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‘Indian media bluffs’ – Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka to build 1-GW nuclear power plant by 2030

Sri Lanka is to have its first nuclear power plant within the next 20 years to generate cheap electricity to draw large investments and boost its post-war economy, a top government official said.

"We have received government clearance to set up a nuclear power plant of 1,000 MW," M.M.C. Ferdinando, the secretary of the Ministry of Power and Energy told an investor forum in Colombo.

Ferdinando said the government would begin feasibility studies soon for nuclear power in addition to coal, and hoped to get safety approval from the World Atomic Energy Authority.

"You have to have the plant and safety measures for disposal before starting the plant by 2030."

Sri Lanka plans to cut its diesel power dependence to 20 percent of total electricity generation by 2017 once both coal power plants have started full operation.

Sri Lanka to build 1-GW nuclear power plant by 2030 | Reuters

Ya 2030 is near future right !!! Y dont u publish news that is gonna take place around 2050 ?!!! :lol:
Ya 2030 is near future right !!! Y dont u publish news that is gonna take place around 2050 ?!!! :lol:

Ferdinando said the government would begin feasibility studies soon for nuclear power in addition to coal, and hoped to get safety approval from the World Atomic Energy Authority.

Our nuclear power plant still under feasibility studies.....
Whats the problem with SL having a nuke plant??
It's not about SL having a nuke plant. The Indians don't want Pakistanis anywhere near SL as it may eventually affect India's security by posing a threat from the South.

Nuclear plants today, Naval and air bases tomorrow, and later, enriched Uranium from SLs nuclear reactors to feed Pakistan's nuclear stockpile!! :smokin:

It's a corny line of thinking but then that's how it is.
Ferdinando said the government would begin feasibility studies soon for nuclear power in addition to coal, and hoped to get safety approval from the World Atomic Energy Authority.

Our nuclear power plant still under feasibility studies.....

We dont care... but we dont want chinese or Pakistanis, helpin out your nuke power plant... Got it?
We dont care... but we dont want chinese or Pakistanis, helpin out your nuke power plant... Got it?

Next year, January 2013. you can see, who is going to build our nuke power plant....

I will post the link of that thread on your PDF profile....

Let's wait & see.........
GOI to pressurize GoSL: Joke of the Day

Sri Lanka rejects call to withdraw army from north

Sri Lanka's president has rejected a call by Indian legislators to withdraw soldiers from the island's former war zone in the north where minority Tamils are concentrated, his spokesman said Sunday.

President Mahinda Rajapakse told a delegation of visiting Indian lawmakers that troops could not be pulled out despite the end of the decades-long Tamil separatist war in 2009.

"The president explained that there are troops elsewhere in the country as well," spokesman Bandula Jayasekera told AFP. "They are not only in the north."

The visiting delegation was the first team of Indian MPs to visit the island since Sri Lankan forces crushed the Tamil Tiger rebels, ending an ethnic conflict which had claimed up to 100,000 lives.

Sri Lankan forces have a strong presence across the north, which was badly damaged during decades of fighting.

AFP: Sri Lanka rejects call to withdraw army from north

Srilanka has did the Right thing by Rejecting Tamil Nadu politicians calls to reduce military presence in Northern Part, Srilanka must not allow LTTE to re group at any cost, Because LTTE is such a ruthless terroist organization,

In my opinion Srilanka has to provide equal rights to Tamil People, Improve the Infrastructure along the Northern areas, What ever promises did Srilanka's President made has to be fullfilled,
Srilanka has did the Right thing by Rejecting Tamil Nadu politicians calls to reduce military presence in Northern Part, Srilanka must not allow LTTE to re group at any cost, Because LTTE is such a ruthless terroist organization,

In my opinion Srilanka has to provide equal rights to Tamil People, Improve the Infrastructure along the Northern areas, What ever promises did Srilanka's President made has to be fullfilled,

I do agree SL should be maintaining army presence in north to prevent LTTE from regrouping.

