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Indian Navy MARCOS: The unsung heroes of 26/11 Mumbai attacks

No one cares what a clown like you has to say. Come back with some facts to back up your nonsense or show yourself out.

I suggest anyone who hasn't seen this video to watch it in full to see what a "failure" 26/11 was:

No civilian police force on earth could have done much about the attacks on 26/11. The Charlie Hebdo attackers were neutralized only after 9 hours, despite attacking just one point. The recent attacks in Paris claimed some 130+ lives, despite being much less sophisticated than 26/11.

India's state police forces are ill-trained and ill-equipped and lowly paid. But they still managed to kill or pin down the terrorists, so that specialized CT forces could mop them up.

Yes it took 3 days, but what is more important? Saving lives, or ending it quickly? We could have dropped a few bombs or rocketed the hotels like Pakistan levels entire villages in their CI operations, and ended it in a few seconds. Instead, our forces chose to go in and clear the hotels floor by floor and room by room, minimizing collateral damage.

I don't care if it took 30 days, if it saved more lives. Dropping bombs from jets and killing all and sundry (more civilians than terrorists) may be adrenaline boosting for some; but civilized nations choose a different approach.
Also looking at the casualties Pakistan Army sustained 11 casualties most of whom were unarmed and several were kill while off-duty and unarmed while terrorists sustained 90 casualties. Indians lost dozens of policemen and commandos just against 9 attackers many of them being officers.
Applying a different set of standards are we? Well the NSG lost 2 operators and the Mumbai police losr 15 policemen (most of whom were unarmed). By your logic the Pak Army performed worse because one can hardly expect an unarmed police officer to perform bettwe against these kind of well armed terrorists than professional soldiers like the PA.

Stop this stupid game, you are never going to prove what you so hope is the case- India is a weak nation populated by weak people that cannot be compared to the glorious martial race that lives in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

No civilian police force on earth could have done much about the attacks on 26/11.
Exactly and many major police forces around the world openly admitted it- instead of chest thumping like some idiots they took steps to come up with a counter to such a threat in their jurisdicitons.

India's state police forces are ill-trained and ill-equipped and lowly paid. But they still managed to kill or pin down the terrorists, so that specialized CT forces could mop them up.
Indeed and unarmed police officers even managed to arrest a well armed terrorist with an AK and a bag full of grenades and hundreds of rounds of 7.62mm.

Yes it took 3 days, but what is more important? Saving lives, or ending it quickly? We could have dropped a few bombs or rocketed the hotels like Pakistan levels entire villages in their CI operations, and ended it in a few seconds. Instead, our forces chose to go in and clear the hotels floor by floor and room by room, minimizing collateral damage.
As pointed out in the video above- there was not a single collateral loss once the NSG arrived on the scene such was the success of the NSG's methodical and proffesional approach. If that isn't the ultimate rebutall to this "Indian forces performed badly" stupidity I don't know what is.

You can't expect idiots to understand proffesionalism and maturity.
There were no heroes in the mumbai attack; a platoon of policemen fled when TWO armed children were attacking the railway; those TWO armed children also managed to hi-jack a a police car filled with high ranking armed policemen. 9 Children managed to hold down a hotel for 3 days despite people begging for help through their outside windows and hundreds of policemen and soldiers just watch helplessly. It was a shame.
We do not need to be told by a brainless Islamist of our enemy country about our heroes and the level/scale of the Mumbai attack. When a hero like Tukaram Omble challenged a pig terrorist wielding a Kalshnikov bare handed, statements like this "There were no heroes in the mumbai attack" show your indoctrination, hatred, and intelligence level.
I just hope your fellow countrymen are not as brainless as you, or your country will sink to a even lower level than it is in today.
Indeed and unarmed police officers even managed to arrest a well armed terrorist with an AK and a bag full of grenades and hundreds of rounds of 7.62mm.

Yep - Asst sub inspector Tukaram Omble rushed at Ajmal Kasab, knowing fully well what would happen to him. He took a hail of bullets, but managed to pin down Kasab - at which point, his colleagues handcuffed him. Mr Omble was a former army jawan (retired), baptized and raised in its ethos, so "mission first, self later" was his creed. I'm sure he had no second thoughts about sacrificing himself for the larger cause.

