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Indian NSA Ajit DovaL on Muslims Video speech sparks controversy

They don't like each other but they view iran as a common enemy.

If they can spoil their relations with their fellow Arabs than they have no problem spoiling it with you.You need their oil they don't need your labor.Think about it why would india "staunchest hater of muslims" do business with a muslim country? Why don't they find another supplier like you said?

His hate speech targets muslims world wide not just muslims in india.

You cant see obvious because you are seeing things to religious prism .Once you clear that confusion you can understand that.There is no religious things in geopolitics .That is why one of the greatest killers of Muslims US And West is still giving protection to Arab nations.
There is no religious color for money .Our trade relations with GCC is running in 200 billion$ and in turn supports of Arab business .We have relations with Arabs even before Islam .
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