Back to the topic, India should not have issue with SL having nuclear plant in its vicinity but it need to be satisfied it has enough safeguards. As the SL/India energy grids will be interconnected as and surplus energy can be shared.

Having stated that, the concern around what the level of influence China or Pakistan in SL is genuine.

But instead of panicking now and then on various developments, India need to have a robust foreign policy wrt SL. India is in a reactive mode with SL. SL uses the foreign power bogeyman now and then and India dances to this tune. And I have seen many Indian members here panic about having China in SL and India missing out on opportunities including Hambantotta and some blame TN people and politicians.

I liked what Ajtr stated in another thread - kind of Monroe doctrine. If India sees somewhat of a threat coming from SL, India should not hesitate the reduce the threat and if it is a military intervention, so be it.

I want to quote this snippet from a document(not published by India) published by some reputed Indians and being discussed actively in another thread "By the same token, however, India is at times perceived as a power that, even when its
interests are adversely affected, can do no harm: that is overly passive. In a range of
relationships and contexts, India’s ability to retaliate is seen as limited. Here, our big
challenge will be at once to develop a repertoire of instruments to signal—and where
necessary to establish—that there will be serious costs to attempts to coerce Indian
judgements or actions, while at the same time ensuring that we do not appear threatening
to our many friends and well-wishers."


This is what we have to do wrt to not only SL but also to many neighbours in our vicinity(I would say including Myanmar)
You've got your equations dead wrong. The Indians helped the Sri Lankan Army to defeat the LTTE with everything from satellite surveillance to military advisers to prosecute the war. However, the Indians had nothing to do with the pogrom committed by the Sri Lankan Army on the Tamils during the closing stages of the ops!

So don't shoot from the hip when you know squat! :P

Wonder why the powerful India didn't do anything to stop the genocide after so much they have done to defeat LTTE..?

Where were the military advisers advising...? huh!

Where were the satellites when the most needed to get intel of the genocide..?

Lion's share to India and the ugly junks to Sri Lanka!

In my opinion Srilanka has to provide equal rights to Tamil People, Improve the Infrastructure along the Northern areas, What ever promises did Srilanka's President made has to be fullfilled,

Oh Tamils have every right.. some times too much. SLG should start first by amending a new act on the thesawalamei law!
GOI to pressurize GoSL: Joke of the Day

Sri Lanka rejects call to withdraw army from north

Sri Lanka's president has rejected a call by Indian legislators to withdraw soldiers from the island's former war zone in the north where minority Tamils are concentrated, his spokesman said Sunday.

President Mahinda Rajapakse told a delegation of visiting Indian lawmakers that troops could not be pulled out despite the end of the decades-long Tamil separatist war in 2009.

"The president explained that there are troops elsewhere in the country as well," spokesman Bandula Jayasekera told AFP. "They are not only in the north."

The visiting delegation was the first team of Indian MPs to visit the island since Sri Lankan forces crushed the Tamil Tiger rebels, ending an ethnic conflict which had claimed up to 100,000 lives.

Sri Lankan forces have a strong presence across the north, which was badly damaged during decades of fighting.

AFP: Sri Lanka rejects call to withdraw army from north
out dated article couln't you find something from present instead 4 month old irrelevant wall of text, or did you not had a reply handy bold guy.

Wonder why the powerful India didn't do anything to stop the genocide after so much they have done to defeat LTTE..?

Where were the military advisers advising...? huh!

Where were the satellites when the most needed to get intel of the genocide..?

Lion's share to India and the ugly junks to Sri Lanka!

Oh Tamils have every right.. some times too much. SLG should start first by amending a new act on the thesawalamei law!
Save it buddy, it might help you not to make the same mistake again. RAW provided all the intel on LTTE's movement to top Sri Lankan Military brass.

India’s RAW observes Sri Lanka’s North from air in secret hi-tech plane

A day after the Sri Lankan army took over Kilinochchi, the so-called administrative capital of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and pushed the harried rebels to the northern jungles of Mullaithivu, India has sent a select team of officials from the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) on a secret surveillance mission across the Palk Straits.

