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Indian Muslims love for Pakistan

well we have more similarities with the muslims from either Iran or Afghanistan or even china than Indianized Muslims of india

No one ever claimed otherwise.

In fact most of you are Arabs/Persians/Turks/Afghans. We understand that.

And you share more with the Somalis and Nigerian Boko harams as well rather than the Indianized Muslims.

You were never ever Indian Muslims in your history.
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If such is the case and so much love for Pakistan then why after 60 plus years do the Urdu speaking community refer to itself as Muhajir?.

Yes we seen their contribution to Pakistan, we seen them burn Pakistans flag, we seen their bori laash system, we seen their rent a mob mentality.

No one talked about current Pakistanis, the discussion was about Indian Muslims unless you classify yourself as a Indian Muslim.

To say All Pakistanis have love of Indian Muslim is not true, Muslim or not they are not someone we look kindly too.

Most Indian Muslims were cowards that's why they didn't create a nation for themselves.

Get this through your head no one is anti Urdu speaking community here, no one has spoken badly of them. It is a pure fact that this is not their environment, they are not natives but that doesn't mean they are not Pakistani.

Yeah we woke up and Pakistan was created all by you guys, cuz the natives of these lands couldn't do it, oh plz .
Ask him why they didnt carved out their own country in UP-Bihar region..instead of demanding gratitude from Ansaar/hosts , shouldnt they be bit thankful to them for giving them refuge? Migration was an easy way out and to seek out economic oppurtunities in the newly created country. Historians say that first cases of corruption and fraud came from these newly arrived guests, bribing officers to occupy properties left by hindus and registering fake castes.
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When did you see me burn my Pakistani Flag ? I will fight to death to defend my Pakistani Flag.

Show me one post of mine where I called myself a Muhajir. I hate that word or expression.

I was born in this Country and if you ever call me a Muhajir, you will be missing few Teeth.

You can't take action of a small minority and Paint whole community with a wide Brush.

So if you are talking about averages, Urdu Speaking Pakistanis are a lot more Patriotic than your kind from Fata that are killing our Pakistani Brothers and Sisters and our Pakistani Children.

Altaf Hussain the Murderous THUG does NOT represent vast Majority of Urdu Speaking people.

And yes Pakistan is my Native land because I was born here.

But then I claim all the land from Kabul to Assam because I am a Mughal and my forefathers ruled this land.

I will defend my Pakistan with my Blood because my ancestors paid a great price and sacrificed a lot for creation of this beautiful Country and I will fight with your Fata guys who are trying to harm my Pakistan.

If you truly love Pakistan as you claim then prove your loyalty by joining us to fight the scum from FATA who called themselves TTP.
You are insisting that your mohajir community should not be painted in wrong colour due to actions of altaf and his MQM yet you are telling @ghilzai that all FATA guys are bad and anti-pakistani due to action of few thousands taliban. And you have even the audacity of asking him to prove his loyalty to pakistan.
Ask him why they didnt carved out their own country in UP-Bihar region..instead of demanding gratitude from Ansaar/hosts , shouldnt they be bit thankful to them for giving them refuge? Migration was an easy way out and to seek out economic oppurtunities in the newly created country. Historians say that first cases of corruption and fraud came from these newly arrived guests, bribing officers to occupy properties left by hindus and registering fake castes.
Muslims from North India are pure opportunist. Partition movement was so strong in UP and Bihar but only a few Muslims left India. Even today they continue blackmailing Politicians for certain favors. Every problem from corruption/crime to over-population has been created by them.
Innocent Indian muslims are brainwashed by muslim fanatics living in India....these fanatics are funded by Pakistani islamic terror organizations like the ISI and LeT....these idiot muslim fanatics simply want to destabalize India by spreading communal hatred....these muslim fanatics deserve death
Innocent Indian muslims are brainwashed by muslim fanatics living in India....these fanatics are funded by Pakistani islamic terror organizations like the ISI and LeT....these idiot muslim fanatics simply want to destabalize India by spreading communal hatred....these muslim fanatics deserve death

You are delusional. Indian Muslims dont need any external influence to hate India.
I have lived in Muslim dominated area for a long time and I have seen both kind of people. During 90s, there used to be 2 groups, India and Pakistan, in our area when a cricket match used to be and even crackers were used on Pakistan's win along with "Allah ho Akbar" reverse is also done by our group.

Also, I met with many people with Pro-Pakistan sentiment but many of them lost that once they worked in Middle east and got to know the condition of Pakistan, though others are living with that. The only thing which has been observed and followed that all these things happen with the group who are belonging to low income level group or Hard liner. Most of our level or studious people went with me to give Armed forces exam and are die hard Indians. The only point is that we need development and individual growth, Families those are well to do, don't get into all this and unless riot touches our home, it does not bother to us.
More often I read the crap that the Muslims living
in India are very poor and it’s because of their
abject poverty that they turn towards violence and
I want to throw some light on this issue.
Everything here is based on facts and figures(not
on whims & fancies.)
The number of poor people in India or the people
living below poverty is approximately 421 million
or 42.1 crores.
Now given the population of India in 2010 was 118
crores it approximately 35.67% of the total
At present there are 13.4% Muslims in India. of
which 31% live
below poverty line.
13.4% of 118 crores = 15.8 crores (Muslims)
31% of 15.8 crores = 4.9 crores
So there are 4.9 crores Muslims in India who live
below poverty line. My
question is who are the rest 37.2 crores
people ??
The answer is they are HINDUS . 37.2 crores
Hindus live below poverty line compared to just
4.9 crores Muslims.So who is more poor.Yet It is rarely heard about any traitorous act done by these poor.Don't say poverty is the reason they become evil.
So there are 4.9 crores Muslims in India who live
below poverty line. My
question is who are the rest 37.2 crores
people ??
The answer is they are HINDUS . 37.2 crores
Hindus live below poverty line compared to just
4.9 crores Muslims.So who is more poor.Yet It is rarely heard about any traitorous act done by these poor.Don't say poverty is the reason they become evil.

