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Indian Military Modernization And Consequences For Pakistan – OpEd

Author has missed the point completely.
Why is there no mention of tactical nuclear weapons,which would lower the nuclear threshold (the point at which nuclear weapons are rellied on )in any war??
Pakistan has been eyeing tactical nuclear weapons to up its ante in south asia.
Tactical nuclear weapons are a threat to south Asia's stability.
The author conveniently avoided that topic.
What levina-jaan thinking about India ! :o::o::o:
You appear out of nowwhere after a long time and suspect me and my patriotism,why??? 8-)8-)
I am Indian and India is my first priority. :agree:
Btw were you serving a ban?? :P
The ban was serving me actually :p:
Got banned for quoting the satanic verses :lol::lol: (probably) i have no Idea why I was banned.
How's Kerala doing. You guys will miss sheila and her delhi style. :rofl:
The ban was serving me actually :p:
Got banned for quoting the satanic verses :lol::lol: (probably) i have no Idea why I was banned.
How's Kerala doing. You guys will miss sheila and her delhi style. :rofl:

Ref. the underlined part: what is this style?
Some kind of 'Sheila ki jawaani' stuff? :P

And please do not quote satanic verses any more.
PDF gets satanic enough without such instigation.
But our arms race is not just about Pakistan, we have a giant Panda bear also to deal with.We have to match China. Isnt it??
Yes! But Pakistan's armed forces are India centric. Pakistan will always try and play catch-up even though they know that we have two adversaries.

However, they do realise that in the event of war with Pakistan, India would have the potential capability of diverting its forces that are ranged against China, and take them on toward the West. It is a legitimate worry because, seriously, in the event of a war with Pakistan, the Chinese will never intervene to pose a threat to India. At most they would give lip service to Pakistan. And History is witness to this fact.

(It's all about the economy. Sino-Indian trade = $100 billion by 2015. Sino-Pak trade = $14 billion. So would China jeopardize trade with India for the sake of peanuts? Not a chance!)

So imagine. The huge juggernaut of Indian armed forces, the fourth strongest in the world, ranged against Pakistan. Never mind even if they consider the equation - 1 Pak soldier = 10 Yindoos!! :lol:
1 Gurkha = 10 Pakis hahahhaa
Pakistan along with improving economy needs to go for more warships submarines and fighter jets we need to increase Frigates to 16 with at least 8 Submarines and also increase number off F-16 speed up the production off JF-17 Thunder Block II and if our close allies are ready to fund or some oil related miracle happens than we should go for at least 72 J-10 C than focus on 5th Generation and as economy improves increase Frigates to 24 and also add cruise missile destroyers but even with bad economy we need 16 Frigates
And how are you planning to raise funds for your shopping list?
Yes! But Pakistan's armed forces are India centric. Pakistan will always try and play catch-up even though they know that we have two adversaries.

However, they do realise that in the event of war with Pakistan, India would have the potential capability of diverting its forces that are ranged against China, and take them on toward the West. It is a legitimate worry because, seriously, in the event of a war with Pakistan, the Chinese will never intervene to pose a threat to India. At most they would give lip service to Pakistan. And History is witness to this fact.

(It's all about the economy. Sino-Indian trade = $100 billion by 2015. Sino-Pak trade = $14 billion. So would China jeopardize trade with India for the sake of peanuts? Not a chance!)

So imagine. The huge juggernaut of Indian armed forces, the fourth strongest in the world, ranged against Pakistan. Never mind even if they consider the equation - 1 Pak soldier = 10 Yindoos!! :lol:
Just how did you manage to get a ban ?? :tsk:
Pakistan along with improving economy needs to go for more warships submarines and fighter jets we need to increase Frigates to 16 with at least 8 Submarines and also increase number off F-16 speed up the production off JF-17 Thunder Block II and if our close allies are ready to fund or some oil related miracle happens than we should go for at least 72 J-10 C than focus on 5th Generation and as economy improves increase Frigates to 24 and also add cruise missile destroyers but even with bad economy we need 16 Frigates

how are your new frigates going to stop Brahmos,Brahmos-M, and future hypersonic Brahmos II :what:
J-10C is no match for SU-30MKI :cheesy::cheesy:
Yes! But Pakistan's armed forces are India centric. Pakistan will always try and play catch-up even though they know that we have two adversaries.

However, they do realise that in the event of war with Pakistan, India would have the potential capability of diverting its forces that are ranged against China, and take them on toward the West. It is a legitimate worry because, seriously, in the event of a war with Pakistan, the Chinese will never intervene to pose a threat to India. At most they would give lip service to Pakistan. And History is witness to this fact.

(It's all about the economy. Sino-Indian trade = $100 billion by 2015. Sino-Pak trade = $14 billion. So would China jeopardize trade with India for the sake of peanuts? Not a chance!)

So imagine. The huge juggernaut of Indian armed forces, the fourth strongest in the world, ranged against Pakistan. Never mind even if they consider the equation - 1 Pak soldier = 10 Yindoos!! :lol:


If war has taught you anything, it is that it is brutal and costly.

Pakistan has never tried to match india, Pakistan's war planning has been reasonably smart considering finances, they havent just ploughed billions into expensive systems even though in some cases they would be usefull.

Pakistan has always attempted to obtain minimum deterrance.

And that has been achieved, even nuclear weapons aside Pakistan has massive arsenals of missiles and weapons, and India knows this.

It is not just the threat if nuclear annihilation that keeps India at bay its the understanding that regardless of india's more purchasing power Pakistan has the weapons and ability to hit all across India and kill millions of indians
Pakistan along with improving economy needs to go for more warships submarines and fighter jets we need to increase Frigates to 16 with at least 8 Submarines and also increase number off F-16 speed up the production off JF-17 Thunder Block II and if our close allies are ready to fund or some oil related miracle happens than we should go for at least 72 J-10 C than focus on 5th Generation and as economy improves increase Frigates to 24 and also add cruise missile destroyers but even with bad economy we need 16 Frigates
you deserve to be a defence planner :big_boss:

....of Taliban :partay::partay::partay::partay:

If war has taught you anything, it is that it is brutal and costly.

Pakistan has never tried to match india, Pakistan's war planning has been reasonably smart considering finances, they havent just ploughed billions into expensive systems even though in some cases they would be usefull.

Pakistan has always attempted to obtain minimum deterrance.

And that has been achieved, even nuclear weapons aside Pakistan has massive arsenals of missiles and weapons, and India knows this.

It is not just the threat if nuclear annihilation that keeps India at bay its the understanding that regardless of india's more purchasing power Pakistan has the weapons and ability to hit all across India and kill millions of indians
well sir with alldeu respect to your millitarry and ashrafia the biggest problem with pakistan is that they never realli learned any lessons from all the wars it faught with india and still isreluctant and consequences are all too clear for every one to see (that is if the want to aknowledge it)

on the second point pakistan alweays tryed to match india on one to one basis as per milltarry equipment

well do you know that even india has all those so called "neuklear wepons"

as for anhilationg the opponent with neuklear strike well trust me sir we have many other ways and tools to do that and even we dont have to use force :)
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