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Indian Navy issues RfI for 50 tactical Shipborne Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs)


Jul 22, 2013
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Indian Navy issues RfI for tactical UASs

CybAero APID 60 'Tier II' unmanned Vertical Take off and Landing Unmanned Aerial System

The Indian Navy (IN) is seeking to buy a fleet of about 50 tactical shipborne unmanned aerial systems (UASs) under its Naval Shipborne Unmanned Aerial System (NSUAS) programme, according to a request for information (RfI) issued by the Directorate of Naval Air Staff (DNAS) on 5 February.

The deadline for responses is 5 March.

The UASs are to be used to improve India's monitoring of sea lanes of communication (SLOCs) and exclusive economic zones, for anti-piracy and anti-terrorism missions, in search and rescue, and to provide automated identification system (AIS) inputs for ship tracking.

According to the RfI, the UASs should be capable of day and night operations from naval vessels 50 m or longer, both with and without helicopter decks.

Source:- Indian Navy issues RfI for tactical UASs - IHS Jane's 360
The actual tender document


1. Introduction
The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to augment the fleet by procurement of approximately 50 Naval Shipborne Unmanned Aerial System (NSUAS) for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR),
SLOC monitoring and Coastal/ EEZ surveillance, antipiracy and antiterrorism, assistance in Search and Rescue and assistance in Maritime Domain Awareness using AIS inputs.

2. Categorisation

The vendors have to specifically bring out the preferred mode of categorisation as per Para 20a of DPP13.

3. RFI Structure
This Request for Information (RFI) consists of two parts as indicated below:
(a) Part I
The first part of RFI incorporates the intended use of NSUAS, important characteristics and features that should be met by the equipment, requirement of technical parameters and conditions for solicitation of offer.

(b) Part II
. The second part of the RFI gives the methodology of seeking response of vendors. Submission of incomplete response format will render the vendor liable for rejection.

Part I

4.The Intended Use of NSUAS (Operational Requirements)

The NSUAS should be capable to be operated from the Indian Naval ships of size of at least 50m upwards (with or without helo deck) and be able to perform the following roles by day and night:
(a) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) in maritime environment.
(b) SLOC monitoring and Coastal/ EEZ surveillance (including VAs and VPs).
(c) AntiPiracy and Antiterrorism.
(d) Assistance in Search and Rescue.
(e) Assistance in developing Maritime Domain Awareness using AIS.

5. Important Characteristics and Features of NSUAS
The NSUAS should be an autonomous UAS with small footprint and that provides intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability in the maritime domain. The NSUAS should be capable of flying either preprogrammed or operator initiated missions guided by the Global Positioning System and its onboard flight control system. The NSUAS is primarily intended for operations from ship, but should also be capable of operating from ashore. The operating speed, range and endurance of NSUAS under Indian Reference Atmosphere (IRA) in various roles envisaged from ship and shore be such that it enables accomplishment of above mentioned tasks.

6. Requirement of Information
Companies are requested to provide quantified technical, operational and maintenance parameters as queried in
Annexure I , as per existing/ achievable capabilities (with time frame). Supporting relevant documents
and literature are to be provided.

7. Conditions for Solicitation of Offers .
Vendors should confirm that the following conditions are acceptable:
  • (a) In case the vendors propose to progress the case under transfer of technology then the details of ToT including range and depth of ToT and key technologies likely to be transferred are to be indicated.
  • (b) The vendors should indicate whether the proposed equipment is in use by any other Navy.
  • (c) The FET would be conducted on a ‘No Cost No Commitment’ basis in accordance with Para 37 of Chapter I of DPP 2013. The vendors are to specifically indicate whether they would be willing to conduct of FET in India
  • or equipment as fitted on other platforms abroad would be demonstrated.
  • (d) Field Evaluation Trials (FET) The NSUAS and equipment of all TEC cleared vendors would be put through a FET on a ‘No Cost No Commitment’ basis. A Staff Evaluation would be carried out by Service Headquarters (SHQ ) to analyze the result of Field Evaluation and shortlist the equipment for introduction into service.
  • (e) The vendors should indicate the approximate manpower required to operate and maintain besides modalities of their training. The details of information required are highlighted at Para 21 of Annexure I
  • (f) The vendors should indicate willingness for Option clause including the duration for which the Option Clause would be valid.
  • (j) The vendors needs to indicate whether they would be able to comply with all provisions of DPP 2013 or not. If not, which Para/Clause of DPP would not be agreed to with reasons.
Full document is here http://tenders.gov.in/viewtenddoc.asp?tid=del718794&wno=1&td=TD
Indian Navy issues RfI for tactical UASs

CybAero APID 60 'Tier II' unmanned Vertical Take off and Landing Unmanned Aerial System

The Indian Navy (IN) is seeking to buy a fleet of about 50 tactical shipborne unmanned aerial systems (UASs) under its Naval Shipborne Unmanned Aerial System (NSUAS) programme, according to a request for information (RfI) issued by the Directorate of Naval Air Staff (DNAS) on 5 February.

The deadline for responses is 5 March.

The UASs are to be used to improve India's monitoring of sea lanes of communication (SLOCs) and exclusive economic zones, for anti-piracy and anti-terrorism missions, in search and rescue, and to provide automated identification system (AIS) inputs for ship tracking.

According to the RfI, the UASs should be capable of day and night operations from naval vessels 50 m or longer, both with and without helicopter decks.

Source:- Indian Navy issues RfI for tactical UASs - IHS Jane's 360
Does it have to be a rotary wing UAS? It doesn't seem to stipulate that in the RFI but that's the picture they've posted. Otherwise I would have though the ScanEagle was a shoe in for this procurement. If it has to be a rotary wing system then the FireScout.
Does it have to be a rotary wing UAS? It doesn't seem to stipulate that in the RFI but that's the picture they've posted. Otherwise I would have though the ScanEagle was a shoe in for this procurement. If it has to be a rotary wing system then the FireScout.

If you read the complete document, its more like data collection. Those are questions being asked, looks like they are not sure what to go ahead with.
If you read the complete document, its more like data collection. Those are questions being asked, looks like they are not sure what to go ahead with.
That's what a RFI is about bro ;)

Request for Information
Hey, the picture shows the CybAero UAV which crashed during PN trials spring 2008?
Here in defence pk thread "pakistan navy might buy cybaero uavs for frigates".
post #5. See also attached pdf.


  • Pakistan Navy might buy CybAero UAVs for frigates.pdf
    517.9 KB · Views: 76
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