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Indian Mujahideen caught in Dhaka and handed over to India- a spy game among BD, IND and PAK

Again, local politics and media getting involved where they shouldn;t. Unless, this is clearly fixed, India will not be able to recover properly. Notice how the terrorist scum uses democractic rights to get over the interrogation? It is the reason why the US started water boarding and using other harsh techniques on these a$$holes. They are taught how to manuever and evade questioning and they know quite well all their rights in democractic nations. If this happened in the West, the very next day, politicans would get together to make sure such things never ever happen again. How long do you think before an Indian politicans does the same? Where is Rahul and Congress? Why won;t they take any action to correct this matter.......these types of blunders have happened over and over again with our security personnel being harmed.......

Oh btw, where are the Pakistani's who used to claim IM wa completely Indian? This should be a lesson to all Indians.....never negoitiate with Pakistan unless they meet our demands. NEVER GIVE UP SIACHEN, KASHMIR OR anything they want......never!
Yes, but I think it is time to change the policies for a more effective & seamless operation of RAW, the threat RAW is dealing with is both external & internal.

RAW is as good as the prime minister is, I just hate those 3 IK,VK singh who almost went to ban RAW

Yes, but I think it is time to change the policies for a more effective & seamless operation of RAW, the threat RAW is dealing with is both external & internal.

RAW is as good as the prime minister is, I just hate those 3 IK,VK singh who almost went to ban RAW
Yes, but I think it is time to change the policies for a more effective & seamless operation of RAW, the threat RAW is dealing with is both external & internal.

We have all seen in our western neighborhood on what happens when a single agency gets unlimited power to operate both internally and externally..
We have all seen in our western neighborhood on what happens when a single agency gets unlimited power to operate both internally and externally..

Thats a tiger gone loose, a very similar situation is unlikely in India, however whatever they have now is enough.
We have all seen in our western neighborhood on what happens when a single agency gets unlimited power to operate both internally and externally..

Countries have armies, but in Pakistan's case an army has a country.

Nawaz Sharif is trying to change that but I doubt he will prevail until the world's no.1 spy agency strikes back.
Yes, but I think it is time to change the policies for a more effective & seamless operation of RAW, the threat RAW is dealing with is both external & internal.

The skill sets required for and the modus operandi of agents working inside the country and in foreign countries with no legal protection, are very different. Being a plainclothes officer within the country is very different from being a covert agent in a foreign country, where blowing your cover would mean criminal cases and jail time and possibly even execution by that country. There are also differences in how to deal with Indian citizens and foreign ones.

That is why we have two different agencies - also the fact that giving a very wide mandate to one intel agency would bring in the possibility that it can be misused by politicians and other powerful people to settle scores or stifle opposition. It is the norm, most countries have different agencies for domestic and external intelligence. USA has the FBI and CIA.
If the Passport error was not done by the ISI RAW wouldnt be able to capture this guy. This is a good job but RAW still has to improve a lot
NEW DELHI: A small mistake on part of the ISI in preparing passport for Indian Mujahideen's (IM) Pakistani operative Zia-ur Rehman alias Waqas landed him in the net of Indian agencies. Waqas had been hiding in Bangladesh and was supposed to leave for Pakistan via Nepal when he was apprehended by India's external intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

According to sources in the security establishment, though there had been some information about the possibility of Waqas being in Bangladesh, Indian agencies were clueless about his exact location. However, their sustained interest in the ISI agent who had been loaned to IM made Waqas's handlers in Pakistan's spy agency worried that their asset had been exposed and needed to be brought home.

Accordingly, ISI got a passport made for Waqas. However, when he reached the airport, Bangladesh's immigration officials discovered that there was no entry stamp on his passport. Even as they set out to detain him, the commotion attracted the attention of a RAW staffer who swiftly used his smart phone to photograph one of India's biggest tormentors and relayed it to his superiors.

RAW officers were thrilled when they saw that the six-feet man being held at Dhaka airport was their elusive quarry. What followed was an intense spy game in which Indian agents managed to spirit him away to India without leaving footprints.

How they managed to get him out of the airport and then to India remains unclear. But Waqas proved his utility by furnishing details of IM cells with whom he had collaborated and who would host him. The success was kept a closely guarded secret and Waqas was "encouraged" to do web chats with IM operatives, particularly Tehseen Akhtar "Monu", without raising suspicion.

Waqas's monitors made him seek a meeting with Tehseen. Although the IM commander was holed up in Rourkela at the time, intelligence agencies resisted the temptation to get Waqas to seek a rendezvous with him in Odisha's steel city. Instead, Waqas was made to insist that the meeting should happen, as usual, at their known hideout in Nepal.

As an unsuspecting Tehseen set out for Nepal, Indian agencies alerted their counterparts in the neighbouring country. Nepal Police, in a remarkable example of cross-border counter-terror cooperation, had the meeting point sealed as soon as Tehseen arrived. He was detained and later "pushed" into West Bengal to be "arrested" by Delhi Police.

The operation and the blow it has dealt to IM has been a source of huge respite and pride for Indian agencies. However, the celebration of the success is marred by the regret over the mishandling of Yasin Bhatkal's arrest. Unlike Waqas, agencies never got to spend "free time" with Bhatkal because of what sources allege was the "political cowardice" of Bihar authorities. That a garrulous officer of an agency blurted out the breakthrough to his colleagues in Bangalore did not help.

With the word out about Bhatkal being in Indian custody, TV channels were soon swarming all over, forcing the agencies to comply with the procedures. Now, the top-ranking jihadi terrorist, assured of the safeguards enshrined in the Constitution, has been giving a hard time to interrogators. Sources said the shrewd terrorist would turn back the interrogators by saying he was feeling fatigued, or that he needed to focus on his spiritual obligations.

That the lesson has been learnt was evident when RAW and IB did not involve others before the stage of arrest in Waqas's case.

source: RAW agents raced ahead of ISI to nab IM’s Pak operative Waqas in Dhaka - The Times of India
One of the many achievements that we hear of RAW everyday.. thanks to an agency whose operations and actives are completely open to the beacon of truth and honesty that is Indian Media.
One of the many achievements that we hear of RAW everyday.. thanks to an agency whose operations and actives are completely open to the beacon of truth and honesty that is Indian Media.
You sure you are Pakistani...never heard a single good word about Pakistan from you...you only sing praises for India...please do us an honor and remove the Pakistani flag from your profile ...thank you
You sure you are Pakistani...never heard a single good word about Pakistan from you...you only sing praises for India...please do us an honor and remove the Pakistani flag from your profile ...thank you
sarcasm behna....sarcasm
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