The Times of India quoted unnamed sources in a report published today as saying that an aircraft belonging to the Air Research Centre (ARC), a top secret wing of Indian external intelligence agency (RAW), took off from Chennai airport around 3am on Saturday, January 3.

However, the sources refused to confirm if the ARC exercise was undertaken on a request from the Sri Lankan government.

"The ARC aircraft, which took off from Chennai with high-tech espionage equipment, flew quite close to the Sri Lankan coast and got back to another airport without returning to Chennai," the newspaper further quoted its source as saying.

ARC has a fleet of Boeings and Embraers fitted with some of the best cameras for high-altitude photography. They can fly well above 40,000 feet.

The vision of the cameras, made on the lines of satellite cameras, can penetrate clouds and get photographs of spatial resolution of less than one metre. This means a small vehicle or even a person on the ground can be photographed from a height of 40,000 feet and above.

For civilian flights, there are internationally accepted pre-set codes. But the ARC aircraft use codes and call signs other than these, and keep changing them before every exercise.

The exercises are so secretive that ARC uses its own pilots, and not even those from the Indian Air Force (IAF). There is no fixed air base for ARC. It uses civilian airports and IAF air bases.

A Chennai airport source told the daily that there was little notice for ARC’s January 3 mission. The flight came from some other airfield and took off from Chennai on its secret mission.

transCurrents: India?s RAW observes Sri Lanka?s North from air in secret hi-tech plane
Wonder why the powerful India didn't do anything to stop the genocide after so much they have done to defeat LTTE..?

Where were the military advisers advising...? huh!

Where were the satellites when the most needed to get intel of the genocide..?

Lion's share to India and the ugly junks to Sri Lanka!

Was aircraft over M’tivu an RAW spy plane?
Seen flying back across Palk Straits

Mystery surrounds the sighting of an unidentified aircraft over Mullaitivu around 8.30 pm on Tuesday.

It had been spotted coming in from the direction of the Palk Straits and returning whence it came.

"It was at a considerable height. The Navy fired at the aircraft from their boats without success. Both, the Navy and Air Force had noticed the mysterious aircraft with a bright light," Air Force spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara told The Island.

Asked whether the aircraft could have landed somewhere in Mullaitivu before flying back, the Wing Commander said that it was not possible given the high altitude and the short time it had taken to fly back.

The Island on January 7 reported that an RAW spy plane had flown over Sri Lanka’s theatre of war in the North.

In that news item, RAW watches northern front from air, our special Indian correspondent Venkat Narayan quoting the Times of India (TI) said that after the Sri Lankan forces captured Kilinochchi, India had sent a team of select officials from the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) on a secret surveillance mission across the Palk Straits.

Quoting unnamed sources, TI said that an aircraft belonging to the Air Research Centre (ARC), a top secret wing of the RAW, had taken off from the Chennai Airport around 3 am on Saturday, January 3.

But the sources TI quoted had refused to confirm whether the mission had been carried out on a request by the Sri Lanka government.

The RAW aircraft is capable of flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet and photographing objects that were only one metre above the ground level.

Military intelligence was unable to confirm whether yesterday’s sighting over Mullaitivu had any connection to the RAW mission on January 3.

The Island reliably learns that the Sri Lankan government has not granted permission for RAW to carry out surveillance missions.

1. RAW Agency and Sri Lanka

There are twists and turns in India's interference in Sri Lankan affair. The news at the time of this writing is that Indian Government wishes to send humanitarian help to the Tamil people in northeastern regions of the Sri Lankan island under Tamil control [that is, under LTTE control)]. The aid would include construction crews from Indian government and private companies to build roads and buildings. We wonder how many of the construction crew would be Indian spies from the intelligence agency RAW (The acronym RAW stands for Research and Analysis Wing. It is not just an agency analyzing intelligence data; it has active agents in many countries. RAW agents have been very active in Sri Lanka for at least two decades. RAW agents have allegedly interfered in Sri Lankan politics, as well as arranged weapons and training for a number of militant groups fighting the Sri Lankan army.) RAW agents had difficulty operating in areas under LTTE control because outsiders stand out in this area of limited population where everyone knows the neighbours. Sending in construction crew provides an ideal opportunity for RAW agents to spy inside LTTE-controlled areas.

