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Indian NSA Ajit DovaL on Muslims Video speech sparks controversy

he mixed the Ideology of Khawarji with the Jihad ...
AQ , ISIS and other khawarji they have this theory that if you don't agree with us than you have to die .. but in Islam the difference of Opinion exists from the very beginning .. anyone who doubt that, is free to Study the Conflicts of opinion between Omar ibn Khattab and Prophet Muhammad pbuh ..
What's controversial in the speech? He is talking about Al-qaeda and Jihadis and their ideology. Do you mean to say that Muslims = Jihadis and vice versa?
And then what?
They are not the one that paying our expense .
Fact is they need our influence for their own interests and that is not religious
:lol:No they don't
You need them
How many Arabs are seen in india and how many indians are seen in Gulf countries?
These Arabs are unaware about how much hate indians harbor against them.It surpasses that of israelites.
He is even bigger pain in neck for some specific people than Modi ......

They want Arabs to take anti India stand but on the other hand Arabs dont leave a single chance to humiliate them .

This what Arabs think about our neighbors :

UAE minister warns Pakistan of ‘heavy price for ambiguous stand’ on Yemen

Saudi has deported 39000 pakistanis in last 4 month

Kuwait Bans Visa for 5 Muslim-majority Countries, Including Pakistan

And then what?
They are not the one that paying than our expense .
Fact is they need our influence for their own interests and that is not religious
Ultimatums from UAE or False visa bans don't change the fact that your people are hypocrites and Islamaphobes living in a muslim country.:lol:

he mixed the Ideology of Khawarji with the Jihad ...
AQ , ISIS and other khawarji they have this theory that if you don't agree with us than you have to die .. but in Islam the difference of Opinion exists from the very beginning .. anyone who doubt that, is free to Study the Conflicts of opinion between Omar ibn Khattab and Prophet Muhammad pbuh ..
Is this their "james bond" :lol:
He is ignorant and doesn't know what he's talking about? The least he could have done is deliver some constructive criticism.
Is this their "james bond" :lol:
He is ignorant and doesn't know what he's talking about? The least he could have done is deliver some constructive criticism.

yeah he is Desi Jarminder bondewala :D hahaha
you expect too much from these Indians , i don't hahha
Gulf countries are not Pakistan, they can understand that there is no controversy in that video.
If there is no controversy then him and his people should deliver the same kind of speeches in gulf countries.They should also tell them how much they love israel.
:lol:No they don't
You need them
How many Arabs are seen in india and how many indians are seen in Gulf countries?
These Arabs are unaware about how much hate indians harbor against them.It surpasses that of israelites.

Nope.We need each other and certainly Arabs cant spoil their relation with India.
Qatar is one example .A lots of Indians is in there but 80% of their oil is exporting to India .
You know we can find another supplier if we want .But both of us have stakes here.
UAE foreign minister said recently ,we are increasing relations with India for their own interests ,not against some others.Because India is India and is ever growing power.

If there is no controversy then him and his people should deliver the same kind of speeches in gulf countries.They should also tell them how much they love israel.
Why should he deliver speech in some other nation?
He is saying that to his own citizens .It is his right .
Some other nations dont need to concern about it.
If there is no controversy then him and his people should deliver the same kind of speeches in gulf countries.They should also tell them how much they love israel.
Saudi Arabia and Israel are having good diplomatic relations. India do not speak in two tongues.
Looks like he just read some shit on internet and pretends to be an expert, everything he said applies to Khawariji groups and extreme salafists. He's just repeating the same shit found on anti Islamic websites, only in a funnier accent. :lol:

If he is against Jihadis he should break all ties with Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar, there countries involved in spreading extreme form of Salafism.
Saudi Arabia and Israel are having good diplomatic relations. India do not speak in two tongues.
They don't like each other but they view iran as a common enemy.

Nope.We need each other and certainly Arabs cant spoil their relation with India.
Qatar is one example .A lots of Indians is in there but 80% of their oil is exporting to India .
You know we can find another supplier if we want .But both of us have stakes here.
UAE foreign minister said recently ,we are increasing relations with India for their own interests ,not against some others.Because India is India and is ever growing power.

Why should he deliver speech in some other nation?
He is saying that to his own citizens .It is his right .
Some other nations dont need to concern about it.
If they can spoil their relations with their fellow Arabs than they have no problem spoiling it with you.You need their oil they don't need your labor.Think about it why would india "staunchest hater of muslims" do business with a muslim country? Why don't they find another supplier like you said?

His hate speech targets muslims world wide not just muslims in india.
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