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Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right.

Ramanujan was perhaps the greatest Mathematician when it comes to pure abilities, probably only comparable to Euler.
One of the intresting things about 19th century India is that Indians for the first time were coming in to contact with vast amounts of literature in variety of subjects other than the conventional Indian Knowledge available to sanskrit learning folks. That's preciely why there was a sudden surge of Indian contributions in pure sciences like Mathematics, Physics, Polity, Chemistry and others during the period. while Technology needs capital and material resources, Pure Sciences simply need an enquiring and intutive mind. It's was a new beginning for things uniquely Indian. And the most notable thing about all of this is that the development of new frontiers in Physics. Exchanges, if one could call them that, between India and the West resulted in two things. Indians learned new Political Theories and world saw for the first time in history in action civil Disobedience and Gandhian Struggle that we today take for granted as norm. Indians learned Newtonian Approch in Physics and the west gained in scientific field in radically new fields. Upanishadic Thought inspired many in the west, especially the pioneers of Quantum theory. Physicists of the time to pushed the frontiers of Physics from Newtonian era to Quantum era(at least partially). It's not surprising to see the Indian Physicists of the time making contributions in the fields of cosmolgy and Quantum Physics (in general only in Theoritical Physics).
In contrast to this, Ramanujan was the genius Indian clerk who made contributions to pure Mathematics in his own beautiful way. For a mathematician, ramanujan's methods show the beauty of Absract thinking and the bliss that Mathematics can be.
I think there is a no. named after him - Ramanujam No., don't know how much it is.
The most important thing about Ramanujam is that most of his work was done in Isolation with not much contact with the rest of the Mathematics world. Rest of the mathematicians in Western world had all the access to all kinds of resources but this genius did everything by himself. He rediscovered others Algorithms and invented a huge number of new ones all by himself. It's like he rediscovered work of 10 other mathematicians plus did additional work of 20 others some of which people are not able to decipher to this day..

I think there is a no. named after him - Ramanujam No., don't know how much it is.
the number I think is Hardy Ramanujam number and that is - 1729
Ramanujan Numbers and The Taxicab Problem
the most unfortunate is that he died very early..... had he lived more.... he would have discovered more formulas... and greatly contributed to the scientific community.

Poor chap had a rare disease. And he grown up in a malnutrition environment. And his condition detoriated greatly in England, where the climate was totally different.
A genius.

He was a pure vegetarian, he couldn't get vegetarian food in England because of which he became weak and contracted some disease, when it became serious he was sent back to India.
The guy is worth more than just a mere mention. He is stuff tall enough to have a movie dedicated to him on the lines of movie like "Gandhi"

A film, based on the book The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan by Robert Kanigel, is being made by Edward Pressman and Matthew Brown with R. Madhavan playing Ramanujan
A film, based on the book The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan by Robert Kanigel, is being made by Edward Pressman and Matthew Brown with R. Madhavan playing Ramanujan

It's so unfortunate that such greats are ignored in India and we need people from outside to identify their talent and even to promote them. Sad Affair it is!!
Why do most of the geniuses have rarest of the rare disease? Steven Hawking, Ramanujam and many others. why?

Anyways, Ramanujam gave so much that had he lived longer, he would have bagged at least a dozen Nobel prizes.

Because they are the rarest of the human species, everything they do is special.... same goes for their cause of death.
Truly a gifted and selfless individual. I wish there were more people like him today who work simply for the love of knowledge.
Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right.

Ramanujan, a devout Hindu, thought these patterns were revealed to him by the goddess Namagiri. However, no one at the time understood what he was talking about.

This goes to prove what manipulative Cads even educated westerners are. :tdown:

Goddess Namagiri was Ramanujams 'Kula devi' or family goddess. When asked about his genius for numbers, he humbly answered that he attributed it to the goddess Namagiri. (..bit like Rehman saying his talent is due to Allah)

As Ramanujan was a self taught mathematician he did a lot of calculations in his head and only wrote down the bare essentials due to paucity of paper and ink and because there was no need for him to write down what was already know to him.

A lot of steps was skipped by him because it appeared easy enough for him but was quite difficult to follow for even advanced mathematicians of his time.

This loophole is exploited by to claim 'mathematical patterns were revealed to him in a dream' :disagree: rather than give credit to the genius and admit he was too smart for them to understand.

The advantage of this shameful approach is ..the credit for discovering these formula now go to these 'western mathematicians' :tdown:

IMHO I think he could have achived a lot more sucesses if he was in some European country. But it is great to have a man like Ramanujan from a closer place to us.

...now suddenly Tamils are the same 'Race' as you ? :lol:

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