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Indian Moon Rockets : First Look

hahahah You guys are NEVER getting to the moon. . . Write this down today.. all my indian fellows.
@wali you are a classic example of "gone case" .... go check some doctor from lower manhattan ..... don't open your ignorant mouth as far as space is concerned and that too against India .... I would love to see Pakistan going ahead in space... its only for people like you pakistan is still in gestation period as far as space is concerned .... don't envy your neighbor ... go learn some physics and teach them to your kids , so that they can go back to Pakistan and help your fellow scientists... till then make sure your mouth is shut :cheers:
siegecrossbow bro please don't use words like 'launch','lunar mission' , wali is completely out of touch with these words...don't increase his migrane...:bunny::pop:
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