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Indian offer to sell Brahmos missiles to Vietnam stalled


Jul 7, 2017
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Contrary to reports earlier this month in the Vietnamese media about sale and delivery of Brahmos cruise missiles, negotiations for the system with India have stalled, with indications that Hanoi is reconsidering the offer.

Sources who did not wish to be named told ThePrint that detailed talks had been held on the sale of the cruise missiles — jointly developed and produced by India and Russia — but the matter got stuck on pricing and technology issues.

India has offered Vietnam a $500 million line of credit for defence-related equipment, but the utilisation of these funds depends on what the nation requires. India is already working on new patrol boats for Vietnam as well as a refit of its older Petya-class warships with modern equipment.

Ironically, the biggest challenge to the Brahmos sale has come from joint developer Russia itself that has similar missiles to offer. Russia, which has seen its international market for arms shrink with growing competition from players like China, has Vietnam as one of its major customers for military equipment.

It is learnt that Hanoi has been in talks with Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya, which makes similar supersonic cruise missiles for the export market, including the Yakhont that can be used for shore defence systems.

While pricing could be one consideration — a direct purchase from Russia could turn out to be cheaper — Vietnam is also looking at some technology transfer that may turn the matter in Moscow’s favour. Besides, Brahmos is marketed by a government-controlled corporation, limiting Indian ability to incentivise sales.

As has been reported, India will weaponise two Petya-class frigates of the Vietnamese Navy to make them fit for an anti-submarine role. The Russian origin frigates are getting new sonar system, torpedo launchers and a modern fire control system.

Vietnam will also get 10 new patrol boats from India as part of an earlier $100 million line of credit. Besides, talks are also on for the high-speed heavy weight ‘Varunastra’ torpedo that has been developed by India.

I thought this was debunked as fake news when the story came out???
Vietnam's decision comes in the wake of India's stand-down at Doklam. India's unilateral withdrawal and retreat seriously damaged its credibility. The Vietnamese have been left to doubt whether India is a reliable partner and whether, if they get into trouble with China, they can rely on India for support and maintenance of the equipment.
Vietnam's decision comes in the wake of India's stand-down at Doklam. India's unilateral withdrawal and retreat seriously damaged its credibility. The Vietnamese have been left to doubt whether India is a reliable partner and whether, if they get into trouble with China, they can rely on India for support and maintenance of the equipment.
Better take care of yourself instead of other. Even a 10 year little boy outside China realizes after the end of China/India standoff: Chinese strategy sucks.
Better take care of yourself instead of other. Even a 10 year little boy outside China realizes after the end of China/India standoff: Chinese strategy sucks.

If it "sucks" because the Indians were sent back without us firing a single bullet, then so be it. And it is really reassuring to know you don't like it, because otherwise we might actually be worried a little. Just might be a tiny little. LOL:cheers:
If it "sucks" because the Indians were sent back without us firing a single bullet, then so be it. And it is really reassuring to know you don't like it, because otherwise we might actually be worried a little. Just might be a tiny little. LOL:cheers:
Show them it dsnt suck ,by building the road from where the Indians stopped Chinese :cheers:
Better take care of yourself instead of other. Even a 10 year little boy outside China realizes after the end of China/India standoff: Chinese strategy sucks.

What is the difference between China sending Indians off from China-Bhutan border areas and Spanish firm from the Chinese waters in the SCS ?

If India has won, then Vietnam has, as well.

I think, if I were the Mainland, I would live with this sort of defeats.

Your reasoning is being clouded by abject hatred, obviously.
What is the difference between China sending Indians off from China-Bhutan border areas and Spanish firm from the Chinese waters in the SCS ?

If India has won, then Vietnam has, as well.

I think, if I were the Mainland, I would live with this sort of defeats.

Your reasoning is being clouded by abject hatred, obviously.
I'm disappointed, you said are an educated person and fail to show it.

Geography dictates politics on the ground. What is the difference in geography between Vietnam, Taiwan and India?

Obviously you don't know so I tell you: if Vietnam is protected by high mountains in the case between China and India or by deep ocean in the case between China and Taiwan, the people of VN would be more relax.

China has proved endless times as aggressor against Vietnam because we have no natural barrier at the border to China. VN Navy is weak. Should it come to an all out war, we must be prepared.

VN backs down because we are not ready yet. Not yet.

As for my hatred as you said it, actually I have no problem at all if you love aggression and support Chinese arrogance. Don't make false assumptions!
Contrary to reports earlier this month in the Vietnamese media about sale and delivery of Brahmos cruise missiles, negotiations for the system with India have stalled, with indications that Hanoi is reconsidering the offer.

Sources who did not wish to be named told ThePrint that detailed talks had been held on the sale of the cruise missiles — jointly developed and produced by India and Russia — but the matter got stuck on pricing and technology issues.

India has offered Vietnam a $500 million line of credit for defence-related equipment, but the utilisation of these funds depends on what the nation requires. India is already working on new patrol boats for Vietnam as well as a refit of its older Petya-class warships with modern equipment.

Ironically, the biggest challenge to the Brahmos sale has come from joint developer Russia itself that has similar missiles to offer. Russia, which has seen its international market for arms shrink with growing competition from players like China, has Vietnam as one of its major customers for military equipment.

It is learnt that Hanoi has been in talks with Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyeniya, which makes similar supersonic cruise missiles for the export market, including the Yakhont that can be used for shore defence systems.

While pricing could be one consideration — a direct purchase from Russia could turn out to be cheaper — Vietnam is also looking at some technology transfer that may turn the matter in Moscow’s favour. Besides, Brahmos is marketed by a government-controlled corporation, limiting Indian ability to incentivise sales.

As has been reported, India will weaponise two Petya-class frigates of the Vietnamese Navy to make them fit for an anti-submarine role. The Russian origin frigates are getting new sonar system, torpedo launchers and a modern fire control system.

Vietnam will also get 10 new patrol boats from India as part of an earlier $100 million line of credit. Besides, talks are also on for the high-speed heavy weight ‘Varunastra’ torpedo that has been developed by India.


It is time now that India stop shitting. India can't sell Brahmos to anyone without Russia permission and Russian don't spoil relation with China by any mean. So Indian should stop their mind masturbation and India simply can't do that
Maybe india can sweeten the deal by adding some tejas

That will actually destroy the deal. The LCA Tejas has become a white elephant which has neither entered service, nor stopped eating funds, and has forced the IAF to look for the import of a second fighter jet from abroad. Why would Vietnam want to get saddled with such a monumental failure?

VN wants to acquire missile technology. Not just to buy it.

If that is the case, Vietnam would be better off dealing directly with Russia. India only has a history of defrauding its allies.
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