India as a special envoy of Assad, to convey a message from him to PM Manmohan Singh. Syria wants India to take a lead role at the forthcoming BRICS summit, and "support" Russia and China in their stand on the conflict. Both P-5 countries have vetoed UN Security Council resolutions against Syrian regime. Shabaan met foreign minister Salman Khurshid and national security adviser (NSA) Shivshankar Menon.
THis is going to be Funny A TROLL ARTICLE BY INDIAN media where these supposedly indian Muslims are not even considered indian and are british citizen because india does not have Dual citizen ship and the guy is author of the article is trolling on the fact that some how they did a dna test on them and traced it back to present day India(all in his Head to relate to the fact that every thing in the world should somehow involve indians directly or indirectly), now the aurthors troll article is leading more trolling by its fellow country men on the issue when it should not concern them because india is not responsible for them

hahahahahahaha EPIC indian media and its targeted indian audience

And before fancying your self as the spokesperson for GOI, utilise yourself and comprehend what the Syrian envoy is asking.
If your rant was anything to go by, the envoy wouldn't be making any demands.

Where does it says India will not support it ???

India is one of the largest opposer of U.S. bills in U.N.
THis is going to be Funny A TROLL ARTICLE BY INDIAN media where these supposedly indian Muslims are not even considered indian and are british citizen because india does not have Dual citizen ship and the guy is author of the article is trolling on the fact that some how they did a dna test on them and traced it back to present day India(all in his Head to relate to the fact that every thing in the world should somehow involve indians directly or indirectly), now the aurthors troll article is leading more trolling by its fellow country men on the issue when it should not concern them because india is not responsible for them

hahahahahahaha EPIC indian media and its targeted indian audience


In subcontinent's terms....this would translate into.....Chunky pieces of meat are edible but the gravy it's cooked in is not. !! :cheesy:
THis is going to be Funny A TROLL ARTICLE BY INDIAN media where these supposedly indian Muslims are not even considered indian and are british citizen because india does not have Dual citizen ship and the guy is author of the article is trolling on the fact that some how they did a dna test on them and traced it back to present day India(all in his Head to relate to the fact that every thing in the world should somehow involve indians directly or indirectly), now the aurthors troll article is leading more trolling by its fellow country men on the issue when it should not concern them because india is not responsible for them

hahahahahahaha EPIC indian media and its targeted indian audience


Such people are called Indian origin people.
In subcontinent's terms....this would translate into.....Chunky pieces of meat are edible but the gravy it's cooked in is not. !! :cheesy:
Word The need to by the indian Troll MEDia to project it self in every Situation of the world and relate to both sides of the game being played

its just EPIC

Such people are called Indian origin people.

AMerican Locals are also know as indian origin You sure you and those guys are not the same they sure dont look like your typical indian
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