We do not need to be told by a brainless Islamist of our enemy country about our heroes and the level/scale of the Mumbai attack. When a hero like Tukaram Omble challenged a pig terrorist wielding a Kalshnikov bare handed, statements like this "There were no heroes in the mumbai attack" show your indoctrination, hatred, and intelligence level.
I just hope your fellow countrymen are not as brainless as you, or your country will sink to a even lower level than it is in today.

Even the hotel staff acted heroically, to say nothing about our men in uniform. The general manager kept evacuating the guests, AFTER watching his own wife and children perish.

Karambir Kang: Real hero at Taj Mahal Hotel : Mumbai Terror Strikes, News - India Today
Fifth anniversary of 26/11 attacks: The Ordinary Heroes of the Taj - Firstpost

In Mumbai on that fateful day, it was "All for one and one for all." You cannot expect such a spirit and ethos to be understood by people who consider Kasab and co to be heroes.
We do not need to be told by a brainless Islamist of our enemy country about our heroes and the level/scale of the Mumbai attack. When a hero like Tukaram Omble challenged a pig terrorist wielding a Kalshnikov bare handed, statements like this "There were no heroes in the mumbai attack" show your indoctrination, hatred, and intelligence level.
I just hope your fellow countrymen are not as brainless as you, or your country will sink to a even lower level than it is in today.

Bhai Jaan, our country is doing much better.

thats becoz you have no regards for civilian lives... your army uses gunship and artillery to kill a few terrorist....!!!! our army takes time to avoid civilian casualty!!

Please look at the Mumbai attack video, hundreds of people were screaming for help through the windows but hundreds of policemen looked at them helplessly with soiled pants. Lal Masjid resulted in the death of 11 civilians and Mumbai attack resulted in the death of over 160 civilians.
Did your forces able to save their own children's in Peshawar??? food for thought
Atleast we have the humanity not to call TTP militants as Childrens. Irrationality has it limits. No wonder with citizens like you Pakistan is going down the drain. :(
There were no heroes in the mumbai attack; a platoon of policemen fled when TWO armed children were attacking the railway; those TWO armed children also managed to hi-jack a a police car filled with high ranking armed policemen. 9 Children managed to hold down a hotel for 3 days despite people begging for help through their outside windows and hundreds of policemen and soldiers just watch helplessly. It was a shame.

It is really sad to see these brave "children" had to undergo untimely death by "Talwar e India".
Irony is the country which surrendered each time when adversary encountered in the past is showing its martial skills by comparing to unpreparedness of 26/11.....
And the only country which can't be grateful to the our soldiers for obvious reason of gunning down every Pakistani terrorist except one whose martial race cowardly not able to defend himself from the hands of Hawaldaar ( a salute ) bare handed....

Our heroes are our heroes doesn't require a certificate from at least a state where obl found breeding his next generation.....
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There were no heroes in the mumbai attack; a platoon of policemen fled when TWO armed children were attacking the railway; those TWO armed children also managed to hi-jack a a police car filled with high ranking armed policemen. 9 Children managed to hold down a hotel for 3 days despite people begging for help through their outside windows and hundreds of policemen and soldiers just watch helplessly. It was a shame.
In the same manner the entire Army section platoon guarding the APS fled the compound when a few armed children started attacking them inside the compound!!9 children managed to hold an entire army division for more than 10 hours at a stretch despite school children and teachers begging for help through the school windows and an entire division of army and thousands of policemen watching them helplessly:tsk:.It was more than just shame,it was a massive humiliation!!
There were no heroes in the mumbai attack; a platoon of policemen fled when TWO armed children were attacking the railway; those TWO armed children also managed to hi-jack a a police car filled with high ranking armed policemen. 9 Children managed to hold down a hotel for 3 days despite people begging for help through their outside windows and hundreds of policemen and soldiers just watch helplessly. It was a shame.
Children of your country... born and bred to be terrorists. Sent by their parent (your country) to die in a foreign land and achieve nothing. What loving parents your country is.

