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Indian men sexually harass Israeli female backpackers


Indian men sexually harass Israeli female backpackers
Four women staying at secluded guest house in Kasar Devi recall ‘hell’ of drunken men slipping notes under their door asking for sexual favors, peeking through windows and attempting to break in.
Itamar Eichner|Published: 08.21.18 , 14:20

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Following ther incident, the father of one of the women called the operational hotline of Magnus International Search and Rescue services to ask for help.

The rescue company called the local police and instructed the Israeli women how to respond in case the men manage to break into the room.

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The incident commenced around 2am in Kasar Devi, a relatively small and isolated village located in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand.

The father of one of the backpackers who contacted the rescue services siad "somebody was attempting to break into their room."

"Letters with blatant sexual proposals were slid under the door," the father added.

"(Somebody) was peeking through the window with a flashlight," according to the rescue company's agent who called the Israeli backpackers at the time of the incident.

"After 15 minutes the men left the premises. However, the women remained terrified. They felt like they were still in danger and did not know whether the men would come back," the Magnus agent said.


"At some point we were very concerned that the men would break into the room and asked the backpackers to send us a picture (of the room). We saw the room had windows, so we instructed the women to take out the curtains stick and use it for defense in case the drunken men succeeded in entering the room," he explained.

Notes slid under the door with sexual proposals " titlecredit="" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-family: arial; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; pointer-events: none !important; cursor: default !important;">
Notes slid under the door with sexual proposals

Only after two hours of anxiety, the police arrived at the scene and accompanied the backpackers to the nearest Chabad house where they spent Shabbat.


One of the girls, identified as K., 22, who was involved in the incident, said that she and three more young Israelis arrived at the guest house very late and were eager to go to bed. "But, there was one man who began harassing us."

"At the beginning, he offered us water. Then he slipped a letter under the door asking us to join his bed. We were shocked. We didn't fully realized what was happening and told him to go away, but he continued and suddenly we saw him peeking through the window with a flashlight," K. recalled.

"I called my father in hysterics in Israel and he contacted Magnus that took charge of matter. In the meantime, the man didn't give up trying to break through the door shouting: 'Lady, give me a kiss,'" K. added.

Another one of the girls, identified as A., described the experience as "hell. There is no other way to put it. (It was) like a horror movie."

Hilik Magnus, the founder and chief rescuer of Magnus, said the aforementioned incident is the third one within the last three months in which drunken Indians have attempted to break into the rooms of Israeli female backpackers staying in guest houses.
Does anyone expect anything different news from india ? Israelis after russians and soon it will be American women. Maybe that's why peace doesn't prevail between india and Pakistan. They will start harassing our tourist women . As they do with their friendly nations
Now Israeli women visiting India are being raped and harrassed, oh the strategic friendship is being misused by Indian men.

Reminds me of this song lol

Now Israeli women visiting India are being raped and harrassed, oh the strategic friendship is being misused by Indian men.

Reminds me of this song lol

Swear that's one of the most cheesy thing I have seen as far as my memory serve.

Strategic partnership where woman (India) need man (Israel) protection . :D
Why people go straight to boobs and vagina? There are so many things to be explored and savoured. Navel, abdomen, armpits, liplock, cheeks, shoulders, back... etc. I personally feel women look most sensual in saree.

Lol wtf???

Indian men sexually harass Israeli female backpackers
Four women staying at secluded guest house in Kasar Devi recall ‘hell’ of drunken men slipping notes under their door asking for sexual favors, peeking through windows and attempting to break in.
Itamar Eichner|Published: 08.21.18 , 14:20

Facebook and Twitter

Following ther incident, the father of one of the women called the operational hotline of Magnus International Search and Rescue services to ask for help.

The rescue company called the local police and instructed the Israeli women how to respond in case the men manage to break into the room.

Additional Videos

The incident commenced around 2am in Kasar Devi, a relatively small and isolated village located in the northern Indian state of Uttarakhand.

The father of one of the backpackers who contacted the rescue services siad "somebody was attempting to break into their room."

"Letters with blatant sexual proposals were slid under the door," the father added.

"(Somebody) was peeking through the window with a flashlight," according to the rescue company's agent who called the Israeli backpackers at the time of the incident.

"After 15 minutes the men left the premises. However, the women remained terrified. They felt like they were still in danger and did not know whether the men would come back," the Magnus agent said.


"At some point we were very concerned that the men would break into the room and asked the backpackers to send us a picture (of the room). We saw the room had windows, so we instructed the women to take out the curtains stick and use it for defense in case the drunken men succeeded in entering the room," he explained.

Notes slid under the door with sexual proposals " titlecredit="" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; font-family: arial; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative; pointer-events: none !important; cursor: default !important;">
Notes slid under the door with sexual proposals

Only after two hours of anxiety, the police arrived at the scene and accompanied the backpackers to the nearest Chabad house where they spent Shabbat.


One of the girls, identified as K., 22, who was involved in the incident, said that she and three more young Israelis arrived at the guest house very late and were eager to go to bed. "But, there was one man who began harassing us."

"At the beginning, he offered us water. Then he slipped a letter under the door asking us to join his bed. We were shocked. We didn't fully realized what was happening and told him to go away, but he continued and suddenly we saw him peeking through the window with a flashlight," K. recalled.

"I called my father in hysterics in Israel and he contacted Magnus that took charge of matter. In the meantime, the man didn't give up trying to break through the door shouting: 'Lady, give me a kiss,'" K. added.

Another one of the girls, identified as A., described the experience as "hell. There is no other way to put it. (It was) like a horror movie."

Hilik Magnus, the founder and chief rescuer of Magnus, said the aforementioned incident is the third one within the last three months in which drunken Indians have attempted to break into the rooms of Israeli female backpackers staying in guest houses.
When in rome.
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