That's the problem with Hindu-Pseudo seculars. They lack reasoning skills. Most of Indian terrorists who get caught are well-educated and from higher middle-class or wealthy families. These pseudo-seculars don't have any sympathy for dalit Hindus who are more poorer and are genuinely discriminated unlike these whining Indian Muslims who have been treated like VIPs and large amount of money has been spent on their community. These idiots always blame Pakistanis for terrorism and extremism while completely ignoring local Muslims hate for India and Hindus. The partition movement was started by Indian Muslims and had more support in Northern India than in Pakistan. These same Muslims (Mohajjir) were the ones started violence against Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan and get kicked them out of Pakistan.

India is doomed since ignorant pseudo-seculars are in a majority. History repeats itself and India will be partitioned again in coming future since Hindus never learn :)
That's the problem with Hindu-Pseudo seculars. They lack reasoning skills. Most of Indian terrorists who get caught are well-educated and from higher middle-class or wealthy families. These pseudo-seculars don't have any sympathy for dalit Hindus who are more poorer and are genuinely discriminated unlike these whining Indian Muslims who have been treated like VIPs and large amount of money has been spent on their community. These idiots always blame Pakistanis for terrorism and extremism while completely ignoring local Muslims hate for India and Hindus. The partition movement was started by Indian Muslims and had more support in Northern India than in Pakistan. These same Muslims (Mohajjir) were the ones started violence against Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan and get kicked them out of Pakistan.

India is doomed since ignorant pseudo-seculars are in a majority. History repeats itself and India will be partitioned again in coming future since Hindus never learn :)
Well till there are people who will only do what suits them(politicians mostly)and not think of the nation every nation is doomed.Half of India is gone.The other half will go too.The zorastrians were wiped by brute force from their lands.So will be the fate of hindus.Or anyone else for that matter.Only the likes of communist china can keep them at bay.I rarely like communists...but sending fat mullahs to gulags is just great.
Only the likes of communist china can keep them at bay.I rarely like communists...but sending fat mullahs to gulags is just great.
Look at these Indian Communists. They are the worst Muslim appeasers. They like Muslims so much that they import them from Bangladesh.

Its so ridiculous that the atheist communists have no problems in wearing a skull cap and offering prayers at Mosques. And its no surprise that two states where in Communists are strong(Kerala and W Bengal) Muslims are going to be a majority soon.
Look at these Indian Communists. They are the worst Muslim appeasers. They like Muslims so much that they import them from Bangladesh.

Its so ridiculous that the atheist communists have no problems in wearing a skull cap and offering prayers at Mosques. And its no surprise that two states where in Communists are strong(Kerala and W Bengal) Muslims are going to be a majority soon.
I said chinese communists.They keep muslims at bay,muslims in china have to do what the government say and not the other way around,or they are dead,and communist china does not allow even the slightest cultural invasion into chinese culture.Indian communists are dumb traitors only want votebank they are worthy only of death.
They have been used as human shield in all Indian wars and you are completely forgetting the KASHMIR!!!!!!!!!

So you admit the scum (terrorist) from Pakistan have used them as human shields till now on so called Jung-e-Kashmir.

Also note till yesterday they were used by Pakistani mercenaries for target practice, grande test, raping and free lodging boarding (at gun point).

Thanks to Indian forces (including local law enforcement agencies) those pig are no more nuisance and sent to hell on regular bases so that or Kashmiri brother and sisters can have a good sleep at night.

@APS , you cannot question about patriotism of Indian Muslims just because there are few idiots in our society.

Remember these are the very people who gave up the idea of Pakistan and stayed back. They are not quitters like most who fled their motherland.
of India is gone.The other half will go too.The zorastrians were wiped by brute force from their lands.So will be the fate of hindus.Or anyone else for that matter.Only the like
So you admit the scum (terrorist) from Pakistan have used them as human shields till now on so called Jung-e-Kashmir.

Also note till yesterday they were used by Pakistani mercenaries for target practice, grande test, raping and free lodging boarding (at gun point).

Thanks to Indian forces (including local law enforcement agencies) those pig are no more nuisance and sent to hell on regular bases so that or Kashmiri brother and sisters can have a good sleep at night.

@APS , you cannot question about patriotism of Indian Muslims just because there are few idiots in our society.

Remember these are the very people who gave up the idea of Pakistan and stayed back. They are not quitters like most who fled their motherland.
Err...no.They stayed back because most could not afford to go,and pakistan was not willing to accept refugees after a certain point/number.Besides hindus did not kill them enmasse.It was the traitorous north Indian muslims who supported pakistan movement(UP,Bihar,Bengal)For your kind information 86% of your so called loyal patriot muslims in India voted for pakistan back then.

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