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Indian media bullshit again - IAF cause Karachi panick

this guy gosawami is a total crown and mouthpiece of bjp

They have surrender to China, Their military have directed them not to talk against China. so just desperately trying hard to take away attention from LAC to Pakistan and Muslims with their usual national trait of lies and deceits.

wish China happy slicing at LAC, these lowly subhumans rightly or wrongly will remain obsessed with Pakistan and for that they are ready to surrender everything to China.
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Indians are indeed the bully of South Asia, bring poverty and misfortunes to whole south Asian people and neighbors

i agree,

If you want to follow Indian press, i think there are few sensible sources like The Wire, Indian Express, NDTV, There are people like Pravin Swahney and General HS Panag which you should follow. (nothing is sensible in India when its about Pakistan)..

rest of hindutva terrorist propaganda is to protect cowardice of Indian military, vilify Indian Muslims and blame Pakistan for everything by publishing fake news.
i agree,

If you want to follow Indian press, i think there are few sensible sources like The Wire, Indian Express, NDTV, There are people like Pravin Swahney and General HS Panag which you should follow. (nothing is sensible in India when its about Pakistan)..

rest of hindutva terrorist propaganda is to protect cowardice of Indian military, vilify Indian Muslims and blame Pakistan for everything by publishing fake news.
What kind of debate that host don’t allow people to speak and talk over them? This is worse than foxnews
On a dark midnight, a loud roar rumbled over New Delhi
Mumbai was rattled awake from their sleep by an assassin
Across India, the startled were jolted upright in their homes

Then Indians saw the green and white crescent of a fearless nation lighting up the night sky with an intense blaze
A thunderous force had shattered the mirage of its enemy. It could only be second to none
It was then Indians had realized they had made a terrible mistake by angering their neighbor
The Vipers unsheathed their sword and the ground shook like an earthquake
The assassin had come to exact his revenge with a sharp knife
Indians feared for their life and fled for cover in their homes
It could only be a nation with a vengeance
Pakistan had arrived
What kind of debate that host don’t allow people to speak and talk over them? This is worse than foxnews

the louder you bark, the more truthful you are. Thats what bharat propaganda beleive, but sadly the volume of guests is controlled by control room, so mostly govt representatives are heard louder. lol

As for this anchor, well he is famous for his behavior. even Aljazeera published a short video on his hosting.
Establishment needs to put eyes in US establishment and let them know no Afghan process facilitation if the bull shit continues from Indian side as many Indians Civil servants are now on CIA Pay roll
the louder you bark, the more truthful you are. Thats what bharat propaganda beleive, but sadly the volume of guests is controlled by control room, so mostly govt representatives are heard louder. lol

As for this anchor, well he is famous for his behavior. even Aljazeera published a short video on his hosting.

I have learned to never be surprised how low Indians can go

this guy gosawami is a total clown deuchebag and mouthpiece of bjp

I think the indian fighter pilots forgot how to fly to Ladakh and instead came near Karachi. What could be the reason they conveniently forgot how to reach Ladakh?..........:azn:
Please stop posting BS Indian propaganda and brain farts.

This is a country and military that has been caught lying through its teeth about shooting down Pakistan jets & surgical strikes and is so paranoid that the arrests of pigeons, camels, goats, cows and other assorted livestock on the suspicion of being 'Pakistani spies' is commonplace.

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