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Indian Nikki Haley Says She Is White

Thank You.
Egyptian and Lebanese are white but Spanish and Argentineans are not.

There are many variations in use, but the new direction seems to be to allow recording either race or origin.
News from 2011, lol this obsession does not seem to end.
Btw she was born in america ... so yea
so anyone born in USA automatically becomes white..WoW I didn't know that @KAL-EL mate look at this logic, if we follow this, we can end all racial issues because every born in USA becomes white...a single race nation :lol::lol:
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Not so inspiring? Lying about where you’re from, like South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC), the American-born child of Indian parents, might have done. The Associated Press reports that in 2001, Haley listed her race as “white” on her voter registration form.

Michael Jackson disease :D
:o::o::o::o: So US voter registration form has a RACE box??????
:o::o::o::o: So US voter registration form has a RACE box??????

so homegirl said she's white. so what? i say i am black like all the time dawg. gotta keep it real
so homegirl said she's white. so what? i say i am black like all the time dawg. gotta keep it real
Well Lankans are pitch black so it is trivial to say that. But look at her, she is off-brown :lol:

I've a much fairer complexion than hers but I won't call myself white since it particularly refers to another race. I'm proud of my origin, race and skin color and openly embrace and own it and everyone should to the same. I don't deride anyone for his or her skin color.
Well Lankans are pitch black so it is trivial to say that. But look at her, she is off-brown :lol:

I've a much fairer complexion than hers but I won't call myself white since it particularly refers to another race. I'm proud of my origin, race and skin color and openly embrace and own it and everyone should to the same. I don't deride anyone for his or her skin color.
i am brown g. still identify with mah brothas from africa

fam it's the facial structure. a tanned cracker is still a cracker
Funny that you mention it

And the reasons she describes are spot on, only because most of the options listed on these forms don't offer "Middle Eastern" or "North African" or even better, "Arab" since the former 2 groups could include Sudanese or Israelis or even Turks and Iranians.

There's also the issue of post-911 where many fear identifying themselves as Arabs for obvious reasons and not necessarily because of the perks of being white, which is also a silly concept if you really think about it. In the US, for the overwhelming most part, your behavior is what earns you respect from others, especially in the professional circuits of this day and age and certainly on a census form.

BTW, looking at your avatar, that speech that Dr. Maleeha Lodhi gave at the UN was the best one. I hope she was looking right at Nikki Haley when he said "the rest of the world will not, and cannot, be complicit in any act of illegality." I thought that was the best line and it looked like she was staring right at Haley when she emphatically made that statement. Also, referring to the city as Al Quds in many instances and also Palestine was terrific. She represents very respectably.

Thank You.
Egyptian and Lebanese are white but Spanish and Argentineans are not.

Tough to describe us as 'whites,' considering we are a melting pot of coloration. Look at the difference between the two most famous, modern-day Egyptians.

Gamal Abdel Nasser (could easily pass as Pakistani even.)


Anwar Sadat. You can see the strong, Berber heritage which is prevalent among the common Egyptian population.


Sadat's wife (Gihan Al Sadat) quite a difference.

A mix of Egyptian people creates a strong color palette.


Of course, Hollywood likes to make it appear like ancient Egyptians were as white as today's Europeans and white Americans...


Although Liz Taylor might've been a close match to the real Cleopatra, considering the hieroglyphic depictions of her, but the reality is closer to this. the Egyptians of ancient civilization to today.


Common Egyptians.




Hard to think of us as "white" per the common conception of the term as it relates to race.
Man she be wearing kabbalistic locket in her neck.

The control of the Zionist is so total that even she has to be Jew worshiper to get to a position of importance.
And the reasons she describes are spot on, only because most of the options listed on these forms don't offer "Middle Eastern" or "North African" or even better, "Arab" since the former 2 groups could include Sudanese or Israelis or even Turks and Iranians.
When you have to change name,religion and race to be taken seriously you know you have a problem
She defines the term Uncle Tom :D
There's also the issue of post-911 where many fear identifying themselves as Arabs for obvious reasons and not necessarily because of the perks of being white, which is also a silly concept if you really think about it. In the US, for the overwhelming most part, your behavior is what earns you respect from others, especially in the professional circuits of this day and age and certainly on a census form.
This is the thing that Islamophobes refuse to acknowledge that the racist dont only hate extremists they hate everyone who is from Muslim majority countries,everyone with a brown skin tone and a Muslim sounding name this is about race they judge you based on your appearance and name alone without even talking to you
BTW, looking at your avatar, that speech that Dr. Maleeha Lodhi gave at the UN was the best one.
BTW, looking at your avatar, that speech that Dr. Maleeha Lodhi gave at the UN was the best one.
The way she threw facts to alternative fact promoting race bender Nikki and reminded her the legal aspects of it just made me proud to have her as my nation,s representative in the UN
Also, referring to the city as Al Quds in many instances and also Palestine was terrific. She represents very respectably.
Absolutely, the best reply to a narcissist bullies is a resounding no this against international law,its illegal,it protects and promotes illegal occupation.You just cant just hand over countries to occupying forces because cults in your country believe Palestine in Jewish land will result in their salvation by destruction of whole world and appearance of Yaweh(*cough cough* his Evangelical base)

In our language there is a saying that if you give someone space to stand in he will make space to sit down on his own after it
(could easily pass as Pakistani even.)
Totally can he looks like a politician whose name i just forgot :-//
Gamal Abdel Nasser (could easily pass as Pakistani even.)
Funny that you mention that colour variation is even more crazy in Pakistan it varies depending on where you go and your family background in North people have lighter skin tones as compared to South of the country plus you have mix of outside ethnic groups like the Burmans(Rohingya and non-Rohingya) and Uighyurs





Ah memories i remember screaming like a little girl when we won that match shit man the twin cities with 8 million residents had empty roads that day
You keep telling yourself that Nikki
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