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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

Nirbhay in cruise flight with wings deployed

Booster seperation

Why stage separation has taken place while booster still imitate power?

@Water Car Engineer
Date:January 20, 2014

Missile:Agni 4

Location:Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, Odisha.

Test Frequency:Third Developmental Trial


The missile rose to over 850 km, covering the intended range in about 20 minutes, and hit the target with a two-digit accuracy.


Source: Agni-4 clears test, ready for induction | Deccan Chronicle



Date : JAN 30 2014

Missile : BrahMos -Naval Version

Location: from INS Trikand in the Arabian Sea.

Test Frequency: Eight Missiles

Performance :

"This is the first salvo launch supersonic cruise missiles in the world. It took place on January 30 off the coast of the southern Indian state of Karnataka, - he said. - Received only the dataconfirmed that all went well. Two missiles were fired one after another at intervals of three seconds . " - The underwater version of the missile "BrahMos" ready for installation on submarines According to him, "the first rocket with a warhead successfully hit the target, and the second - with telemetry - proceeded to the desired path." "We can almost simultaneously run eight missiles - one after another at intervals of three seconds,"

Result: Success


Crossposting from MP forum, thanks to twinblade

From Defence Update:-

A model of Brahmos M was displayed at Defexpo 14. As the next generation of the current Brahmos, the missile will have reduced dimmensions, lower weight and higher speed, compared to the current BrahMos. It will be three meter shorter, with a diameter 190mm smaller, compared to the Brahmos. Its weight will be 1500kg, about 500 less than Brahmos. Optimized for airborne and tube-launched submarine applications, Brahmos M will have a range of 300 km (290 for Brahmos) and its speed will be increased to 3.5 Mach (2.8 max in Brahmos). The missile will have stealth features to reduce radar signature and will also have improved electronic counter-countermeasures. The new missile could be operational by 2017, on Indian Su-30MKI, MiG-29 and MiG-29K of the Indian Army and Naval Aviation arm.
Even the existing Kilo-class SSKs should be able to launch this missile.
DRDO to test a number of new missile systems
Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
12 February 2014

India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) plans to test several indigenously designed missile systems over the coming months.

DRDO head Avinash Chander told IHS Jane's at Defexpo in New Delhi on 6 February that the nuclear-capable Agni 5 intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM), which has a 5,000 km strike range, would be inducted into service by 2015 following two or three additional test firings by the year-end.

"Agni 5's canister-launched version will be tested before the missile goes into series production to provide it greater operational flexibility and render it less detectable," said Chander.

The 17.5 m tall, solid-fuelled, three-stage Agni 5 weighs around 50 tonnes and has been successfully test-fired twice since April 2012.

DRDO to test a number of new missile systems - IHS Jane's 360

Wrong thread .

This thread will be more apt .......... Indian Missiles News & Discussions , although the news is already posted .

This thread is for reporting each and every missile test by India after it has been conducted.
Date: 21st & 24th February 2014

Missile: Akash SAM

Location:Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, Odisha.

Test Frequency: User/Developmental Trials


Today's test flight destroyed a target in receding mode. An earlier test conducted on 21stFeb 2014 destroying an approaching target. The DRDO says, "both (tests) fully met the mission objectives and few more trials are planned in different engagement modes."

Result: Success
Broadsword: The army version of the Akash surface-to-air missile is successfully tested



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Any news for Nirbhay? Last reports indicate it was going to test in Feb?
Date:23rd February 2014

Missile:Agni-I Missile

Location:Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur, Odisha.

Test Frequency: Night Trials


Result: Failure

Hydraulic Snags Led to Night Trial Failure of Agni-I Missile -The New Indian Express

How can the test be a failure when they have not even tested the missile ??

They have postponed it .

Any news for Nirbhay? Last reports indicate it was going to test in Feb?

It is scheduled for March/April according to the latest news .
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