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Indian Navy five sailors Kidnapped by Pirates


Feb 22, 2019
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Indian Navy five sailors kidnapped by pirates

7 May, 2019


NEW DELHI - Five Indian sailors have been abducted by pirates in Nigeria, informed India’s external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj in a tweet today.

In her tweet, Swaraj said that she had asked the Indian ambassador in Nigeria, Abhay Thakur, to “take up” the matter with the Nigerian government to ensure the release of the abducted sailors.

I have seen news reports about abduction of five Indian sailors by pirates in Nigeria. I am asking Indian High Commissioner to take this up at the highest level with Government of Nigeria for their release.

Abhay - Please take this up and send me a report. @india_nigeria link

“I have seen news reports about abduction of five Indian sailors by pirates in Nigeria. I am asking Indian High Commissioner to take this up at the highest level with Government of Nigeria for their release,” she wrote on Twitter.

Indian Navy five sailors kidnapped by pirates

7 May, 2019


NEW DELHI - Five Indian sailors have been abducted by pirates in Nigeria, informed India’s external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj in a tweet today.

In her tweet, Swaraj said that she had asked the Indian ambassador in Nigeria, Abhay Thakur, to “take up” the matter with the Nigerian government to ensure the release of the abducted sailors.

I have seen news reports about abduction of five Indian sailors by pirates in Nigeria. I am asking Indian High Commissioner to take this up at the highest level with Government of Nigeria for their release.

Abhay - Please take this up and send me a report. @india_nigeria link

“I have seen news reports about abduction of five Indian sailors by pirates in Nigeria. I am asking Indian High Commissioner to take this up at the highest level with Government of Nigeria for their release,” she wrote on Twitter.

Last Time a Pakistani paid the pirates and freed Indian captain and his crew....
Indian Ocean's greatest navy, blue sea navy, aircraft carrier, nuclear subs... pirates don't know this :o::o:
It seems pirates don't watch indian media or they called the bluff

Last Time a Pakistani paid the pirates and freed Indian captain and his crew....
That idiot should be tried under article 6 ...
Dude economic advisor to IK is Business Partner of india.

any thoughts or its again something that cannot be questioned?
so are indians scared? because most probably he is working for us and not them.. If IK has selected..only after security clearance

if you are unaware of pakistani affairs then please do not comment upon them and then proceed to distribute false Flag fatwas.

it would be helpful for the forum


so are indians scared? because most probably he is working for us and not them.. If IK has selected..only after security clearance

thats a BS argument
if you are unaware of pakistani affairs then please do not comment upon them and then proceed to distribute false Flag fatwas.

it would be helpful for the forum

Sorry I'm not able to buy the lies & unsubstantiated crap.

thats a BS argument
Not until you prove..

roceed to distribute false Flag fatwas
You can assume any countries flags..you don't need passport or visa to travel..
Sorry I'm not able to buy the lies & unsubstantiated crap.

Not until you prove..

You can assume any countries flags..you don't need passport or visa to travel..

ok man. you will Turn on a dime when the time comes.

its ok. i be patient
ok man. you will Turn on a dime when the time comes.

its ok. i be patient
Why do you assume that IF a person is working for A & B so definitely he or she is spying on A for B and not the vice versa?
Why do you assume that IF a person is working for A & B so definitely he or she is spying on A for B and not the vice versa?

because in your fantasy world. whats good for the geese is not good for the goose
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