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Indian Military Disengagement on Chinese Terms: It means India lost.

Actually,India achieved spiritual victories in this case. And the world should celebrate with India in such victories.

This comes after the Indian spiritual victories last year’s February 27th.

India rack up spiritual victories two years in a row. Maybe Nepal and Sri Lanka can join in the celebration and hand over India more spiritual victories.
few questions with my Indian fellows:
1) where is the Indian Gov official statement, Media is a very weak source to prove the legitimacy
2) Where are the Satellite images confirm that China is not into Indian claim territory?
3) why the buffer zone created between two forces, Isn't china into Indian areas. Why both forces going back from the buffer zone, isn't china suppose to move back, Why Indian forces are stepping back from their claim areas.
4) China moves back, but how far? The New Buffer zone is formulated on china captured land from India and china move back but still in Indian claim territories. We can easily say china came forward two steps in Indian areas and move back one step.
5) In the Buffer Zone, why India have no right anymore in Buffer Zone? Wow crazy. No power in my area.
This statement from china looks simple, but disengagement of both forces means china was so many KM inside of Indian territories, and this statement proves that china still inside India unless India showed satellite images. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1193236.shtml
PP-14, PP-15, PP-16, PP-17, and PP-17A used to be an Indian patrolling area and now become a buffer zone. So question with Indian fellow which war you win in Indian Media with China.
What is the benefit of Pakistan in India-China Skishirim? These are the point India almost agreed with china; rest issue will settle slowly
China made an explicit agreement with India, don't road blockers in CPEC and India show commitment with china.
China made India on the table that no more Indian infrastructure on LAC and LOC to use against the CPEC project.
China also clear on point with India's no demographic change after the removal of article 370 from Kashimir. No more Change status of the majority into a minority and not allowing any mining in those areas.

on this Indian article, we can say it will take time https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...e-in-place-of-troops/articleshow/76821975.cms

This china new claim is like an Elm street of a nightmare for Indian who are enjoying time being victory in Indian Media

Is Indian gov a facilitator of china's occupation in the Indian area? Why don't those agreements come to the public, which is Indian Gov accepted with china?

Small consolation to cheerleaders after all they deserve as much after non stop cheerleading for 20 days. Chinese terms which were acceptable to India. Yet Chinese won for making such acceptable terms. Kudos to PDF logic.
Small consolation to cheerleaders after all they deserve as much after non stop cheerleading for 20 days. Chinese terms which were acceptable to India. Yet Chinese won for making such acceptable terms. Kudos to PDF logic.
Do you think you(Ajit Devil in a company) made cleverly move with China while putting them in the dark and keep buying the gears/time to survive in upcoming weather to deal with more than 50k Chinese PLA in the area? Or making victory, how you fool china with your victim cards and Chinese get fool with Indian mantra.right ?
Indians only care victory on social media and news media. Anything on reality on ground, they don't care.

This is how we create a win-win situation for Indians and it’s neighbors. In Galwan valley. Both side scored victories. With India scored a clear win in spiritual victory. While China took over some land. This is the win -win situation that both sides should strive for. Indians should be proud of their spiritual victories.
This is how we create a win-win situation for Indians and it’s neighbors. In Galwan valley. Both side scored victories. With India scored a clear win in spiritual victory. While China took over some land. This is the win -win situation that both sides should strive for. Indians should be proud of their spiritual victories.

I am not sure if China got some territory. I am sure Indian govt will never agree for that. The moment that happens, the incumbent govt will fall. However, you are free to think you won some territory.

On the other hand - the latest events really opened the eyes of India. India was thinking that China will be happy with the trade deficits etc. India was woken-up from those wishful dreams.

If chinese consider, they won in all this. It is up to them to think like that.

Good for India: India is woken up from wishful dreams. India has no option other than align with USA. Previously, many socialists / communists of India were on a "high" thinking as if USA needs India. It is India which needs USA, and not vice versa.
Bad for India: India will have to invest resources in 2-front war.
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LOL even during defeat Indians have the nerve to pretend they scored a victory LOL The beauty is that they beg on Pakistani forums to remain relevant.
I am sure Indian govt will never agree for that. The moment that happens, the incumbent govt will fall.
Yes. You're beginning to understand now.

So, if Modi needs to secure his job for another five years, as well as his and the BJP's legacy, he isn't about to agree with his own defence ministry and admit to you guys that: India had its territory occupied by China from the middle of June, India failed to militarily dislodge China and Chinese infrastructure from Indian territory on 15th June, and that this present buffer zone exists on the Indian side of the original LAC, is he?

Do you get it now?
Honestly speaking i see Indians having PLA withdraw as an Indian victory even if at a heavy cost. I say so because PLA had a clear strategic advantage and could have gone way ahead if it wanted but Indians making them withdraw is their victory and credit must be given where its due.
This disengagement can be summarized in two words:

Surrendered Modi
Yes. You're beginning to understand now.

So, if Modi needs to secure his job for another five years, as well as his and the BJP's legacy, he isn't about to agree with his own defence ministry and admit to you guys that: India had its territory occupied by China from the middle of June, India failed to militarily dislodge China and Chinese infrastructure from Indian territory on 15th June, and that this present buffer zone exists on the Indian side of the original LAC, is he?

Do you get it now?

This will discussed / dissected in minute manner. There are many socialists / communists / anti-nationals (India is enourmously blessed with so many of them) in India, desperately waiting to use an iota of any truth in this.

Modi is not a person who will surrender territory. Imagine the samething happened and Rahul Gandhi is the PM.

Irrespective - You can think what ever you want. But how does any of this benefit Pak?
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