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Centre for Development of Telematics campus, Mehrauli, New Delhi..
The Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) is an Indian Government ownedtelecommunications technology development centre. this is the organisation were Central Monitoring System ( which is similar to the PRISM project of NSA) is created. The Central Monitoring System, abbreviated to CMS, is a clandestinemasselectronic surveillancedata mining program installed by the Centre for Development of Telematics(C-DOT), an Indian Government owned telecommunications technology development centre, and operated by Telecom Enforcement Resource and Monitoring (TERM)Cells.
The CMS gives India's security agencies and income tax officials centralized access to India's telecommunications network and the ability to listen in on and recordmobile, landline and satellite calls and voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), and read private emails, SMS and MMS and track the geographical location of individuals, all in real time. It can also be used to monitor posts shared on social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, and to track users'search histories on Google, without any oversight by courts or Parliament. According to a government official, an agency "shall enter data related to target in the CMS system and approach the telecom services provider (TSP), at which point the process is automated, and the provider simply sends the data to a server which forwards the requested information". The intercepted data is subject to pattern recognition and other automated tests to detect emotional markers, such as hate, compassion or intent, and different forms of dissent. Telecom operators in India are obligated by law to give access to their networks to every legal enforcement agency. From 2014 onwards,
all mobile telephony operators will be required to track and store the geographical location from which subscribers make or receive calls, meaning that, in addition to the contact number of the person a caller speaks to, the duration of the call and details of the mobile tower used, the Call Data Records (CDR) will now also contain details of the caller's location. The system aims to attain a tracking accuracy of 80% in the first year of operation, followed by 95% accuracy in the second year, in urban areas. Commander (rtd) Mukesh Saini, former national information security coordinator of the Government of India, expressed fears that all CDR details would eventually be fed into the central server for access through the CMS.

for more details:
NATGRID - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
C-DOT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Central Monitoring System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DRDO Netra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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