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Indian military capable of detecting any intrusion: Says DRDO

After all these threads started about if India can perform the surgical strike operation into Pakistan. This is the thread that measure itself with Pakistan. I think India is like Pakistan in this regard. The Seal Team 6 can easily go into India, take out someone 30 miles from New Delhi and leave with the person's body before India can detect the Seal Team. The result should be the same as if US go into Pakistan. Finally, India would do nothing about it. Just like Pakistan.

I think the India military establishment is hurting a bit after OBL. The US just did what India for years and years only dreamt of, but knew it couldn't pull off.
After all these threads started about if India can perform the surgical strike operation into Pakistan. This is the thread that measure itself with Pakistan. I think India is like Pakistan in this regard. The Seal Team 6 can easily go into India, take out someone 30 miles from New Delhi and leave with the person's body before India can detect the Seal Team. The result should be the same as if US go into Pakistan. Finally, India would do nothing about it. Just like Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

You are underestimating India. India can defeat both China and Pakistan within 72 hours.

Just because India didn't attacked Pakistan,INDIA =PAKISTAN ???Sh*t the way you think ,then does that mean CHINA =TAIWAN ???

No way

thank to israel for their green pine radar.

is their anything operational from DRDO?

When you enterd this thread ,did you ever look at so many threads running here ???Like DHRUV,LCA,ARJUN & RADARS and SURVEILLANCE or you are a plain stup a** to ignore these stuffs .
After all these threads started about if India can perform the surgical strike operation into Pakistan. This is the thread that measure itself with Pakistan. I think India is like Pakistan in this regard. The Seal Team 6 can easily go into India, take out someone 30 miles from New Delhi and leave with the person's body before India can detect the Seal Team. The result should be the same as if US go into Pakistan. Finally, India would do nothing about it. Just like Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

You are underestimating India. India can defeat both China and Pakistan within 72 hours.

LOL!! And you know the best and the worst about our defense capability.....dude everybody knows ur a hater ...you dont have to go ruining each and every thread about India and its capability just to satisfy your stupid ego.....I mean how in the world can you even claim the bullshit what you just claimed...about a raid in India similar to Pakistan?? Do you really think that would be possible??..then why dont you guys try it and take out the Holy Dalai Lama??[Who according to you is a terrorist] Then you can definitely find out ...And btw if you were being sarcastic disregard my post...And on the India defeating china lol K according to my knowledge no Indian will claim we are better than China..But then we wont go down with out a fight.
After all these threads started about if India can perform the surgical strike operation into Pakistan. This is the thread that measure itself with Pakistan. I think India is like Pakistan in this regard. The Seal Team 6 can easily go into India, take out someone 30 miles from New Delhi and leave with the person's body before India can detect the Seal Team. The result should be the same as if US go into Pakistan. Finally, India would do nothing about it. Just like Pakistan.

In your wet dream. US will never dare to do that inside India or any other powerful country.

You are underestimating India. India can defeat both China and Pakistan within 72 hours.

You are underestimating India as well we can defeat rest of the world in 72 hours. :lol: Loser.

False, China and Pakistan would surrender en mass before a shot is fired.
What is new about surrender? lol
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