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Indian News Anchor:"China will lose any war with India because their soldiers are..."

The point he missed is that of the indian diet... lack of beef/red meat is known to cause anemia. India has one of the highest rates of anemia and sugar in the world. There lack of indulgance in beef makes them turn to surgar :D

Secondly having one of the worlds highest rate of unhappiness sure makes it worth to fight ? :D
Some one tell this crapy anchor that one of highest sucide rate in army is indian army officers humiliate their juniors in some vases they even rape them and not to forget how some viral videos of those soildiers who had nothing to eat..
I feel.sorry for india soildiers who have everything to lose to save some high cast race in india.
Chinese can takeout Indian communication satellite and shower missiles on Indian airbases. Indian can never match China.
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