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Indian Navy To Deploy Dhruv MK III Chopper To Maldives


Apr 28, 2011
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Indian Navy Dhruv ALH Mk III (Image: @CaptDKS on twitter)
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The Indian Navy will deploy an Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) MK III in Male to strengthen maritime co-operation between India and Maldives.

Captain DK Sharma, spokesperson of the Indian Navy tweeted, “In a move to further strengthen the robust maritime co-operation between India & Maldives, Indian Navy to deploy an ALH Mk III in Male.”

“ALH to assist Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) in coastal security, SAR, casualty evacuation, Maritime Recce, Commn and Logistic duties,” he tweeted.

MK III is an improved version of Dhruv light helicopter equipped with Shakti engines, new electronic warfare (EW) suite and warning systems, automatic chaff and flare dispensers, and improved vibration control system. The first batch were inducted into Indian service in 2012.


Indian Navy Dhruv ALH Mk III (Image: @CaptDKS on twitter)
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The Indian Navy will deploy an Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) MK III in Male to strengthen maritime co-operation between India and Maldives.

Captain DK Sharma, spokesperson of the Indian Navy tweeted, “In a move to further strengthen the robust maritime co-operation between India & Maldives, Indian Navy to deploy an ALH Mk III in Male.”

“ALH to assist Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) in coastal security, SAR, casualty evacuation, Maritime Recce, Commn and Logistic duties,” he tweeted.

MK III is an improved version of Dhruv light helicopter equipped with Shakti engines, new electronic warfare (EW) suite and warning systems, automatic chaff and flare dispensers, and improved vibration control system. The first batch were inducted into Indian service in 2012.

Will be operating alongside the MNDF's own ALHs then:




Being deployed abroad, but the ALH is still a failure, right? :coffee:

First 8 radar stations all around Maldives and now Helicopter... Good going India.

Don't forget the fact that the IN recently deployed P-8Is to the Seychelles also.

The IN never fails to disappoint, they have their head in the game. They receive just 16% of the defence budget, imagine what they could be doing if they were receiving the IA's 55-60% allocation. The ROI speaks for itself.

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @anant_s @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @MilSpec @Ankit Kumar 002 @MKC @Taygibay @nair @Spectre @Bang Galore @Parul @Capt.Popeye @scorpionx @Armani @ranjeet @Star Wars @skyisthelimit @Sky lord @Dash @Water Car Engineer @acetophenol @noksss @Stephen Cohen @C130 @IndoCarib @bloo
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Will be operating alongside the MNDF's own ALHs then:




Being deployed abroad, but the ALH is still a failure, right? :coffee:

Don't forget the fact that the IN recently deployed P-8Is to the Seychelles also.

The IN never fails to disappoint, they have their head in the game. They receive just 16% of the defence budget, imagine what they could be doing if they were receiving the IA's 55-60% allocation. The ROI speaks for itself.

@PARIKRAMA @Levina @anant_s @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ @MilSpec @Ankit Kumar 002 @MKC @Taygibay @nair @Spectre @Bang Galore @Parul @Capt.Popeye @scorpionx @Armani @ranjeet @Star Wars @skyisthelimit @Sky lord @Dash @Water Car Engineer @acetophenol @noksss @Stephen Cohen @C130 @IndoCarib @bloo

We need to keep 2.5% of our GDP each year with Navy getting 25%, Airforce 40% and Army 35%.

And the most important. QUICK DECISION MAKING.
We need to keep 2.5% of our GDP each year with Navy getting 25%, Airforce 40% and Army 35%.
1) The true defence budget is only 1.65% of GDP so I don't see such a big jump to 2.5% being made
2) 35% for the army is not possible (not even close) without MASSIVE (almost unimaginable) reforms taking place. Their manpower would have to be cut by >30% at the very least. Parrikar has spoken of "cutting the flab" in the IA but it's going to take far more invasive surgery to treat this obesity.

And the most important. QUICK DECISION MAKING.
Fingers crossed on this front. DPP-2016 is said to have institutionalised quick decsion making or at the very least imposed time saving elements.
The IN never fails to disappoint, they have their head in the game. They receive just 16% of the defence budget, imagine what they could be doing if they were receiving the IA's 55-60% allocation. The ROI speaks for itself.

