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Indian minister calls for refrendum in pakistan to merge with india.

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:drag:First moohdhi tries to be the saviour of GB and Balochistan using a hand full of paid dogs and fails to gain any response from his chum obama, then resorts to making social media accounts publishing fake stories, sharing pictures from Iraq and Syria as Balochistan! that gets debunked.

800 militants surrendered last year and joined the peace process so the success of this undoubtedly goes to moohdhi + doogal. As GB does not border afghanistan it's difficult to get terrorism going there. then they want Sindh and now whole of Pakistan!

:jester::jester:things are going bonkers in india land
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Yea yea why not. Modi's desire should be fulfilled. India and Paksitan should be united and united countries will be called PAKISTAN.

If you are happy, Pakistan should help to organise a referendum in India. :coffee:
BC Its our innocent army that always get blamed by the global think tanks ,That propagate baseless lies ..
These Indians have bleed karachi for decades by openly funding the MQM,Who doesn't know that is a total idiot..

Why not Hold referendum for Indian muslims in India to merge with Pakistan??
Stupid cockroach looking homo minister
NEW DELHI: Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Sunday that a referendum must be conducted in Pakistan to check whether its citizens wanted to remain there or wanted to merge with India.

According to reports from Haridwar, where he addressed an election rally, Mr Singh also said that Kashmir was always with India and would remain a part of it.

“Now Pakistan wants referendum on Kashmir but one thing is clear that Kashmir was with India and will be with India and no power can change that. There should instead be a referendum in Pakistan, asking whether its people want to remain in the same country or want to merge with India,” he said.

Mr Singh blamed Pakistan for the worsening of relations. “I want to tell this to Pakistan that India always wants to establish peaceful relations but it is only Islamabad which has tried to disrupt the relationship. They need to stop these terrorists and those who are asking for referendum on Kashmir.

“We want peaceful relations with Pakistan but time and again Pakistan is responsible for notorious activities,” he added.

Mr Singh said the world no longer regarded India as a soft nation. “Through surgical strikes, we have shown the world that even we can take strong action. India is a peace loving country but it is no longer a soft nation,” he added.

Mr Singh also warned the countries “conspiring” against India and said: “If somebody touches us then we will not spare them.”

Published in Dawn February 6th, 2017
Then we will name it Islamic Republic of india . :yes4:
Clearly Rajnath is having some kind of nervous breakdown. First he said that "We will close our borders by 2017 or so" and now this. Make up your mind dude!
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