2. India's Trojan Horse

Some readers may ask, "Why are you looking a gift horse in the mouth?" India's offer to send construction crew to Tamil-held areas is no ordinary gift horse. It is a Trojan horse (see the classic Greek epic Illiad by the ancient poet Homer.) According to some scholars, the story of Illiad revolves around wars that took place about 3500 years ago. Greeks laid siege to the city of Troy. Troy was surrounded by impregnable walls and the siege lasted for over nine years. Having failed to enter the city by military might, the Greeks turned to trickery. They built a huge hollow wooden horse, filled it with about one hundred soldiers and left it outside the city wall. The rest of the Greek soldiers got into their ships and sailed to the sea. The Trojans saw the horse left outside their city, came out and wheeled it into the city. Night came. As the people and soldiers of Troy rested after much merrymaking at the retreat of the Greeks, the hidden soldiers got out of the horse and killed the sentries posted to watch the city gate. By then the remaining Greek soldiers had returned at dark from sea to the outside of Troy. The soldiers from the horse opened the city doors and let those soldiers in. What followed was the massacre of every male, young and old alike, and the captivity of the females to be sold as slaves. This is the story of Illiad. India's sudden offer to provide humanitarian aid to Tamil people in the form of construction crew reminds me very much of the Trojan horse and the fall of Troy. We can learn not only from history but also from mythology and fiction.

3. India and the Sri Lankan Peace Talks

India's sudden generosity and concern for the Tamil people should be viewed in proper perspective. What did India do so far during the past couple of years after temporary peace came in this war ravaged region following ceasefire between the Sri Lankan military and LTTE in 2002? What kind of humanitarian aid did it give to the Tamil people or what kind of assistance did it give to help the difficult peace process?

A ceasefire between the Sri Lankan Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) was signed on February 23, 2002. The Sri Lankan Government, the LTTE and the peace talks facilitator (the Government of Norway) started looking into modes of holding peace talks. Dr. Anton Balasingham was appointed as its chief negotiator by LTTE. He lived in the United Kingdom (UK). He has diabetes and had a kidney transplant. He needed adequate medical care. He would not have access to such care if talks were to be held in LTTE controlled area. LTTE did not want to hold talks in southern Sri Lanka because of security concerns for the Tamil negotiators. If talks were to be held in a distant country, it would require long air travel for Balasinham to come to LTTE headquarters in northern Sri Lanka for consultations. The nearest country is India. Southern India is so close that Balasingam could helicopter from southern India to northern Sri Lanka for consultations every day, if necessary. Indian Government refused to allow LTTE negotiators on its soil even for the noble purpose of peace talks. Since India would not allow peace talks in India, LTTE down-sized its request and asked that Dr. Balasingham be allowed to stay in southern India (where adequate medical facilities are available) and helicopter to northern Sri Lanka for peace talks. India would not allow even one man to set foot in India. [This is the same government that was planning in 2000 to evacuate and bring in to south India over twenty thousand Sri Lankan soldiers who were encircled by LTTE in Jaffna. Soldiers from an army that equipped LTTE with weapons to fight the Indian army in the late 1980s.]

Peace talks were held in other far away places (in Thailand, Norway, ...), at some inconvenience to Balasingham because of the long flight to come and consult with LTTE leadership in northern Sri Lanka.

4. Donor's Conference in Norway

A "peace support" conference was held in in Oslo, Norway in November 2002, where many countries pledged financial aid to reconstruct war ravaged areas. India refused to attend this conference because LTTE representatives would be present there along with Sri Lankan Government representatives. After much persuasion by many countries, India grudgingly agreed to send a lower level staff from the Norwegian embassy. Contrast this with what the United States of America (USA) and United Kingdom (UK) did. LTTE is a proscribed organization in these two countries too. US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and British International Development Minister Claire Short represented their respective countries at the conference. These are very high-level officials and were present there to show their support for peace talks and reconstruction efforts. USA made it clear that it would not talk or interact with LTTE representatives. Yet it participated because the conference was held for the noble causes of peace, reconciliation and reconstruction of Sri Lanka torn by ethnic conflict for decades.