I happened to go for an outing to a remote location in my place, and i was shocked to see a radar station middle of nowhere, and when i checked there were few more of them around cochin....... I guess this was committed after 26/11.....
I happened to go for an outing to a remote location in my place, and i was shocked to see a radar station middle of nowhere, and when i checked there were few more of them around cochin....... I guess this was committed after 26/11.....

Have you had a chance to be on board an IN ship? I fortunately did at Cochin along with a CUSAT delegation (basically i piggybacked), It was a great experience.. I won't name the vessel as it was not a sanctioned visit by me but let's say we all know about it.
Have you had a chance to be on board an IN ship? I fortunately did at Cochin along with a CUSAT delegation (basically i piggybacked), It was a great experience.. I won't name the vessel as it was not a sanctioned visit by me but let's say we all know about it.

Well I did almost during navy week 4 year back.... But had taken mom with me, and by the time i reached near the ship, she was not well and had to come back..... So it is a big "NO"......

Tell me where did you enter the ship from..... Base or CSL?? That clue is enough
I happened to go for an outing to a remote location in my place, and i was shocked to see a radar station middle of nowhere, and when i checked there were few more of them around cochin....... I guess this was committed after 26/11.....
The National Maritime Domain Awareness (NMDA) plan intiated post 26/11 has been one of the most signifcant devlopments undertaken by the IN in its history and yet it has gone almost unnoticed by much of the media and public. 100 coastal radar stations (CSR) have been set up to cover the entire Indian coastline (including island territories),CSR:


Furthermore, the network has been expanded to the Maldives, Seychelles and Sri Lanka potentially. And under the NDMA, all of these radar stations along with all IN and ICG bases in the IOR are linked (via fibre optic on the mainland and for the orthers via SATCOM ie GSAT-7/Rukmini) to regional command centres and the nodal command centre in Delhi (Information Management and Analysis Centre (IMAC)).





Parrikar inaguarating IMAC in Delhi:


The PM inaguarating the Seychelles' first Indian Coastal Radar Station:


interesting to note that the IN is adding an addtional 32 CSRs to their network in friendly nations in the IOR as we speak. The amount of situational awareness they are building of the IOR is immense and simply unparrelled.

The IN (and ICG) are also working on fitting transponders on all Indian fishing boats as well as providing such folk with communicatons devices and the means to contact the ICG/IN when in distress or to report anything suspcious.

Like I said, the IN has their head in the game and they know where they want to do.

@PARIKRAMA @ranjeet @Levina @anant_s @nair @SpArK @MilSpec @Taygibay @Vauban @Star Wars @Ankit Kumar 002 @Water Car Engineer @acetophenol @Parul @danish_vij @Stephen Cohen @IndoCarib @MKC @Spectre @Roybot @Nilgiri @proud_indian
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The National Maritime Domain Awareness (NMDA) intiated post 26/11 has been one of the most signifcant devlopments undertaken by the IN in its history and yet it has gone almost unnoticed by much of the media and public

I guess they have selected least populated places for this stations..... The 2 i saw had hardly any population around it, and it was all water...... But i was shocked to see the security for this station.... A unarmed security like those you can see in any ATM in India
I guess they have selected least populated places for this stations..... The 2 i saw had hardly any population around it, and it was all water...... But i was shocked to see the security for this station.... A unarmed security like those you can see in any ATM in India

The idea is for them to be unmanned sensor stations so I'd be surprised if they had any (overt) security at all. They will be remotely monitered and if anything were to fail on the sensor the regional command centre will investigate immediately.
he idea is for them to be unmanned sensor stations so I'd be surprised if they had any (overt) security at all. They will be remotely monitered and if anything were to fail on the sensor the regional command centre will investigate immediately.

Yup, i checked up with some one and that what he said..... It has been connected to Base and it is unmanned..... When i visited it was under testing,
Yup, i checked up with some one and that what he said..... It has been connected to Base and it is unmanned..... When i visited it was under testing,
Indeed, they are connected to regional command centres (jointly manned by ICG and IN) that in turn are connected to the IMAC in Delhi.
Global Muslims must note this Indian ingress into a Muslim nation. Like IMTRAT in Bhutan, India is gradually building up an occupation force in the Maldives.
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