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Indian Media Speculating PLA Invasion From North, Both Sides Build Up Troops and Tanks in DBO Sector

The Indian army doesn’t maintain their t 90s very well. Look at how their t 90s handle a slight incline
India isn't even in the top 11 of the Tank Biathlon rankings ... their crew is even worse than the Angolan crew lol.
Nothing going to happen as China is too coward to start full fledge invasion of India.....and even if they do by mistake then T90/kalyani/M777 is there to roast them alive.....
Multiple mainstream News outlets are quoting today of massive Chinese troop build up and maneuvering around the DBO sector, all speculating of PLA invasion. The IA is also making deployments to counter the PLA moves .
Some extracts from Hindustan Times
With the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) deploying close to 50,000 troops in Aksai Chin, the Indian Army for the first time has deployed a squadron (12) T-90 missile firing tanks, armoured personnel carriers (APCs) and a full troop brigade (4,000 men) at Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO) to prevent any Chinese aggression from the Shaksgam-Karakoram pass axis, according to top military commanders familiar with the matter.
As some bridges on the Darbuk-Shyok-DBO road cannot handle the weight of a 46 ton T-90 tank, the Indian Army commanders sent the T-90 tanks after the June 15 Galwan flare-up by fording the rivers and rivulets using specialized equipment. The armoured personnel carriers (APCs) or infantry combat vehicles , M 777 155mm howitzers, and 130 mm guns had already been sent to DBO after Chinese aggression at patrolling points 14, 15, 16 , 17 and the Pangong Tso finger features.
Already China has built some 36 kilometres of road in the Shaksgam Valley (5163 square kilometres were illegally ceded by Pakistan to China in 1963), and Indian military planners fear that PLA will link the G-219 (Lhasa-Kashgar) highway to Karakoram pass through the Shaksgam pass.
Even though this will require tunnelling under the permafrost of Shaksgam glacier, the Chinese have the technical ability to complete the job.
The fear is that once the link is completed, the PLA will put pressure on DBO from the north as it needs a buffer to prevent the Indian Army from targeting the road.

A fruition of this plan would have made Indian army positions untenable not only at DBO but also at Siachen as the outpost is linked to Sansoma (crucial base on Nubra river before Siachen) via Saser la-Murgo axis.


As mentioned multiple times before, the real deal will come from the north(DBO) where PLA has two Mechanised Divisions. Maybe PA and PAF might put some pressure later here! This is India's most vulnerable enclave or to say ACHILLES HEEL.:pakistan::china:
It’s no fun any longer....

Both General McArthur and Secretary McNamara learnt it the hard way...
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