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Indian Military Disengagement on Chinese Terms: It means India lost.

Honestly speaking i see Indians having PLA withdraw as an Indian victory even if at a heavy cost. I say so because PLA had a clear strategic advantage and could have gone way ahead if it wanted but Indians making them withdraw is their victory and credit must be given where its due.

Honestly speaking i see Indians having PLA withdraw as an Indian victory even if at a heavy cost. I say so because PLA had a clear strategic advantage and could have gone way ahead if it wanted but Indians making them withdraw is their victory and credit must be given where its due.

I understand your sentiment. But it’s also an outlook of a second hand imperialist. I believe that Indians should breakup their own country for the benefit of people of India today. Chinese and Pakistani should defend their own territory. But besides taking territories that belongs to them, it’s not the responsibility of Pakistan and China to liberate the people of India and overturn this second hand British imperialism. The people of India need to liberate themselves.
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