In the same manner the entire Army section platoon guarding the APS fled the compound when a few armed children started attacking them inside the compound!!9 children managed to hold an entire army division for more than 10 hours at a stretch despite school children and teachers begging for help through the school windows and an entire division of army and thousands of policemen watching them helplessly:tsk:.It was more than just shame,it was a massive humiliation!!
There were several Unarmed soldiers present and their bodies were seen shielding students, SSG arrived within 15 minutes ordered to rush in without a stragety, 3 SSG rescued the hostages and the rest surrounded the terrorists. Our men did amazing.
There were several Unarmed soldiers present and their bodies were seen shielding students, SSG arrived within 15 minutes ordered to rush in without a stragety, 3 SSG rescued the hostages and the rest surrounded the terrorists. Our men did amazing.

End result? 141 lives lost, despite being attacked only in one place. (Which is easy to surround quickly, being in a military area.)

Mumbai was attacked in 5 places at once, and attacked in completely civilian areas with no army presence, and yet number of lives lost was only 166.

For us, number of lives saved is much more important than time taken. As I said before - even if it took 30 days, it is preferable over more lives being lost. You don't seem to understand that concept - that our people's lives are precious for us. Can't blame you, human life seems to be an expendable commodity there.

Heck, in Mumbai CST station alone, hundreds or even a thousand could have died, had it not been for our security forces. In the two hotels (with 600 rooms), hundreds of people were rescued, despite four terrorist a-holes trying to kill everything that moves. Again - the point was to pin down the terrorists in the hotels, and evacuate people. Not to go all guns blazing and end up in a bloodbath.

So yes, it was a miraculous performance, even if it took 3 days. Lives, dear lives - that's what's important.

To repeat (since some people can only understand through repeated drumming): APS school was just one spot, that too in an area with military presence. 141 lives lost. Mumbai is a civilian city of several million people, and attacked in five different places, including one of the busiest railway stations in the world, at peak time. 166 lives lost in the entire city.

Still don't get it? Then wait a few years, to grow some more braincells. There is a serious deficit of that.
End result? 141 lives lost, despite being attacked only in one place. (Which is easy to surround quickly, being in a military area.)

Mumbai was attacked in 5 places at once, and attacked in completely civilian areas with no army presence, and yet number of lives lost was only 166.

For us, number of lives saved is much more important than time taken. As I said before - even if it took 30 days, it is preferable over more lives being lost. You don't seem to understand that concept - that our people's lives are precious for us. Can't blame you, human life seems to be an expendable commodity there.

Heck, in Mumbai CST station alone, hundreds or even a thousand could have died, had it not been for our security forces. In the two hotels (with 600 rooms), hundreds of people were rescued, despite four terrorist a-holes trying to kill everything that moves. Again - the point was to pin down the terrorists in the hotels, and evacuate people. Not to go all guns blazing and end up in a bloodbath.

So yes, it was a miraculous performance, even if it took 3 days. Lives, dear lives - that's what's important.

To repeat (since some people can only understand through repeated drumming): APS school was just one spot, that too in an area with military presence. 141 lives lost. Mumbai is a civilian city of several million people, and attacked in five different places, including one of the busiest railway stations in the world, at peak time. 166 lives lost in the entire city.

Still don't get it? Then wait a few years, to grow some more braincells. There is a serious deficit of that.
90% of the Casualties were from the Auditorium, where children were crowded, sat down and bundled up - ripe targets to be sprayed by gun fire.

Mumbai Attack was done by 9 people who attacked different places; the hotel was massive and the Gunners had to go door to door busting them down to shoot their targets. Hundreds of Policemen and Soldiers could heard gun fire and people screaming but still did not intervene; in APS attack, SSG rushed as fast as they could, because every second delayed meant a martyred student - this action saved the lives of hundreds of students.

When you see the body of an unarmed martyred soldier shielding children; you can tell life here is not expendable - as to compared to India, where the Government is doing nothing to ease the growing military suicide rates.

I saw CNN terror in Mumbai, i saw how 9 policemen fled because of two children. I suggest you watch it.

Yes, every day dozens of hostages and civilian died, every time army/police delays - they died. 'Precious lives' my ***. I feel sympathy for the dead, but the Armed Forces and police did a HORRIBLE job; despite outnumbering the attackers to an estimated 200:1 .

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