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Indian Navy’s Anti-Aircraft arsenal gets a boost with successful missile tests


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Navy’s Anti-Aircraft arsenal gets a boost with successful missile tests
Friday, May 17, 2019

The Indian Navy on Thursday conducted significant missile tests boosting its anti-air warfare capabilities. The first cooperative engagement firing of the Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM) or Barak-8 was held on the Western Seaboard.

The missiles were fired from Indian Naval Ships Kochi and Chennai engaging multiple aerial targets at extended ranges. Interestingly, one of the ships controlled the complete mission through its automated data links.The firing trials were carried out by Indian Navy, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

Navy officials said the MRSAMs are fitted onboard the Kolkata Class Destroyers.These would also be fitted on all future major warships of the Indian Navy.

“With the successful proving of this cooperative mode of engagement, the Indian Navy has become a part of a select group of navies that have this niche capability. This capability significantly enhances the combat effectiveness of the Indian Navy thereby providing an operational edge over potential adversaries,” a Navy statement said.

The MRSAM system has an intercept range between 70-100 km, and carries an active radar seeker, dual pulse rocket motor and a bi-directional data link for mid-course guidance and kill assessment. MRSAM is also equipped with a modern ground-based multi-function 3D rotating active phased array radar (with multi beam electronic scanning capability) to provide high quality Air Situation Picture (ASP) and weapon support under adverse operational and environmental conditions.

The MRSAM will be capable of operating at extreme condition of -30deg C and an altitude of 3.5 km.The weapon system can operate on standalone mode or joint targeting mode using network-centric modes.Built jointly by Hyderabad-based DRDO lab Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL) and IAI, the missile has been manufactured by Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL).
India, Israel carry out unique ‘cooperative’ naval missile test Published May 17, 2019 | By admin SOURCE: THE
WEEK The Indian Navy announced on Friday that it had achieved a “significant milestone” in its anti-air warfare capabilities by having one of its warships control missiles fired from two ships . The Indian Navy announced that, with the test of this cooperative engagement system, “it has become a part of a select group of navies that have this niche capability. This capability significantly enhances the combat effectiveness of the Indian Navy, thereby providing an operational edge over potential adversaries.” A press release by the Indian Navy described the test as its “maiden cooperative engagement”, for which the Medium-Range Surface-to-Air Missile (MRSAM), co-developed with Israel, was used. Israel Aerospace Industries refers to the MRSAM as the Barak-8 missile. The Indian Navy statement said the test was “carried out by the Indian Navy, DRDO and Israel Aerospace Industries”. The test was conducted on the Western Seaboard and involved the warships, INS Kochi and INS Chennai. Both INS Kochi and INS Chennai fired their MRSAM missiles, which were controlled by one of the ships to “intercept different aerial targets at extended ranges”. Both the INS Kochi and INS Chennai are ships of the Kolkata class of destroyers and are equipped with the Israeli-origin ELM-2248 MF-STAR radar system and MRSAM missiles. According to an Israel Aerospace Industries brochure, the MF-STAR radar can track a large number of targets over 450km away. Cooperative engagement involves using data-links between ships and platforms to have a “common picture” of a battle situation and taking control of weaponry on multiple platforms. A cooperative engagement system allows navies to respond more rapidly to ‘saturation attacks’ involving large numbers of low-flying anti-ship missiles. Cooperative engagement revolves around maximising the advantages offered by sophisticated radars such as the MF-STAR. The US Navy has developed a Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) for decades, which it describes as a “real-time sensor netting system that enables high-quality situational awareness and integrated fire control capability.” The US Navy explains CEC involves the “netting of geographically dispersed sensors to provide a single integrated air picture, thus enabling integrated fire control to destroy increasingly capable threat cruise missiles and aircraft.” In addition to data from warships, the US Navy’s CEC also collates information from aircraft, satellites and other sensors. The US Navy, the Royal Australian Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force are navies that are known to have adopted the CEC. These navies use the US-developed Aegis battle management system and Standard Missile series of missiles. The US Navy has also tested CEC for use in ballistic missile defence roles.

idrw.org .Read more at India No 1 Defence News Website https://idrw.org/india-israel-carry-out-unique-cooperative-naval-missile-test/ .
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