More than 30 countries pledged seventy million US Dollars at the conference. Notable absence in the list of donors was India. India did not contribute a single dollar. This same Indian Government had given or loaned "at favorable terms" 100 million US Dollars to the Sri Lankan Government, some of which was used to build army barracks in Tamil areas. The Indian newspaper Hindu, which is usually pro-Sri Lankan Government, called it "India's indirect contribution to Sri Lanka's war effort". So much for India's humanitarian concern for Tamil refugees.

5. Construction Crew and Indian Spies

Now India wants to send construction crews to LTTE-held Tamil areas. India would not allow even one man, Dr. Balasingham, to set foot in India but it wants LTTE to allow hundreds of its men and women into Tamil regions. Indian Government says that though it would go to LTTE-controlled areas to provide humanitarian assistance, it would not make any contact with LTTE. Then why did it send only a token lower-level local staff to attend the November 2002 "peace-support" conference in Oslo, Norway on the grounds that a few LTTE representatives were present at the conference? If it has any concern for the long-suffering Tamil people, it could have participated properly in the conference without making any contact with LTTE representatives, as America did. That is what countries with a humanitarian heart would do. India would not participate in the Oslo Conference because there were a few LTTE representatives there but is willing to send hundreds of its men and women into areas where there are thousands of LTTE cadres! Why? What is the reason?

Reason is staring at our face. India wants to send its spies (RAW agents and others) into LTTE areas to identify strategic targets, LTTE camps, weapons locations and the whereabouts of LTTE commanders and leaders. Such information would be passed on to the Sri Lankan military. It is well known that India provides information about LTTE sea movements to the Sri Lankan Navy. India will also attempt to recruit spies from among the local population.

Indian personnel, either from government agencies or private companies, should not be allowed into areas under Tamil control. Let us not make the mistake the people of Troy made. Let us not wheel in the wooden horse with soldiers hidden in its belly.

If India really wants to provide humanitarian relief to Tamil people, let it contribute monies to the international relief funds like the other countries.
Keep Indian Spies (RAW Agents) out of the Tamil Homeland in Sri Lanka
As if SL gives 2 woot about what India thinks.:lol:
Offcourse they care, How much firepower do we really need to make our point clear. They know they can't ignore giant nation with such a huge military is sitting right above there heads. It's in there best interest to pay heed to our concerns or RAW would be unleashed again. If Bangladesh can care, then what makes you think they won't pay attention to us when we breathe down there necks.
You've got your equations dead wrong. The Indians helped the Sri Lankan Army to defeat the LTTE with everything from satellite surveillance to military advisers to prosecute the war. However, the Indians had nothing to do with the pogrom committed by the Sri Lankan Army on the Tamils during the closing stages of the ops!

So don't shoot from the hip when you know squat! :P

if 10 people from India are refusing to admit, it wouldn't change the fact on ground. Pakistan had a celebration in its GHQ when Sri Lanka had defeated Talims. Now I fail to understand why were we happy for Srilanka defeating Tamil Terrorists :) OR were we celebrating because India had killed Tamil Terrorists and Tamils were terrorizing Pakistan and India helped for which we celebrated? Your stance is bizarre my friend.
Offcourse they care, How much firepower do we really need to make our point clear. They know they can't ignore giant nation with such a huge military is sitting right above there heads. It's in there best interest to pay heed to our concerns or RAW would be unleashed again. If Bangladesh can care, then what makes you think they won't pay attention to us when we breathe down there necks.
Sri Lanka needs to go nuclear to deal with the indian threat. If Pakistan can help, that's great. Bangaldesh, Nepal, Burma and Bhutan all face the same threat.
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